Pinot noir is known for being an exceptional wine, and its delicate flavor works well with a variety of foods. You could choose a lighter pinot noir to serve with vegetables, for instance, or look for a spicier pinot noir to drink with roasts or pasta. If you're new to drinking pinot noir, don't worry too much about matching the perfect bottle with your meal. Instead, pay more attention to chilling the pinot noir and enjoying the tasting experience.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Chilling and Drinking Pinot Noir

  1. 1
    Keep the pinot noir at a steady temperature until serving day. Store the pinot noir somewhere where the temperature and humidity won't change a lot because these can damage the compounds of the wine. If you have a programmable wine fridge, put the pinot noir in it or store the wine at room temperature out of direct light.[1]
    • If you're storing the wine at room temperature, ensure that the room isn't over 65 °F (18 °C). If it's warmer, consider moving the wine to a cellar or basement where it's somewhat cooler.

    Tip: If you have a wine cooler, program the temperature somewhere between 50 and 55 °F (10 and 13 °C).

  2. 2
    Chill the wine until it's between 55 and 60 °F (13 and 16 °C). It's important to bring pinot noir to the proper temperature before you enjoy it, especially if you stored the bottle at room temperature. Stick the bottle in the refrigerator for about 2 hours before you want to drink it. If you're short on time, put it into the freezer for 15 minutes instead.[2]
    • For the fastest way to chill pinot noir, place the bottle into a bucket of ice water for 5 minutes.
    • If you stored the wine in a wine fridge at 55 °F (13 °C), it's ready to serve whenever you like.
  3. 3
    Pour the pinot noir into a wide-bowled wine glass. You can use any bell-shaped wine glass, but pick one that's narrow at the top so the glass captures the aroma of the wine. You may be able to purchase wine glasses that are designed specifically for pinot noir. These usually have an extra-large bowl so you can swirl the wine easily.[3]
    • Fill the glass a third to half full so the wine can freely move in the glass.

    Tip: If you don't have a large wine glass, use a brandy or whiskey snifter instead.

  4. 4
    Swirl the wine gently and sniff it several times. Keep the wine glass on a table or counter and hold it by the stem.[4] Slowly move the glass in small circles while you keep it firmly on the table. You'll see the wine swirling around inside the glass. Then, bring your nose in towards the wine and sniff it to smell the aromas that you released.[5]
  5. 5
    Sip the pinot noir slowly to taste its unique flavor. Instead of taking a large drink of wine, suck up a small amount and let it coat the inside of your mouth. Try to taste the flavors you just smelled and consider if the wine is balanced or complex. Specifically, pay attention to how the flavor of the pinot noir changes as you sip it.[7]
    • For example, the wine might taste of sweet berries when it enters your mouth, but then the flavor may become jam-like when you swallow.
    • When you taste the wine, you're basically confirming the flavor profiles that you smelled before.[8]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Pairing Pinot Noir with Main Dishes

  1. 1
    Serve sweet, fruited pinot noir with seafood. Purchase a delicate pinot noir from Chile, New Zealand, California, or Oregon and enjoy it with shellfish or fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, or tuna. The ripe, juicy flavor of the wine will complement the rich flavor of the seafood.[9]
    • Pinot noir from New Zealand, California, and Oregon tend to have light berry flavors.
    • Try roasted salmon with mushrooms and pinot noir from Oregon for a tasty meal.
  2. 2
    Match silky, complex pinot noir with chicken or pork. Although many people automatically reach for white wine when eating roasted chicken, try it with pinot noir. The caramelized flavor of roasted chicken, pork, or duck pairs beautifully with more complex pinot noirs from Burgundy, Argentina, or Germany, which produce pinot noir with plum-like flavor.[10]
    • For example, drink an earthy pinot noir while you enjoy pancetta-wrapped chicken breasts with rosemary.
  3. 3
    Eat pasta or pizza with elegantly spiced pinot noir. Look for a silky pinot noir from Italy or Argentina to eat with creamy, rich pasta or pizza, especially if there are mushrooms or caramelized onions in the meal. Unlike heavy wines that can weigh down the meal, pinot noir will lift the creamy flavors instead.[11]
    • Pinot noir is known for working well with a variety of cheese, so it's no surprise that the wine is delicious with cheesy pasta and pizza.
  4. 4
    Offer full-bodied pinot noir with beef or stew. Although pinot noir can be a delicate wine, darker, richer pinot noir is available from New Zealand, France, and Italy. Serve these with beef roasts, steak, and rich casseroles, such as beef bourguignon or cassoulet. Full-bodied pinot noir will stand up to the richness of the meal.
    • If you're cooking with wine as well as drinking it, you don't have to use the same bottle of wine. Save the more expensive wine for drinking and cook with an inexpensive bottle.
  5. 5
    Drink light pinot noir with vegetable dishes. It's easy to buy fruit-forward pinot noir that has a fresh flavor to it, especially if the wine comes from California or Oregon. Pair these fun pinots with roasted vegetables or creamy vegetable soups. For example, try butternut squash soup, vegetable curry, or stuffed eggplant with pinot noir.[12]
    • If you'd like a light vegetable appetizer with pinot noir, make bruschetta and serve it on crostini.
  6. 6
    Set up a cheese board to serve with pinot noir. Since pinot noir works well with so many types of cheese, place a wide variety of cheese on your board. For example, if you like mild cheese, serve brie, camembert, cheddar, or havarti and try pairing pinot noir with nutty cheese, such as gruyère or taleggio.[13]
    • Remember to mark which cheese is which so your guests can tell what they're eating.

    Tip: Place bowls of crackers or sliced bread next to your cheese board so guests can help themselves. Try to offer simple crackers or bread that won't overwhelm the flavors of the pinot noir and cheese.

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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Serving Pinot Noir with Dessert

  1. 1
    Drink pinot noir with chocolate. Chocolate is one of the most versatile desserts to serve with pinot noir since it also has a wide flavor profile. For a simple treat, set out high-quality bars of white, milk, or dark chocolate and serve pinot noir that has fruity accents, such as cherry, raspberry, or currant.[14]
  2. 2
    Serve caramels or toffee with pinot noir. If you're having a rich dessert with caramel or toffee sauce, cut through some of the sweetness with a pinot noir that has similar buttery flavors.
    • For example, try a white cake with salted caramel buttercream or set out truffles with caramel centers.
  3. 3
    Drink pinot noir with fresh fruit. To keep dessert simple while highlighting the fruity flavor of pinot noir, slice figs or plums and set them out with the wine. Pinot noir is also delicious with currants, cherries, and berries, such as blackberries, raspberries, or blueberries since it has many of the same base flavors as the fruit.[16]
    • Keep in mind that fruit tarts also pair well with pinot noir. Serve cherry pie, plum tart, or fig bars with the wine.

    Tip: If you're having trouble deciding on a dessert, set up a pot of chocolate fondue and give guests small pieces of dessert or fruit to dip.

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About This Article

Samuel Bogue
Co-authored by:
Certified Sommelier
This article was co-authored by Samuel Bogue and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Samuel Bogue is a sommelier based in San Francisco, California. He is the Wine Director of the renouned Ne Timeas Restaurant Group and a wine consultant for other top restaurants in the San Francisco Bay area. He gained his Sommelier certification in 2013, and since then has been recognized as a Zagat "30 Under 30" award winner and a Star Chefs Rising Star. This article has been viewed 13,930 times.
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Co-authors: 4
Updated: February 21, 2023
Views: 13,930
Categories: Wine