Many people, especially pet owners, hire someone to stay in their house while they go away on vacation. The house sitter's duties can include anything from taking care of the pets to light house cleaning, tending the lawn, and other chores. While you're unlikely to make a living house sitting, you can use this business to travel the world inexpensively, or just to make a little extra money. Even if your house sitting business is only a side gig, it still should be organized just like any other small business.[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Building References and Credibility

  1. 1
    Try house sitting for friends or relatives. If you've never house sat for anyone before, starting with friends or relatives. You can get a good handle on the responsibilities in a more controlled environment before you do it for strangers.[2]
    • House sitting for friends or relatives also allows you to assess the flexibility of your schedule. House sitting typically works best for freelancers or creative professionals who can work from anywhere.
    • When you learn that a friend or relative will be going out of town, offer your services. You might say "I'm interested in starting a house sitting business, and I'm looking for some experience. Would you be willing to let me watch your place while you're gone?"
  2. 2
    Assess your own skills and interests. House sitting may require extensive responsibilities to upkeep property, depending on the needs of the homeowner and how long they're going to be gone. Know what you're capable of doing so you don't get in over your head.[3]
    • For example, if you've lived in an apartment in a large city all your life, you may be attracted to house sitting in the country. However, you may not have the skills to care for a large lawn and garden.
    • You may decide you want to take additional training or get certifications to enhance your value as a house sitter. For example, you might take classes on caring for disabled pets.
  3. 3
    Ask for references. House sitting clients are going to ask you for references, but if you're just starting out you probably don't have any. Talk to people who know you and can speak to your character and trustworthiness.[4]
    • References from close family members aren't going to be as valuable, because people will assume they're biased.
    • If you're a member of a community group or organization, talk to the leader. You also might talk to your boss at work, co-workers, and former teachers.
  4. 4
    Sign up with a house sitting site. There are a number of house sitting agencies and services online that will help you find your first house sitting clients. These agencies can be a good place to start because they typically provide guarantees and peace of mind for the clients.[5]
    • Some of these websites are focused on a particular country or region, while others are international. For example, you might choose if you want to house sit in the UK and Europe.
    • Expect to pay a fee, either as a membership fee to use the service, or as a percentage of any payment you receive from clients you found through the service. Some, such as Nomador, allow you to send up to three applications free to try out the site before you commit.
    • Look at several different sites before you choose one. Read reviews on the site both from clients and from house sitters.
  5. 5
    Set up a website and social media presence. You may decide that you just want to stick with an agency or referral service for awhile. However, an online presence is essential if you intend to go out on your own and start a house sitting business.[6]
    • For example, you can set up a Facebook page for your house sitting business (separate from your personal page, if you have one). From the page you can post notes about your services and availability. You also may want to share articles about the value of hiring a house sitter, or cartoons and funny videos related to house sitting.
    • List clearly the services you provide along with house sitting, and identify the places where you're open to house sitting.
    • Include information about yourself and your background, including any skills or education you have, languages you speak, and licenses or certifications you have.
  6. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Establishing Your Business

