Is championship season right around the corner? Are you wondering how you’re supposed to prepare for your first swim meet? Whether you’re brand new to the sport or you’re a seasoned veteran, it’s important to know how to get ready for a big competition so that you can perform as well as possible. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about prepping for a swim meet—from a week out from the date all the way to the moment you enter the pool!

Things You Should Know

  • Be consistent and don’t make any radical changes to your habits, diet, or behavior in the week leading up to the swim meet.
  • Pack your bag a day or two ahead of time to ensure that you have everything you need.
  • Get plenty of rest the night before the meet and show up early to warm up and get ready.

Maintain consistent habits the week before.


Confirm your schedule.

  1. Make sure that you know when and where to meet your team. Ask your coach what time warm-ups are, what events you’re swimming, and whether or not the meet has positive check-in. Confirm the times, make sure your schedule is clear, and figure out how you’re getting to the swim meet.[2]
    • Positive check-in is when you have to write your initials next to your name on a sign-in sheet. This lets the officials know that you are there and so they write out the heats so that there are no empty lanes.
    • Your coaches should have a sheet with your events, although you may have an online schedule you can check.

Relax and chill out before the meet.


Consume a big, healthy dinner the night before.


Get a good night’s sleep.


Eat a healthy breakfast the morning of the meet.

  1. Consume something small and light in the morning before the meet. You might have a small bowl of sugar-free cereal and a banana, or Greek yogurt with some nuts. Just like dinner, don’t eat anything radically different from what you would usually eat. If you normally eat two slices of toast with jam and marmalade and one egg, eat just that on the morning of your event.[7]
    • If you're swimming in the afternoon, eat a healthy breakfast and a light lunch. If you are swimming in the morning, eat a light breakfast and eat a big lunch.
    • Eat 1-2 hours before the event. Bananas, crackers, and plain toast with no butter are all great options.
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Prepare mentally for obstacles.

  1. Think through how you’ll handle mishaps and false starts. Create a mental map of how you’re going to respond to obstacles. Knowing how you’re going to react will help you stay calm in the heat of the moment.[10]
    • What will happen if my goggles fall off when I dive? Tighten the straps of your goggles. When you dive, tuck your chin to your neck. This way, the water will not apply direct pressure to the goggles.
    • What if I come in last place? It happens. What you should know is that your coach entered you in the meet because they have faith and confidence that you can handle it.
    • What if my time becomes worse? Give your races everything you've got. Every single ounce of energy left in you should show in that race. If you do come last, know that you tried hard and give yourself credit for that.
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Trust yourself.

  1. Focus on the things that you can control versus the things you cannot control. You can control your start and your turn; you cannot control the size or speed of your opponent. You can control what you eat before your race, you cannot control the conditions of the water in the pool.[11]
    Alan Fang

    Alan Fang

    Former Competitive Swimmer
    Alan Fang swam competitively for over 7 years, through high school and into college. He specialized in breaststroke events, and participated in events such as the Speedo Championship Series, the IHSA (Illinois High School Association) state championships, and Illinois Senior and Age Group state championships.
    Alan Fang
    Alan Fang
    Former Competitive Swimmer

    Rely on your training. Alan Fang, a former competitive swimmer, says: "Swimming can be a daunting sport. I think you need to be really mentally strong to be successful. Try not to overthink, and let your instinct and training kick in once you dive into the water."


Loosen up and get in the water.

  1. Get in the pool and swim to get your muscles moving. Don't tire yourself out by going too fast. Get in and stretch out and get a feel for the water. Do a few light laps. Do some kicking, sculling, or drills depending on whatever you prefer to do to get the blood flowing.[13]
    • If you do feel the need to go fast, do a short hard set but don't go over 80 percent of your maximum speed. Make sure your intervals give you a good amount of rest.
    • Wear two caps. If one comes off you will have another underneath. If you put one on, then goggles then another cap, your goggles are less likely to come off.

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What should I eat the night before a meet?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A carbohydrate-based meal that is low in fat, like pasta or rice, with a portion of meat/meat alternatives and vegetables. Try to avoid having anything sweet, like cake or ice cream, or really greasy foods.
  • Question
    What if my swim cap falls off when I dive in?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Keep swimming, don't worry about the cap until the end of your race, then you can get it.
  • Question
    How should I act around my opponents before my race?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You should try to act confident, but not cocky. You don't want to act like you're better than them, but you want them to believe that you're a fast swimmer. If you don't feel confident, fake it until you make it.

About This Article

Alan Fang
Co-authored by:
Alan Fang
Former Competitive Swimmer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure, and Alan Fang, a trusted member of wikiHow's volunteer community. Alan Fang swam competitively for over 7 years, through high school and into college. He specialized in breaststroke events, and participated in events such as the Speedo Championship Series, the IHSA (Illinois High School Association) state championships, and Illinois Senior and Age Group state championships. This article has been viewed 375,492 times.
7 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 122
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 375,492
Categories: Swimming
Article SummaryX

In order to prepare for the demands of a swim meet, you need to make sure you’re rested, have everything you need, and have a gameplan to succeed. Even though you may be excited or nervous, go to bed as early as you can the days before your swim meet so you’re well-rested for the big day. The night before the meet, pack a bag of everything that you’ll need so you don’t have to rush around the next morning, such as your goggles, swim caps, towels, and snacks. To settle your nerves, know the events that you’re swimming. Visualize yourself winning your events to keep yourself energized and motivated. For tips about how to make sure you’re not sore for your swim meet, keep reading!

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