Lost your wallet in Toronto? Get back on track efficiently.

This article covers making immediate response and communications, reporting lost identification, tracking following up of replacement efforts and safe-guarding your identification going forward. The information is applicable throughout Ontario.


  • You lost most of your identification with your wallet
  • You might not have copies of your identification documents


  1. 1
    Breathe. Be optimistic. Try to think, "The wallet could be found." In the big picture relative to losing your health, family or place to live, this is OK. Stay positive.
  2. 2
    Call people of immediate concern. Let your boss, partner or friends know if you are stranded, immediately need cash or if you will be late to an appointment. Hopefully someone will also cheer you up!
  3. 3
    Do an immediate search for the wallet. If you just lost the wallet, look immediately around you and where you were most recently situated.
  4. 4
    Make a list places where your wallet could be. Begin the list with the most likely place to look and end with the least likely place. Identify the names of people who might have been with you in each place.
  5. 5
    Look for the wallet. In the places on your list, look hard in, under, around, behind, above, the where the wallet could be. Ask for help from the people who are, or were, there with you. Ask family and friends if they have seen your wallet.
  6. 6
    Block or cancel your credit card and bank card. Block (temporarily stop for 5 days) or cancel (permanently stop with purpose to replace) your credit card by phone.
    • If your credit card was linked to a bank account, calling the bank will be enough to cancel both the credit and bank cards; otherwise, call the credit card company separately. The correct phone numbers to call should be online or on a recent bill; otherwise, a telephone operator or book should have an emergency or customer service phone number.
  7. 7
    Call the police. If the wallet was stolen, call and file a robbery or stolen articles report with the Toronto Police. Use the non-emergency phone number. They will call you if the wallet is found.
    • Phone (non-emergency): 416-808-2222.
  8. 8
    Call the TTC Lost Articles office. This office is located at the Bay subway station. Stolen or found wallets are often turned in. Often 1 day is required before found items are located in the Lost Articles office.
    • Hours for phone calls: 12 noon – 5 PM
    • Hours for in-person visits: 9 AM – 5 PM
    • Phone: 416-393-4100
    • Internet: TTC Lost Articles Page
  9. 9
    Retrieve your passport, citizenship card or birth certificate. Your original documents are required to identify you and to replace the identification and licenses in your wallet. Copies of the originals might work if you cannot access the originals.
  10. 10
    Call Service Ontario. Report (as applicable) that your OHIP card, Ontario driver’s license and Pleasure Craft Operator's Card was lost or stolen. Clarify during the call whether you must visit a Service Ontario office. The online documentation says, “You do not have to go in-person if your card is lost or stolen”, but you likely will have to go in person to the office.
  11. 11
    Go to a Service Ontario office. Bring your passport (valid or expired) and birth certificate, or copies of these documents, with any additional photo ID or photocopies you have been asked to provide at an in-person visit (if required).
    • Request (as applicable) a replacement Ontario driver’s license, OHIP health card and Pleasure Craft Operator Card.
    • Carefully store the temporary license documents you are given. These documents do not have pictures, but are valid as photo ID
  12. 12
    Get a new bank card. Go to your bank and request a new bank debit card and set a new PIN code.
  13. 13
    Check to see if your wallet was found. Call the police and TTC. Ask politely about your active report.
  14. 14
    Cancel your credit card in full. If you only blocked your card earlier, fully cancel your credit card now. They will send you a new one in the mail.
  15. 15
    Replace your wallet. Put your identification in an envelope or pouch and transfer these to a new wallet.
  16. 16
    List contacts to notify. For every important document that was in your wallet, identify the appropriate contact person to notify and from whom to request a replacement.
    • Include the organizations that provided you with the identification you had in your wallet. Consider clubs or professional associations where you are a member and professional organizations that issued lifesaving credentials or loyalty program cards you might carry on hand.
    • Include the providers or owners of any sensitive information (security codes, home addresses of friends) in your wallet
    • Include the providers of nice-to-have information in your wallet (photos, business cards, stamps, receipts)
  17. 17
    Follow-up and track calls to contacts. Call each person on your list and track follow-up items such as:
    • if you successfully notified them
    • if they provided a ready remedy (e.g. follow-up is complete)
    • if additional follow-up is required (e.g. online reform submission, in-person office visit, payment, renewal notice)
  18. 18
    Finish calling your contacts. If you don't do it now, you will probably have to later when you need a service related to a missing card.
  19. 19
    Replace missing “nice-to-have” items. Stamps, transit tokens, photos can be replaced as needed.
  20. 20
    Make an identification file. Keep copies of your new identification and license documents including your birth certificate, passport, citizenship card, health insurance card, bank card, credit card and any other licenses or membership cards with account numbers.
    • Scan or photocopy all your new cards and reference information. Copy the front and back of the documents.
    • Write down all of your account numbers. Consider all of the accounts and professionals with whom you have a relationship (e.g. utility companies, billers, creditors, emergency contacts for yourself and family members, emergency health line numbers)
    • Paperclip these pages together
    • Put the file in a locked safety deposit box or vault
  21. 21
    Thank people. Thank the people who helped you with your search and wallet replacement steps.
  22. 22
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Things You'll Need

  • Phone
  • Internet

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 22,939 times.
17 votes - 65%
Co-authors: 8
Updated: March 15, 2021
Views: 22,939
Categories: Canada Travel