  1. 1
    Create a business plan. Even if you only plan on running your house sitting business as a side gig, a formal business plan can help you organize your business and stay on track with your goals.[7]
    • Your business plan will help you nail down your start-up costs (if any) as well as regular business expenses. Set goals and project your business's growth and future earnings.
    • Drafting your business plan also requires market research and assessment, which can help you develop realistic goals for your business.
  2. 2
    Scout out the competition. To get a good understanding of your earning potential as a house sitter, you need to look at what other house sitters in your area are doing. This can help you adjust your expectations as well as pick up ideas to help grow your business.[8]
    • Experienced house sitters based in a different region or country also may be willing to give you advice and help you get started. Look for people who you wouldn't be directly competing with for clients.
  3. 3
    Investigate franchise opportunities. The beauty of a house sitting business is that there are virtually no start-up costs. Establishing and growing your business, however, takes a lot of time and effort. A franchise may cut some of this time and effort.[9]
    • When you purchase a franchise, all the branding and much of the marketing typically already is taken care of. You also get the benefit of an established brand and reputation.
    • You can find house sitting franchises by searching online. Research every opportunity thoroughly before you commit any money to it. Make sure the franchise has a good reputation and will actually benefit you.
  4. 4
    Maintain your business as a sole proprietorship. In most countries, your business is considered a sole proprietorship by default. If you're just using house sitting to make a little extra money or vacation cheaply, this is your easiest option.[10]
    • As a sole proprietorship, your business is not separate from your personal finances. This means that if something goes wrong on a house sit, the homeowner could sue you personally. However, it also means you only have to file one tax return.
  5. 5
    Form an LLC if you want to house sit for a living. If you plan to house sit most of the year, an LLC protects your personal finances. You'll have to go through some formalities to create your LLC, but then a homeowner won't be able to sue you personally if something goes wrong.[11]
    • If you're interested in creating an LLC, talk to an attorney or business advisor to find out what steps you need to take.
  6. 6
    Register your business name. If you're going out on your own, you typically must create a business name that is unique to you and register that name with your state or national government.[12]
    • For example, if you're in the United States, you can go to the website of your state attorney general and access the business name database. Typically you can register a unique business name online after paying a small fee.
  7. 7
    Get a tax ID number. You must pay taxes on any income you earn from house sitting. If you have your house sitting business structured as an LLC or a corporation, you'll need a tax ID for your business that's distinct from your personal tax ID number.[13]
    • If you're running your house sitting business as a sole proprietorship, you'll typically file taxes on that income from your own personal return. You can still get a tax ID number for the business if you want, and you may need one if you plan to hire employees down the road.
    • If you live in the United States you can get an employer identification number (EIN) online from the IRS. After answering a few questions about your business, your EIN will be automatically generated.
  8. 8
    Separate your finances. Whether your house sitting business is an LLC or a sole proprietorship, separate business and personal expenses. This makes it easier at tax time to take all allowed deductions.[14]
    • This can be a bit tricky when it comes to travel or other expenses that you rack up while you're house sitting for a client. The easiest thing to do is pay for your expenses from a personal account. Once you get home you can identify tax-deductible business expenses and charge them to the business.
    • If you're having trouble getting everything set up, an accountant can help. You also may want to try out small business accounting software, such as QuickBooks, which can help you organize your business finances.
  9. 9
    Get insurance and any necessary licenses or permits. You typically don't need any special licenses or permits to house sit. However, depending on where you live, you may need a home-based business license.[15]
    • Many house sitting clients also want you to watch their pets. You typically don't need a license or permit to pet sit either, but you may want to get certifications to increase your value as a house sitter and put your clients' minds at ease.
    • Liability insurance provides additional protection for you in the event something goes wrong while you're house sitting for you. Being bonded, especially as a pet sitter, may mean you can raise your rates.
  10. Advertisement
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Growing Your Clientele

  1. 1
    Advertise your business. If you want to add more clients to your house sitting business, a few well-placed online ads can help your business get attention. Look for websites that cater to world travelers, who are more likely to need a house sitter.[16]
    • Include photos in your ads, as well as quotes from previous clients who were thrilled with your service.
    • If you have any specialty skills, include them in your ad. Look for websites or publications that focus on related interests. For example, if you know how to care for horses, you might also want to advertise in magazines and on websites for horse owners.
  2. 2
    Keep your online presence up to date. As your house sitting business grows, stay active and engaged with your social media network to continue expanding your business by word of mouth.[17]
    • When a client provides you with a good review, you can make social media posts quoting and referencing that review.
    • In addition to posting about your own experiences house sitting, you can also include photos and articles you think would be of interest to potential clients.
    • Set aside a little time each day to respond to comments and interact with people on social media.
  3. 3
    Network with other house sitters. Sometimes you're in competition with other house sitters, but you can also collaborate and help each other so that everyone's business grows and prospers.[18]
    • Connect with house sitters who offer services you don't. If you get a potential new client with needs you can't meet, you can at least make a referral. In turn, they may refer clients to you.
    • For example, suppose you offer dog sitting services, and another house sitter does garden work but is allergic to dogs. You can make an agreement with the other house sitter that you'll refer clients who need garden work if they'll refer clients to you who need a dog sitter.
  4. 4
    Expand your services. The more services you're willing to offer, the more possible clients you'll attract. Adding services can be a good way to grow your clientele, but make sure you're not taking on more than you can handle.[19]
    • For example, if you're a city-dweller who wants to house sit in country houses, you could take a class in gardening and yard maintenance. These classes will enable you to offer yard and garden services to clients.
  5. 5
    Hire other house sitters. If you intend to make a living from your house sitting business, you will eventually get to the point that you can't expand any further without hiring other house sitters to work for you.[20]
    • Put systems in place to do thorough background checks before you start the hiring process. Check references of anyone you hire to work as a house sitter for you.
    • Make all your vetting and review systems transparent so your clients will feel just as comfortable with an employee as they would with you personally.
  6. Advertisement

About This Article

Jennifer Mueller, JD
Co-authored by:
Doctor of Law, Indiana University
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jennifer Mueller, JD. Jennifer Mueller is a wikiHow Content Creator. She specializes in reviewing, fact-checking, and evaluating wikiHow's content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. Jennifer holds a JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006. This article has been viewed 14,079 times.
13 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: April 5, 2021
Views: 14,079
Categories: Starting a Business