Spray tan can come out in streaks on your skin or create an orange glow. If you have either of these problems, you likely want to remove it. You do have some options for removing spray tan from your skin, palms, and nails. Because spray tan takes a while to soak in, it can also stain fabrics around you, so you should also be prepared to remove the stain from fabric, too.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Removing Spray Tan from Your Skin

  1. 1
    Try a home remedy of baking soda and lemon. Mix lemon juice with baking soda until it forms a paste.[1]
    • In the shower, scrub the paste on to your skin. You can use a loofah or other shower sponge to scrub it on. You can also just use your hand, since the baking soda will act as an exfoliant.
    • Once you've scrubbed it into your skin, rinse off the paste. Continue to shower as normal.
  2. 2
    Use an exfoliant scrub. Spray tans affect the top layer of your skin. The best way to remove the tan is take off the top layer of dead skin. The point of an exfoliant is to remove the dead skin, so it can also take off the tan.[2]
    • In the shower, get your skin wet. Rub the exfoliant in with a shower loofah or your hand. Rinse the exfoliant off, and shower as you normally would.
    • If you're trying to correct a mistake like streaks, you can apply more spray tanner after exfoliating to lessen the streaking effect. Choose a light tanner to help gradually decrease the problem.[3]
  3. 3
    Scrub your skin with an exfoliating glove. Like scrubs, exfoliating gloves take off the top layer of dead skin and help remove the tan. Try using one alone or with soap or lemon juice.[4]
    • In the shower, wet your skin. Wet the glove as well.
    • Use the glove to rub the areas where the stain is soaked in. Add a little soap to help the process along.
  4. 4
    Take a dip in the pool. The chlorine in swimming pools can help remove the tan from your skin. You may need to take several dips in a week to really reduce your tan.[5]
  5. 5
    Try baby oil. Oils can help remove dead skin by softening the top layer, which helps remove the tan. Rub in the oil, and leave it on for at least 10 minutes before rinsing. Try exfoliating after you use an oil, using one the previous tips.[6]
  6. 6
    Take a bath. Like baby oil, taking a bath can soften the top layer of your skin. In fact, you can use oil in the bath. Since the tanner mostly stays in the top layer, loosening up this layer and then exfoliating can help lessen the effects of a spray tan. Pair it with one of the previously mentioned exfoliants to speed up the removal.[7]
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Taking Care of Spray Tan on Your Palms and Nails

  1. 1
    Wipe off any excess spray tan on your palms. Also wipe around your nails. Doing so immediately after applying the tanning product will keep it from tanning those areas as much.
    • Tanning spray is a problem if it pools around your palms and nails. You don't want your nails or palms to be colored by the spray, as they are naturally lighter than the rest of your body. Mostly, you want to avoid spraying in that area, but you do need to spray your hands, which can lead to your nails or palms getting sprayed.
  2. 2
    Try a whitening toothpaste. If the damage is already down, use a whitening toothpaste on your nails and palms.[8]
    • Choose a clean toothbrush used specifically for this purpose. Put some toothpaste on the brush. Scrub into your palms and around your nails. Rub in gentle circles, but don't rub too hard.
    • Wash off the toothpaste. You should have removed some of the spray tan.
  3. 3
    Use acetone. You can use the acetone in nail polish remover to remove the stains from your nails. Simply apply as you normally would: rub the remover on with a cotton ball in circular motions. Rinse your hands afterwards.[9]
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Taking Spray Tan Out of Fabric or Upholstery

