Do you want to get in shape, but never seem to stick to the resolution? Here are some ideas to provide the little nudge you need.


  1. 1
    Make the time. It might seem like you don't have enough time in your day for exercise, but you probably do - you just have to make it a priority.[1] Here are some ways to do it.
    • Set an appointment. Pick out the times when you want to exercise, and schedule ahead. Keep your appointment with yourself ironclad, and don't let other engagements interfere. If you keep a calendar on your phone or computer, set alarms that will remind you of your workout time.
    • Replace a habit. Most of us have some unnecessary and not particularly enjoyable habit, such as watching TV, that could be replaced by (or added on to) exercising. Ask yourself how much time you spend on this habit, and whether or not you could exercise at the same time. If the answer is yes, make a new rule that stipulates (for instance) that you can only watch television if you're exercising at the same time.
    • Use it as social time. If you have a standing appointment with a friend or family member to spend time together, see if he or she is willing to incorporate exercise into that time. Instead of doing step aerobics together, though, consider doing a more social activity, like playing a game such as tennis or dancing.
    • Routine is the key. After about 2 weeks of the routine, you will find it a lot less of a chore.
  2. 2
    Find an activity you enjoy. If you like exercising, you're more likely to stick with it. Not all workouts are at a gym: try biking, inline skating, rowing, skateboarding, swimming, hockey, or a rugby team; you could even dance in your bedroom with an iPod. Enjoyment is the key to sticking with it.
    • If you get bored while you exercise, try participating in a more social activity such as a team or intramural sport.
  3. 3
    Stay accountable. Keep track of when you exercise and for how long. Make notes in your calendar, or keep an exercise journal. Writing down what you actually do will keep you accountable and show you how hard you're actually working. Additionally, looking back and seeing how much you've done can create an inspiring sense of accomplishment.[2]
    • Having a visual reminder of your workouts is great to keep you motivated and accountable for your workouts.
  4. 4
    Start with reasonable goals. Don't set out to start a rigorous regimen right from the beginning. Instead, start exercising at a reasonable pace and increase as soon as you stop feeling challenged. Try 30 minutes, three times a week and see how you feel.[3]
    • Avoid burnout. Working yourself too hard at first can lead to muscle strain and fatigue, and associating exercise with pain can make you more reluctant to work out next time.
  5. 5
    Track your measurements. Instead of keeping track of your exercise success by how much weight you lose, try keeping a soft tape measure handy and measuring your waist and hip size. You might build muscle and gain weight, but you'll lose inches.
    • Write down your measurements. As you start to trim up, seeing your progress can increase your confidence.
    • Measure your neck, arms and ankles as well.
  6. 6
    Learn. If you are shooting to lose weight, you must learn to eat healthily. Don't "fall into" a diet. You will "fall out" eventually. Things like Weight Watchers can help you learn, but it is better to develop a lifestyle you will want to keep, and use your common sense.[4]
    • Weight loss always requires a long-term, sustained effort when it comes to both exercise and nutrition. There are no quick and easy solutions.
  7. 7
    Drink water! Drinking water is absolutely the best thing you can do for your body. Always bring water to your workout sessions. Remember not to drink excessive amounts of plain water after strenuous workouts - your body loses salts through sweat, and too much plain water can help to flush out whatever is left. Sports drinks can be helpful for intense workouts, but consider the sugar content if your goal is to lose weight.
    • Drink enough water to replace what is lost. Amount will vary based on your body weight, climate, effort level, etc. Dehydration would slow your weight-loss goals, increase danger of muscle tears, and could make you feel nauseated. Avoid coffee and soda drinks, for better results.
  8. 8
    Stay motivated. As you keep working out and building up your strength, your workouts will probably become easier. Don't allow yourself to get complacent, though - as soon as your current regimen feels easy, change it up and try something different.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Is it too late to start exercising at 40?
    Marilin Karst
    Marilin Karst
    Fitness Choreographer
    Marilin Karst is a Fitness Choreographer, Health and Fitness Coach, and the Co-Owner of Fiesta Fit Sisters. With nearly 15 years of experience, she specializes in wellness coaching and fitness instruction. She studied fitness, nutrition, and leadership at the Instituto Peruano Del Deporte. Marilin is certified by the American Council on Exercise as both a Health Coach and a Personal Fitness Trainer-Health Fitness Instructor. She’s also certified to teach Zumba Basic, Zumba Toning, and Zumba Kids.
    Marilin Karst
    Fitness Choreographer
    Expert Answer
    Not at all! This is definitely a great time to think about exercising. I mean, every age is important, but when you're 40, you want to start building up some lean muscle or working on your strength to protect your bones and your body function. Do exercises that keep you moving and flexible, and you'll probably feel the benefits sooner rather than later, with less pains and aches.
  • Question
    How do I strike a balance between rest and work?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There is only one way, and that's through strict time management. If you're talking about the period of resting time between exercise sessions, I would recommend exercising every other day to ensure adequate rest.
  • Question
    How much time is required for proper sleep?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    For a teenager, roughly 8-10 hours of sleep is good. Adults require slightly less sleep, and children require slightly more sleep, though it truly depends on the individual person.


  • Consult your doctor if you are severely underweight, overweight, obese, or suffer from asthma before starting working out as you could hurt yourself.
  • Consult your doctor before starting any new workout regimen, especially if you've had heart or lung related illness in the past.
  • If you feel faint, dizzy, sick, or in pain while working out, take a break. If you start getting better soon, then just start once you feel better. If there is a serious pain or you're crying, you think something is broken, or it won't go away, stop and wait a few hours. If it's still not gone, call a doctor!

Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about exercising, check out our in-depth interview with Marilin Karst.

About This Article

Marilin Karst
Co-authored by:
Fitness Choreographer
This article was co-authored by Marilin Karst. Marilin Karst is a Fitness Choreographer, Health and Fitness Coach, and the Co-Owner of Fiesta Fit Sisters. With nearly 15 years of experience, she specializes in wellness coaching and fitness instruction. She studied fitness, nutrition, and leadership at the Instituto Peruano Del Deporte. Marilin is certified by the American Council on Exercise as both a Health Coach and a Personal Fitness Trainer-Health Fitness Instructor. She’s also certified to teach Zumba Basic, Zumba Toning, and Zumba Kids. This article has been viewed 1,220,767 times.
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Co-authors: 104
Updated: December 25, 2022
Views: 1,220,767