Sautéed onions go really well with all sorts of foods, and they're quick and easy to make. Minimal skill is required to make this dish delicious. Hope you're hungry! Onions and oil are probably all you need to make this fantastically versatile dish.


  • Onions, chopped
  • Vegetable/olive oil or butter or broth
  • 4 tablespoons (60 g) olive oil
  • 4 pounds small white onions, peeled
  • 2 tablespoons (30 g) balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Making Quick and Easy Sautéed Onions

  1. 1
    Buy good-looking onions. You want the kind that are free of blemishes and that are heavy and firm. A little goes a long way, so don't get too many. One or two is usually enough for a family of 5, depending on the size of the onion.
    • 1 large onion is about 1 cup (8 oz) of chopped onion. To gauge your recipe, go from there.[1]
  2. 2
    Cut up the onions into small pieces. This part is a matter of personal preference or recipe -- chopped, sliced, diced; however you want 'em, it'll work.
  3. 3
    Turn on the stove or electric frying pan to medium-high heat. Sautéing involves heating up a substance very quickly at a high temperature, so make sure your pan gets hot before you start.
  4. 4
    Oil the pan. Once the pan is hot enough, pour in some oil. Don't overdo it initially; you can always add more. Put in enough to spread all over the bottom of the pan. You should end up using about 1 tablespoon (15 g) per onion.[1]
    • When it comes to oil, olive oil is a good choice. Butter is also a tasty fat for sauteed onions. If you're going super low fat, consider using vegetable or chicken broth.[2]
  5. 5
    Put in the onions. As they cook, have a spatula on hand to push them around the pan so they don't stick. If you're getting fancy, do that flipping move you see the pros do when they're sautéing. But be careful; splashing oil on yourself is not a pleasant experience.
  6. 6
    Continue cooking until soft and light brown. When the onions are done (should take around 5-7 minutes[4] ) turn off the pan and spoon the onions into another bowl to cool off before you serve them. Or add them to another part of the meal, such as sauce, or just eat them then and there!
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Creating Fancy Sautéed Onions

  1. 1
    Use small, white onions. For this recipe, bigger is not better. This kind should be pop-in-your-mouth-able. Make sure they're even in color and firm.
  2. 2
    Peel the onions. The great part about this recipe (apart from when you're finished and get to taste it, of course) is that you only have to peel the onions. No slicing, dicing, and crying required.
  3. 3
    In a large, stainless steel skillet, heat the oil over high heat. Get it very, very hot. You're going to flash the onions with a bit of heat initially, to get the process rolling.
    • If you're thinking ahead, peel the onions while the stove is heating up. Not only can you cook, but you can multitask, too!
  4. 4
    Add the onions and balsamic vinegar. And you thought that stuff was just for salad dressing! Toss the onions around, adequately covering them in the vinegar and oil and season with salt and pepper to taste. If you're particularly keen on another spice, add it now.
  5. 5
    Cover the pan and move to a low heat setting. These babies will be simmering for 45 minutes or so. Stir them occasionally to ensure they cook evenly.
  6. 6
    Take off the heat when translucent, browned, and soft. This recipe can be made a day in advance and then combined with other dishes -- meats, stews, curries, pastas, just about anything. Or if your mouth is watering, pop 'em in now!
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    What type of onion is best for sauté?
    Sasha Reyes
    Sasha Reyes
    Executive Chef
    Chef Sasha Reyes is the Executive Chef and Owner of Artisan Personal Chefs. With over 20 years of food industry experience, she specializes in private dinner parties, custom sports nutrition plans for professional athletes, and cooking lessons. Chef Reyes graduated from Arizona Culinary Institute in 2011 with a degree in Culinary Arts, Baking, and Restaurant Management.
    Sasha Reyes
    Executive Chef
    Expert Answer
    I believe sweet onions are best, because you'll get a really nice mild flavor with them. They're already naturally sweet, and by sautéing them, you're bringing out more of the natural sugars that are in there. And texturally, I feel like they're a little bit more forgiving than maybe just like a white or brown onion.
  • Question
    How do I cut an onion?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    I suggest reading through wikiHow's article on cutting onions to see several methods that you might find useful.


  • Make sure you don't touch the hot pan, and be sure to place the pan in the sink. However, avoid putting water on pan because it will warp.
  • When you pour in the oil and add the onions, watch out for oil spatters that may burn you.

Things You'll Need

  • Large skillet
  • Spatula
  • Measuring spoons
  • Plate or dish

Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you'd like to learn more about cooking techniques, check out our in-depth interview with Sasha Reyes.

About This Article

Sasha Reyes
Co-authored by:
Executive Chef
This article was co-authored by Sasha Reyes. Chef Sasha Reyes is the Executive Chef and Owner of Artisan Personal Chefs. With over 20 years of food industry experience, she specializes in private dinner parties, custom sports nutrition plans for professional athletes, and cooking lessons. Chef Reyes graduated from Arizona Culinary Institute in 2011 with a degree in Culinary Arts, Baking, and Restaurant Management. This article has been viewed 452,638 times.
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Co-authors: 31
Updated: February 25, 2023
Views: 452,638
Categories: Basic Cooking Skills
Article SummaryX

To sauté onions, start by removing the skins. Chop or dice the onions as desired. Coat the bottom of a skillet with olive oil, and place the skillet over medium-high heat. Once the oil is hot and begins to shimmer, add your onion pieces to the skillet. Use a spatula to move the onions around the skillet which will prevent them from burning. Sauté the onions for 5-7 minutes. You'll know the onions are done when they are soft, translucent, and lightly browned! If you want to learn how to sauté whole white onions, keep reading!

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