If it's time to paint your nails-but your favorite bottle of polish just won't budge no matter what you do! Have no fear. Before you get out the chainsaw or give up and toss it, learn just a few simple ways to open stuck polish bottles. It's surprisingly easy to deal even with the most stubbornly tight bottles if you have the right know-how.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Dealing With Stuck Lids

  1. 1
    Use a quick hot water rinse. This is a good first step when dealing with a stuck bottle of polish. It may not open all bottles, but it's quick and easy, so you can move on to something else if it doesn't work. To do this:[1]
    • Run hot water from the tap — ideally, as hot as it will go.
    • Hold the lid of the stuck bottle under the water for 30 seconds, turning it slowly. Try not to let much of the water touch the bottle itself.
    • Dry the lid with a towel and try to twist it off. The heat from the water will expand the lid and soften dried nail polish, making it slightly easier to remove.
  2. 2
    Use a longer hot water soak. If a little hot water doesn't work, try using more time. Fill a cup with hot water, put it somewhere it's not likely to spill, and grab a timer. Follow these steps:
    • Position the bottle upside down so that the lid (but not the rest of the bottle) is submerged in the water. If you need to, you can balance the bottle between two popsicle sticks laid across the top of the glass.
    • Let the bottle soak for five minutes.
    • Remove the bottle, dry with a towel, and try to twist the lid off.
  3. 3
    Use rubber bands for additional grip. Sometimes, the problem isn't that you're not twisting hard enough, but that you can't get a good grip on the lid. One way to fix this is to wrap a rubber band or two around the lid. Get the bands as tight as possible — you can put a twist in them each time you wrap them around to get them extra tight. The gummy rubber texture of the bands should make it easier to get traction between your hands and the lid.[2]
  4. 4
    Use nail polish remover to loosen dried polish.[3] If there is dry, caked-on polish at the base of the lid, you can use polish remover to dissolve it and loosen the lid. To do this:
    • Dip a Q-tip in nail polish remover (or, if you have it, pure acetone).
    • Turn the stuck bottle upside down. Use the Q-tip to apply polish remover in the gap between the cap and the bottle.
    • Give the polish remover a minute or two to dissolve the polish, then try removing the lid. Repeat as needed.
  5. 5
    For extra-stuck bottles, use tools. If you're still having a hard time getting the lid off, you may need to use tools to help get a firm enough grip. Use caution here — heavy-duty metal tools can easily break the bottle and cause a spill if you use too much force. There are many possibilities — just a few ideas are below:
    • Use a nutcracker to grip the lid and twist.
    • Squeeze the lid in the jaws of an adjustable wrench, then use the wrench as a lever as you turn the lid.
    • Hold the bottle upside down and grab the lid in a vice. Turn the bottle itself, but be sure to remove it as soon as you feel the resistance give way to prevent a spill.
  6. 6
    Use polish remover to prevent sticking in the future. Once you do get the lid off, this trick can keep you from having problems in the future. See below:[4]
    • Set the open bottle in front of you.
    • Wet a tissue with a small amount of polish remover. Gently wipe the outside of the bottle neck with the tissue. Take care not to get any polish remover in the bottle.
    • Wipe with a dry part of the tissue to remove the dissolved polish. Repeat until the threads on the bottle neck are completely clean.
  7. Advertisement
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

What to Avoid

  1. 1
    Don't bang the lid on a table. This is a common tactic for stuck lids on glass jars with wide metal lids (like pickle jars, etc.), but it's a bad idea here. Nail polish bottles usually have lids made of plastic, so they won't deform the same way metal will if you bang them on a hard surface. If you do bang them hard enough to change the shape of the lid, you stand a good chance of breaking it, which will cause a spill.
  2. 2
    Don't force the lid open. A bottle of polish that seems like it's impossible to open can be seriously aggravating, but losing your patience is a bad idea. Ripping or tearing the lid off with pliers, for instance, is a recipe for disaster — you'll likely break the lid and cause a spill. Trying to pry the lid off with a screwdriver or cut it off with sharp implements will usually lead to the same result. As a general rule, trying to get the lid off in any way other than twisting it the way it was meant to be twisted is a risky bet.
  3. 3
    Don't leave bottles open. Once you get the lid off, you may be tempted to leave it off (or leave it slightly unscrewed) so that it won't get stuck in the future. This is a bad idea. The lid is crucial for keeping the polish from coming in contact with air. If you let air into the bottle, the polish can dry up, making the polish useless. Instead, to prevent sticking, clean the bottle neck with polish remover and close it moderately tightly.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How hot should the water be to soak the bottle?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The water doesn't have to be too hot. Just turn your tap to the warmest temperature it will go to, and use that. You do not need to boil the water or anything.
  • Question
    What if the cap comes off but the nail polish is sealed?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    That happens to me often. I screw the cap back on really tight, and try to open it again. It always works.
  • Question
    My nail polish is still stuck. What now?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Put it in hot water and leave for 15 minutes. Dry it, then use a sweatshirt to twist the cap open. If that doesn't work, use a sharp knife to scrape the dried nail polish from underneath the cap. Then it should work.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 22 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 562,416 times.
65 votes - 80%
Co-authors: 22
Updated: November 9, 2020
Views: 562,416
Categories: Nail Polish
Article SummaryX

To open a stuck bottle of nail polish, run it under hot water from your tap for 30 seconds before drying it off and twisting the lid. By heating it, you'll make it easier to open by expanding the lid and softening any hardened polish. If the lid is still stuck, try filling a cup with hot water and soaking the bottle for 5 minutes. Consider wrapping a rubber band around the lid a few times before trying to twist the bottle open, as this will give your hands a better grip to hold onto. Avoid banging the lid on a table or trying to rip it off with pliers because while you might get it open, you’ll probably spill nail polish everywhere. For more tips, including how to prevent the lid from sticking in the future, read on!

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