Have you ever wanted some extra time to play games? Do you just want to stay up all night for fun? Or do you have a sleepover with you and your friends and want to stay up? Whatever reason you have, this article will show you how!


  1. 1
    Plan it out beforehand. You don't want to do this unprepared, unless you're a total night owl. To stay up all night, you need to have some things. If you're planning on sneaking around the house, make a map of your house. Test the floors, chairs, couch, and beds and mark out where things creak, shake, or make any noise when you move around. If you're afraid of the dark, plan out which areas you will avoid. You're almost ready to start. Get all your things and entertainment ready to go. Stuff it somewhere inconspicuous (like under your bed). Also, you will want to place a bucket of cold water or a wet cloth there too.
    • Get a lot of sleep the night before you do this, however, try going to bed a little later then wake up as late as possible. Don't go to bed early as you may get tired earlier, for example, if you go to bed at 9:00 PM, you will start to feel tired around that time on the day you are staying up.
  2. 2
    Don't rush to bed early or your parents will get suspicious. Go at your normal time, acting completely ordinary. You can't have them suspecting anything. If you have a computer, PlayStation, DS, Xbox, etc. in your room, it is a good idea to leave them on with the monitor off, because if you have to turn it on totally in the middle of the night your parents (even sleeping ones) will be woken by the sudden change in volume.
  3. 3
    Once you go to bed, wait until your parents go to sleep before doing anything. This may take a long time, even more than an hour, but be determined to stay awake. Now, once your parents are asleep, it's time for you to have lots of fun!
    • If your parents haven't fallen asleep, hide under the covers of your bed with a mobile device with low brightness. You should make the volume very low so you can hear if they're walking around.
    • Make sure to have a plan to hide your electronics in case your parents get out of bed.
  4. 4
    Get out something small like a tablet or phone to occupy yourself until your parents are completely asleep (or if they are light sleepers.) Don't leave your room. It'll pass time for a while. Get on the computer or something that will keep your brain active. Remember that you want the devices as silent as possible so it won't wake up your parents.
    • Keep one earbud or cover of your headphones out of your ear so you can hear what’s going on around you.
    • If you are using a phone or gadget, make sure you have a cover on it, so if one of your parents come in, you can fold the cover over to block the light emanating from the device. You could also put it under your duvet to hide it.
  5. 5
    No matter what, don't fall into a daze! When you find yourself closing your eyes, go as quietly as possible and put a cold rag on your face or splash water on your face. It feels awful but it will keep you awake.
  6. 6
    Sneak around the house! Try to unwrap snacks BEFORE bedtime so it doesn’t crinkle and make noise. Store them in an airtight box instead. Only eat things that aren’t crunchy if it is very quiet.
    • Hide snacks such as granola bars in a hidden place such as your dresser, under your pillow, or in your closet. Don't keep them open for many hours as it may attract ants.
    • Fake sleep when you hear someone coming or creaking noises.
  7. 7
    Once it's 3 AM, you will begin to feel very tired. Put another cold rag or splash water on your face and watch some TV or do extra homework.
    • Drink tea, coffee, or anything with caffeine in before bedtime. This will keep you awake.
  8. 8
    Once you've stayed up all night successfully, be sure to get plenty of rest the next night!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    What if I hear fake footsteps and keep on closing my laptop?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's okay to be paranoid! Being extra cautious is better than getting caught. You could also do something that would be easier to hide, like reading in bed on your side so that if anybody looked in it would look like you were asleep.
  • Question
    What if I have to pee?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Pee. If you run into a parent or something, just say you woke up and you had to go to the bathroom. It happens.
  • Question
    Can I turn in my "sleep" as they are walking by?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. Lots of people move in their sleep, so it will seem normal to them. Don't do it super abruptly though, try to make the movement slow and casual.


  • Do not go into your back yard, take the dog for a walk, or anything like that because if you get hurt or taken, nobody will realize what has happened until it is too late.
  • Avoid this if you have strict parents. You may get punished if your parents find out.
  • Be careful consuming too much caffeine and sugar. It isn't good for your body.
  • Do not try this if you do not have a separate room from your parents or one of your nosy siblings.
  • Do not do this on a school night! You will feel awful being at school with no sleep. If you're too tired, you may need to fake sick, which, while getting you a day off, will put you behind in schoolwork.

Things You'll Need

  • Non-shared room
  • Snacks and water hidden around your room
  • Wet cloth or rag
  • Drinks with caffeine

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 170 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 272,261 times.
1,881 votes - 75%
Co-authors: 170
Updated: March 25, 2023
Views: 272,261