You might feel many ways once you realize someone, like an intern, has feelings for you at work. Perhaps you feel flattered or maybe even just annoyed. Handling an intern’s feelings at work can be delicate as you do not want to harm a working relationship, upset power dynamics, or cause problems in the workplace. First, figure out how you want to respond and how you feel. If you do not want the advances, put a stop to them right away. Communicate clear boundaries and don’t be afraid to get human resources involved if needed.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Talking to the Intern

  1. 1
    Decide how you want to respond. The feelings the intern has may be flattering, threatening, or mutual. It’s up to you to determine how to respond based on how you feel. If you enjoy the attention or it’s completely harmless, let it go. Some people enjoy playful flirting in the workplace as long as it does not affect job performance. You may want to address the feelings or advances, let them be, or get someone else involved.
    • Consider the appropriateness of an intern/supervisor romantic relationship in the context of professional ethics and company policies.
    • Be careful how other people perceive your flirting. Other interns or co-workers may begin to question whether something is going on and if they themselves are being treated fairly.[1]
  2. 2
    Discuss the situation. How you handle the intern’s feelings is up to you. You may want to meet with intern and let them know privately that their actions are not professional. If that feels too confrontational or serious, respond back to comments in the moment to show that you’d rather not cross that line. Find a way to communicate clearly that you’d rather not interact in this way.
    • You can say, “While I’m flattered, it would be best if you toned down your affections toward me.”
    • For a more casual approach, say, “Let's stop with the advances, alright? I don’t need any gossip following me here.”
  3. 3
    End inappropriate communication. If the intern makes inappropriate comments, sends inappropriate emails, or communicates nonverbally in a way that is not appropriate for the workplace, put a stop to it.[2] Communicate your desire for the actions to stop. For example, if the intern is staring at you, say, “Is there something you need?”
    • If comments seem to catch you off guard or shock you, have some responses in the ready. Say, “That’s inappropriate,” or “I’m not comfortable with you saying that.”[3]
  4. 4
    Say that you are not interested in a relationship. If the person makes advances to you, don’t hesitant to state your feelings directly.[4] Especially if the comments or advances make you uncomfortable, be direct and honest. Say, “This is inappropriate and I am not interested in pursuing any romantic involvement with you.”
    • Clearly communicate that you wish for the advances to stop and that feelings are in no way mutual.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Stopping Inappropriate Advances

  1. 1
    Steer conversations to work. You may feel like the person asks about your personal life or wants to know more about you than you’d like to share. Make a clear boundary by saying, “I’d rather not discuss that.” Follow it up by bringing up a work topic to bring the conversation back to work-related topics.[5] This can help redirect the comment while also showing that you’re being clear in your boundaries and it’s important to respect them.
    • Say, “That’s not appropriate for work. However, I do want to hear how your meeting went with our suppliers. Please fill me in.”
  2. 2
    Avoid spending private time together. If you are working on a project together, make sure that another person is with you while you work. If the other person leaves, say, “Well, I better get back to my other work now.” Involve other people if there’s ever a chance you may work independently together. You can say, “I think Ashlee could contribute well here. Let me ask her if she can help.”
    • Keep all professional time together professional and make it clear you want nothing beyond a professional relationship with the intern.
  3. 3
    Have meetings in public locations. If you must meet individually, meet in a public place such as a meeting room. If you meet in a private office, keep the door open or have a third party present.[6] Keep any contact between you as strictly professional.
    • Safeguard yourself from any potential problems from the intern or other workers.
  4. 4
    Decline after hours events together. The intern may invite you to join them after work for drinks or dinner, or to get coffee during the day. Spending time with you outside of work may be a way for the intern to develop a personal relationship with you. Decline these offers to avoid any confusion or mixed messages.
    • You can say to the intern, “I’d like to keep our relationship professional and not personal.”
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Seeking Further Action

  1. 1
    Consider transferring them to a different supervisor. If the intern works directly under you, you may want to have the person reassigned. The behaviors may bother you or cause you problems in your own tasks. If the person is contacting you for all reasons and all hours of the day, you may suggest that you do not work well together and find their behavior distracting.[7]
    • When making changes, you do not need to mention any feelings. Just make it a work matter that you do not work well together.
  2. 2
    Take harassment seriously. If you feel harassed by the intern, don’t let it slide or continue to put up with it. If you feel the attention is unwanted and uncomfortable, speak up.
    • Go to HR and talk about the harassment you’re experiencing. Ask about what steps to take next.
    • Keep in mind that the tables can be turned and the intern can report you for sexual harassment whether you respond to their advances or not.
  3. 3
    Report any unwanted attention. If the advances make you feel uncomfortable and/or are inappropriate in a workspace, make a report to human resources. Talk to the intern that you feel uncomfortable, the advances are not wanted, and you will take necessary action if they do not stop.[8]
    • Take to human resources on how to handle the situation. They may have some advice for you on how to handle it, who else to talk to, or how to reassign the intern.
    • You can also file a police report, if necessary.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Dealing with Your Own Feelings

  1. 1
    Recognize the dangers of workplace romance. Often, workplaces do not allow romances between bosses and subordinates.[9] Even if feelings are mutual, things can go very wrong in a workplace romance, especially if there’s a difference of power or position between you. The potential for a sexual harassment accusation can loom for each of you, especially if one of you moves up in the company.[10]
    • A romantic relationship could be interpreted by outsiders as the supervisor taking advantage of their position of power over the intern.
    • An intern may use the relationship for their own advancement or against the supervisor in the future. The supervisor will be perceived as the authority figure in the relationship and may take the blame if sexual harassment or ethical violation is dealt with in an official manner.
    • If things do not work well between the two of you, then you have to see the person every day at work. In some situations, you may want to or need to change jobs.
  2. 2
    Avoid keeping a secret relationship. Many office couples choose to connect in secret, at least at first. However, the secret almost always gets out and the privacy of the relationship fails.[11] Especially if your workplace mandates reporting relationships within the office, it’s best to come out with it or to not pursue it at all.
    • You may want to keep a romance private at first to protect yourselves or to keep things between the two of you. However, be careful how far you take the relationship in this secrecy.
  3. 3
    Discuss job reassignment. If you are attracted to the intern and want to pursue a relationship, it’s likely that one of you will need to exit the company. If you can wait, you may wait until the internship is over. However, if you want to date now, your company may not allow it, which may lead to one of you leaving the company.[12]
    • You may need to discuss work contracts and assess when the relationship could begin. In the meantime, do not act on your relationship while working together.
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About This Article

Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS
Co-authored by:
Professional Counselor
This article was co-authored by Trudi Griffin, LPC, MS. Trudi Griffin is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Wisconsin specializing in Addictions and Mental Health. She provides therapy to people who struggle with addictions, mental health, and trauma in community health settings and private practice. She received her MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Marquette University in 2011. This article has been viewed 15,181 times.
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Co-authors: 7
Updated: October 31, 2022
Views: 15,181
Categories: Internships