Your locker is the one part of the school that belongs to you. Adding an individualized touch can make your locker feel safe and comfortable. Choose a theme to give your locker decorations a sense of focus, and accessorize with pictures or magnets for eye-catching designs. Make sure to keep your decorations organized so your locker can be both aesthetically pleasing and useful.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Choosing a Theme

  1. 1
    Base your theme on your hobbies or interests. Decorating your locker with what you love will make you happy when visiting it throughout the school day. You'll have access to a pick-me-up anytime between classes. Make a list of your favorite activities and narrow it down to your top three.
    • If you love soccer, for example, find photos of your team and hang up quotes by your role models.
    • Choose one or two interests to keep your locker decorations organized. Throwing everything you love it will make your locker seem cluttered.
  2. 2
    Pick an aesthetically-pleasing color palette. With a focused color palette, your locker decorations will look more connected. Pick two or three to decorate with. This avoids oversaturating your locker. If your locker looks too busy, your decorations will appear crowded.[1]
    • For variation, use different hues of the same colors.[2]
    • Decorate with cool colors, like blues and greens, for a serene atmosphere whenever you visit your locker.[3]
  3. 3
    Choose an item to be the centerpiece of your locker’s decoration. A centerpiece will give your locker cohesion and harmony. Everything else you add to your locker will act in a secondary role to accentuate your centerpiece. This might be a poster, a magnetic mirror, or a dry-erase board.
    • Remember to relate your centerpiece to the theme. If your theme is horses, for example, add a framed photo of your pet horse or your favorite horse riding quote.
    • To make something your centerpiece, position it higher than other objects, choose an item larger than your other decorations, find something with a bold color to help it stand out, or look for something with an unusual shape.[4]
  4. 4
    Keep your theme simple. Don't overdo your theme decorations. Keep your decorations to one centerpiece and a few secondary items. Your locker is ultimately a place to store your textbooks and school supplies. Decorate primarily on the walls or with practical decorations, and shy away from knick-knacks. If you can't find what you need, your locker will become a hindrance instead of a utility.[5]
    • A vase full of roses, for example, might look beautiful if you're going for a floral theme, but it will leave little room for your books.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Accessorizing Your Space

  1. 1
    Hang up photos, posters, or artwork. A picture of something you love can brighten your day at school. Find a poster or a few different pictures that will fit in the back wall of your locker. Take some impromptu photos with your friends for a special, personal touch. If you're a budding artist, hang some of your own artwork up on display.
    • Make sure the pictures are of something that makes you happy so visiting your locker is a positive experience.
    • Add some picture frames to your locker so you can rotate photos throughout the year. Make your own photo frame to reflect your individuality.[6]
  2. 2
    Ask your school if you can add decals. Decals can add a sleek and individual look to your locker. Apply a decal of your school's logo, your favorite quote, or an inspiring symbol. Talk to your school administration before you buy a decal, as they may have rules against adhesive decorations.
    • Make your own decals for an especially personal design.
    • Avoid using stickers, which can be difficult to remove.
  3. 3
    Add a sweet scent with perfume or fragrance. Lockers in older schools can smell funky, but an air freshener can eliminate weird odors and add to your locker's atmosphere. You can use a spray and periodically re-apply it, or you can use a long-lasting scent, like an essential oil diffuser that attaches to the wall.
    • Do not put candles in your locker. Candles don't just take up space, but they are also a serious fire hazard.
    • You can also make an air freshener for a crafty and personal touch.
  4. 4
    Add some light. A little brightness in your locker can illuminate the darker corners so nothing gets out-of-place. Lighting can also make your locker's atmosphere look more vivid. Because your locker won't have an outlet available, look for a battery-powered light you can turn on and off as you need it.
    • Sensor lights can turn on automatically when the locker door opens.[7]
    • LED lights to consume less energy and will last longer on a single battery.[8]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Organizing Your Decorations

  1. 1
    Throw out any trash and unnecessary papers. Put only the essentials in your locker. Before you add new decorations, sort through your things until you have only what you need. Starting with a clean surface and limited supplies will keep your decorations tidy.[9]
  2. 2
    Add shelving. Shelving can add a personal and practical touch to your locker. As you inspect your new locker, check for shelving. If it has only one level, buy small stacking shelves or locker organizers. Office supplies or craft stores often have shelving options to fit most lockers.
    • Use the shelves to arrange your locker into sections. Keep your textbooks on your top shelf, for example, and your school supplies on the bottom.
  3. 3
    Add magnets for a practical decoration. Your locker will likely be made of metal, so magnets are a great way to hang up supplies and separate your items. Add a magnet hook to hang a small coat, or buy magnetic bins for your school supplies. Instead of photo frames, use magnets to spotlight your favorite pictures.
    • Magnetic mirrors are a classic and useful locker decoration. You can use them to style your hair or re-apply makeup between classes.
  4. 4
    Make use of the vertical space. Your locker's walls are going to be your main place for decoration. Choose useful accessories so this space is more than decorative. Adding a schedule, a pencil container, or a few inspirational quotes can greatly improve your locker's practicality.
    • Dry-erase calendars make a great decoration. While visiting your locker, you can plan your day and prepare for upcoming events.[10]
    • Add a bulletin to pin up assignment due dates, study lists, notes from friends, or party invitations.[11]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    When should I decorate my locker?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Decorate your locker at the beginning of the school year or new term. This will give you a fresh start and give you something to look forward to.
  • Question
    Can you put gift wrap instead of painting it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Most schools will not allow you to paint your locker. Gift wrap is a great alternative.
  • Question
    What if you have a small locker and big books?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Make sure that all the space in your locker has a purpose. Organize your locker using dividers or shelving to make space for your books and school supplies. Keep your decorations simple and against the wall so they don't take up much space.

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116 votes - 76%
Co-authors: 196
Updated: October 28, 2022
Views: 531,582
Categories: Lockers