Writing a book is a large undertaking, whether it's a biography, a fictional novel, or a collection of poetry. If you rush into it without a plan, you may run into frustrating obstacles that make you want to give up. With a little bit of pre-planning, though, you can set yourself up for success. Make sure you've prepared your materials and environment and have a clear writing strategy before you begin writing your book.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing Materials and Environment

  1. 1
    Choose your writing materials.[1] There's no right or wrong way to write. Some people find that writing on a computer distances them from their work, so they prefer to work by hand. Other people prefer computers because they can edit more easily, and can use the internet to research their projects. Don't feel pressure to choose one over the other. All that matters is that you choose a writing method that will allow you to be productive and efficient.
  2. 2
    Create an organizational system. Whether you're working with a computer or with pencil and paper, you need a system to organize your thoughts. It's best to come up with an organizational strategy before your notes get too jumbled, or else you may not be able to figure out what you meant to say. If using a computer, create one folder for the whole book, then create individual folders to hold different types of information. If using pen and paper, set aside a drawer that is just for your book materials. Put individual notebooks or file folders dedicated to different types of information in the drawer.
    • Nonfiction books obviously call for a great deal of research. Make sure you can find all your information quickly and easily with your organizational system.
    • For novels, you might have a file or folder on each character's development information. For example, if one of your characters is an EMT, you will want to research EMTs to make the character more realistic.
    • Consider using software that helps writers organize their research and chapters.
  3. 3
    Have a regular writing spot. For most people, regularity is a key to sticking to a writing schedule. J.K. Rowling famously wrote large portions of the Harry Potter books in one local spot — Nicholson's Café and Roald Dahl had a hut outside of his house where he wrote his greatest novels.
    • The sites and sounds of public spaces may be distracting, in which case you may prefer to work at home.
    • Home isn't free of distractions, though. If your bed or TV keep you away from writing, maybe you need to get out of the house to write.
    • The important thing is to have a comfortable, routine writing location that you can look forward to settling into every day.
  4. 4
    Look for an inspirational writing location. Inspiration strikes every writer differently. What do you need to get your creative juices flowing? If you need the stillness of nature, you may want to set up shop at a picnic bench in your local park. If people-watching gives you ideas for your characters, you might gravitate toward coffee shops. If you're writing at home, choose your favorite room in the house.
    • Don't work anywhere that has stressful or negative connotations. For example, writing in the kitchen might just remind you of all your other household obligations.
  5. 5
    Make your writing space comfortable. If your chair is squeaking or if it hurts your back, you won't be able to concentrate on your work. Make things easy for yourself by making your environment as comfortable as possible. Keep in mind that the environment will be easier to control at home.
    • Make sure the temperature is comfortable. Wear warm or cool clothing to adjust for uncomfortable temperatures if you don't control the thermostat.
    • Choose a comfortable chair. Use cushions to protect your bottom during long periods of sitting, or to make your back feel better.
    • Set up your research materials so you can access them easily. You don't want to have to search for information when you're in the middle of writing. At home, keep your bookcase or research files nearby. In public, bring the books you'll need with you.
  6. 6
    Decorate your writing space.[2] The more you can personalize your writing space, the more time you'll want to spend there. When you're writing, you should be surrounded by things that inspire you to keep working. What motivates you? If there's a particular book that always makes you want to write, keep it nearby for when you have writer's block. Consider placing framed pictures of your family in your working space, or quotes from your favorite authors. Surround yourself with your favorite colors, or maybe your favorite album playing quietly in the background. The writing space should be a place you look forward to retreating into every day.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Setting Up a Routine

