In some parts of North Africa and the Middle East, the camel remains the primary means of long-distance transportation. These remarkable animals are intelligent and strong, and they possess incredible endurance. Some camels can reach speeds up to 40 miles per hour (64 km/h). While their speed makes them ideal for racing, it can give a camel rider a harrowing, potentially deadly experience if the camel is spooked and runs out of control.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Regaining Control of the Camel

  1. 1
    Stay calm and try not to tense up. Camels are very intuitive creatures. They will be able to tell if you're feeling nervous and angry. If they sense your anxiety or anger, they'll get even more spooked. Because of this, it's important to try to manage your emotions as much as you can, even if you're scared out of your mind.
  2. 2
    Focus on your breathing. Some people find that breathing in quickly, and then exhaling slowly, helps them feel calmer. Other people find that breathing in and out on counts of three helps. The important thing is to keep your breathing consistent.
  3. 3
    Remember that camels are calm by nature. Your camel will eventually regain its composure and slow down pretty quickly, so long as you keep your wits about you.
  4. 4
    Talk to the camel softly, and don't ever raise your voice at it. Yelling at the camel to stop will make it even more spooked. Instead, talk to the camel in a gentle, soothing voice as you attempt to get it to slow down.
  5. 5
    Don't kick or hurt the camel as an attempt to slow it down. This will only make the camel feel even more scared and confused (and may cause it to speed up or become more erratic). If you want the camel to trust you, then he has to look at you as a friend, not an enemy.
  6. 6
    Maintain a firm grip on the reins, but don't pull too hard. Pulling too hard may cause the camel to panic. It may also break the reins or pull the peg out of the camel's nose. This will cause it to panic even more.[1] At the same time, however, you want to keep a firm grip on the reins. If they are too slack, the camel may sense a lack of control and take advantage of it.[2]
    • Camels are cud-chewing animals, so their reins are usually attached to a peg inserted into their noses, as opposed to being attached to a bit in the mouth. This means that, unlike with a horse, you can’t try to steer an out-of-control camel by pulling hard on the reins.
    • Make sure you have sturdy reins and a head halter, especially if you don’t have much riding experience. A head halter can make it much easier to regain control of your camel, and you won’t have to worry about hurting it by ripping the peg out of its nose.
  7. 7
    Try to get the camel moving in a circle. If the reins are attached to a head halter, you can pull on the reins gently to get the camel to turn in a circle and eventually slow down. Even if the camel has a nose halter, try to pull the reins in the direction that the camel wants to go (right or left) while getting it to move in a circle; work with the camel, not against it. If the camel decides to turn its head the other way, allow it to do so, and pull the rein on that side instead. The goal is to remain close to the group and not to get too off course or lost.
    • Only apply a slight pull to the reins when trying to get the camel to turn. It usually doesn’t take much, and an overzealous pull can hurt your camel if the reins are attached to a nose peg. Remember, a hurt camel is a frightened camel.
  8. 8
    Try to remain saddled until the camel stops. If you can't get it to circle, you must hang on and let it run. Press yourself to the camel to lower your center of gravity. Grip the camel between your legs and hold the horn of the saddle (if it is available). If you aren’t using a saddle, hold on as well as you can, and lean back a little. This way, you won't be riding near the tip of the hump, which will be a very bumpy ride at high speeds.
  9. 9
    Consider a quick dismount if all else fails. This should be your last resort. You should only do it if you've lost the reins or are moving quickly toward an even more dangerous situation, like a cliff. To dismount the camel, kick out of the stirrups and try to slide off the back side of the camel. If you can't, try to slide sideways out of the saddle. Try to hit the ground running, bending your knees slightly as you land.
    • Once you’re on the ground, try to grab the reins. The camel will most likely come to a stop once you have the reins in your hands again.
    • Most camels like to stay close to the herd. If you dismount and cannot grab the reins, the camel will likely come back once it calms down.
  10. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Knowing What to Do Once You Regained Control

  1. 1
    Get off the camel once you have it under control. Once the wild ride is over, have the camel sit. Dismount and keep a firm hold on the reins.
  2. 2
    Keep a safe distance from your camel. Unlike horses, camels can kick in all directions. Their kicks are very powerful, and very strong. A frightened camel is a spooked camel. If you get too close to it too quickly, it may try to defend itself by kicking you.
  3. 3
    Do not run away from the camel. If you turn your back to the camel, it may chase after you.
  4. 4
    Do not make any sharp or sudden movements. Even if your camel is no longer running, it may still be feeling anxious. Any sharp, sudden movements may only spook it further.
  5. 5
    Try walking in a slow circle around your camel while talking to it calmly. This may help calm and reassure the camel. Talk soothingly to it, and try not to make any sharp, sudden movements. Be sure to keep a firm grip on the reins.
  6. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I tell a camel to stop?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use a low, constant tone and say "stop."
  • Question
    What do I do if the camel spooks me? This has happened on numerous occasions and is persistently a concern.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You need to work on your confidence. If you are spooked, you'll be unable to regain control. Perhaps take some riding lessons.
  • Question
    What if I get kicked by the camel?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Camel kicks are very powerful. You should seek medical attention immediately if this happens.


  • Don’t get angry with the camel or strike it after you have it under control. While your adrenaline may be pumping, it’s important that you keep your cool. Camels tend to hold grudges, so if you frighten or mistreat them, they are liable to be unpleasant in the future.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 39 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 224,151 times.
73 votes - 86%
Co-authors: 39
Updated: January 28, 2023
Views: 224,151
Article SummaryX

To regain control of a spooked camel, maintain a firm grip on the reins to steady it, but avoid pulling hard on them since that could scare the camel even more. Instead, gently pull on the reins in one direction to get the camel to walk in a circle so it calms down. If you can't get it to walk in a circle, press yourself down into the saddle, and hold on until the camel stops running. As a last resort, you may need to dismount the camel and jump to the ground. For tips on what to do once you've regained control of a camel, scroll down!

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