  1. 1
    Flush the stain with water first. This step helps remove any residue from the spray tanner.[10]
    • The easiest way to flush the stain is to hold it under water.[11] Let as much of the tanner wash out as possible. Look for the water running clear.
    • If the stain is in upholstery, use a sopping washcloth to flush out the stain. Hold the sopping washcloth to the stain, letting it soak in.
  2. 2
    Use dish detergent. Mix a small amount of dish detergent with warm water. A couple of drops should be sufficient.[12]
  3. 3
    Place it on a washcloth or sponge. Wet a washcloth or sponge, and soak up the soapy water.[13]
  4. 4
    Blot the stain. Use the cloth to dab at the stain. Don't rub the stain. Instead, let the moisture in the sponge soak into it.[14]
  5. 5
    Remove the soap. Use a washcloth or sponge soaked in clean, warm water to remove the soap from the fabric.[15]
  6. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Can spray tan be washed off of white sheets?
    Amy Mikhaiel
    Amy Mikhaiel
    House Cleaning Professional
    Amy Mikhaiel is a cleaning guru and the CEO of Amy's Angels Cleaning Inc., a residential and commercial cleaning company in Los Angeles, California. Amy's Angels was voted Best Cleaning Service by Angie’s Lists in 2018 and was the most requested cleaning company by Yelp in 2019. Amy's mission is to help women achieve their financial goals by establishing empowerment through cleaning.
    Amy Mikhaiel
    House Cleaning Professional
    Expert Answer
    Yes, although I'd recommend soaking it the stained area in Oxyclean first. If you toss it right into the washer, the stain may settle as it's being washed.
  • Question
    Is removing spray tan residue from clothing a time sensitive thing? Does it dry out?
    Amy Mikhaiel
    Amy Mikhaiel
    House Cleaning Professional
    Amy Mikhaiel is a cleaning guru and the CEO of Amy's Angels Cleaning Inc., a residential and commercial cleaning company in Los Angeles, California. Amy's Angels was voted Best Cleaning Service by Angie’s Lists in 2018 and was the most requested cleaning company by Yelp in 2019. Amy's mission is to help women achieve their financial goals by establishing empowerment through cleaning.
    Amy Mikhaiel
    House Cleaning Professional
    Expert Answer
    The faster you can tackle a stain of any kind, the easier it will be to remove it. If you give a stain time to settle into the fabric, it may be impossible to fully remove. This is true whether it's spray tan, wine, soda, or whatever.
  • Question
    Is there anything I can do if I washed my sheets and the stain is still there?
    Amy Mikhaiel
    Amy Mikhaiel
    House Cleaning Professional
    Amy Mikhaiel is a cleaning guru and the CEO of Amy's Angels Cleaning Inc., a residential and commercial cleaning company in Los Angeles, California. Amy's Angels was voted Best Cleaning Service by Angie’s Lists in 2018 and was the most requested cleaning company by Yelp in 2019. Amy's mission is to help women achieve their financial goals by establishing empowerment through cleaning.
    Amy Mikhaiel
    House Cleaning Professional
    Expert Answer
    Try salt! Lay the fabric flat and sprinkle salt over the area. Then, squeeze some lemon juice on it and let it soak. Give it another wash. That might completely remove the stain.

About This Article

Amy Mikhaiel
Co-authored by:
House Cleaning Professional
This article was co-authored by Amy Mikhaiel. Amy Mikhaiel is a cleaning guru and the CEO of Amy's Angels Cleaning Inc., a residential and commercial cleaning company in Los Angeles, California. Amy's Angels was voted Best Cleaning Service by Angie’s Lists in 2018 and was the most requested cleaning company by Yelp in 2019. Amy's mission is to help women achieve their financial goals by establishing empowerment through cleaning. This article has been viewed 203,293 times.
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Co-authors: 12
Updated: September 27, 2021
Views: 203,293
Categories: Fake Tans
Article SummaryX

To get spray tan off your skin, combine baking powder with lemon juice, then scrub the paste onto your skin in the shower. Rinse the paste off your body and continue to shower as normal. Alternatively, buy an exfoliant scrub and rub it over your wet skin in the shower with a loofah. If you want to get spray tan off your nails or palms, try applying a whitening toothpaste to reduce the tanning effect. You can also rub acetone on your nails with a cotton ball to get rid of stains. For advice on removing spray tan from fabrics, read on!

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