  1. 1
    Figure out when you work best. Some people work best first thing in the morning, when the house is quiet and the mind is clear.[3] But if you're not an early riser, you may find yourself falling asleep at your desk instead of working. Be honest with yourself about when and how you write best.
  2. 2
    Consider your other obligations. Before setting up your writing schedule, you need to be able to anticipate the things that will drag you away from writing. Do your work hours change from week to week? Do you have small children who might take up a lot of your time?[4] Older children whose activities might have you on the run? You'll need to decide whether you will work best with a strict schedule or a flexible one.
    • If you have a predictable schedule, develop a strict writing routine.
    • If your schedule varies from day to day, know that you'll have to find writing time where you can.
  3. 3
    Create a writing schedule.[5] A daily writing routine will make you more likely to stick to your goals and finish your book.[6] You should know when you’re going to write every day, and plan the rest of your schedule around it. Depending on how flexible your day to day life is, create either a strict or flexible writing schedule. The most important thing is that you have at least one hour of distraction-free writing time every single day. If you can find more time, that's even better! It doesn't have to come all at once: you might write for an hour before work in the morning, then for another hour in the evening once the rest of the house has gone to bed.[7]
  4. 4
    Make a promise that you won't get drawn away from the routine. Once you sit down to write, you shouldn't allow anything else to drag you away. Don't answer the phone or check emails, ask your spouse to watch the kids — do whatever you need to do to stay focused. You may need to discuss your writing needs with those you live with. Ask them to be understanding of your routine and to give you some space when you're working.
  5. 5
    Set deadlines for yourself.[8] Setting deadlines is a delicate balance. You want to push and challenge yourself so you're not getting lazy, but you also want to be reasonable. Don't set yourself up to fail. Assess your schedule and be honest about how much time you can set aside to write. Some examples of writing deadlines might include:
    • Daily word counts: you have to write 2,000 words a day
    • Notebook counts: you have to fill out one spiral-bound notebook each month
    • Chapter deadlines
    • Research deadlines
  6. 6
    Get an accountability partner.[9] An accountability partner is another writer who's also working on a book. You will hold each other accountable to your writing routines and goals. It's easy to slack off when you're writing in isolation. A good accountability partner will make you confront any laziness or distraction and help you get back on track.
    • Meet with your accountability partner regularly. Depending on your schedule, this might be every day or every week. What's important is that you stay in regular touch.
    • Share your schedule and goals/deadlines with your partner. They need to be able to tell if you're behind schedule!
    • During these meetings, you can either work side by side on your own projects or look at each other's work. A second set of eyes can be a useful tool when writing a book!
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Pre-Planning Your Book

  1. 1
    Determine the book’s genre.[10] When deciding what type of book you want to write, first consider what types of books you like to read. When you go to the bookstore or library, which section do you spend the most time in? Do you spend your weekends relaxing with a romance novel, or do you prefer to learn about historical figures through biographies? Do you enjoy the satisfaction of the long novel, or do you find the immediacy of the short story more gratifying?
    • Writers perform best when they are familiar with the genre in which they are writing.
    • This usually aligns with the genre they enjoy reading best. Choosing the genre you know most about will likely result in the most enjoyable writing experience, too!
  2. 2
    Figure out the book's purpose.[11] Once you've chosen your book's genre, you need to figure out what you want to provide the reader. Think about why you've enjoyed your favorite books in this genre. This will help you figure out what the purpose of your own book should be. For example, a biography George Washington might help you understand and connect to the culture of your country. Mystery novels consume you with tension, curiosity, and surprise. Fantasy novels let you escape this world and expand your imagination.
    • Spend some time writing about what effect you hope to achieve in your reader.
    • By laying out your goals before beginning the project, you have a reminder you can come back to later, when you feel lost or directionless in the writing process.
  3. 3
    Conduct your research.[12] If you are writing to provide information, it may seem obvious that you need to spend a lot of time researching. Don’t assume, though, that romance novels or dramatic short stories don’t require any research. If your novel is set in the past, you must be able to provide a realistic physical and social setting. If one of your characters is a police officer, you must be able to realistically portray her in that profession. To present the reader with a believable story, you must always conduct research.
    • Look in textbooks to find basic language that will make a character’s professional life believable. You don’t want to use terms incorrectly!
    • Research historical eras online and in books.
    • Consider interviewing people who may have expertise in areas you want to write about.
  4. 4
    Outline your book.[13] As you research, your vision for the book may start coming together. As soon as you feel like you know which direction to take it in, begin putting together your outline for the book.
    • Each chapter of the book should have its own section on the outline.
    • Within each outline section, use bullet points to flesh out important details that need to be included in the chapter.
    • The outline can grow and adjust as your book begins to take shape. Add or delete information as necessary, but use the outline to make sure you’re staying focused on your writing goals.
    • When you’ve researched and outlined you’re book, you’re ready to begin the writing process!
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    I am twelve. Am I old enough to write a novel?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. There is no minimum age for writing stories.
  • Question
    I am writing a novel, but it sounds childish. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you are liking what you are writing, keep writing. If somebody doesn't like it, that means you know how to make your story better. Maybe you don't like that suggestion, that doesn't matter. You have to decide whether it's a children's book or not. If you really like it you may want to consider making it a children's book. If you don't like it, then just make some changes to it to make it how you like it. But the main thing is to decide if you want it to be a children's book or not.
  • Question
    How many pages should a novel be, and what should be the number of pages for each chapter?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    A novel is generally considered to have at least 40,000 words, and most agents won't work with a manuscript under 80,000 words. Depending on your font, point size and spacing, your actual page count will vary. Chapters should be as long as they need to be, as should your book.

About This Article

Diya Chaudhuri, PhD
Co-authored by:
PhD in Creative Writing, Georgia State University
This article was co-authored by Diya Chaudhuri, PhD. Diya Chaudhuri holds a PhD in Creative Writing (specializing in Poetry) from Georgia State University. She has over 5 years of experience as a writing tutor and instructor for both the University of Florida and Georgia State University. This article has been viewed 55,704 times.
116 votes - 94%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: May 6, 2021
Views: 55,704
Categories: Planning Your Writing