If you're a fan of the TV series Bob's Burgers, you may be wondering what those "burgers of the day" Bob always writes down on his chalkboard would taste like. Well, you're in luck! Adapted from a fan blog and authored by the show's creator Loren Bouchard, The Bob's Burgers Burger Book features original takes on these burgers.

This recipe is based on the "Bet It All On Black Garlic Burger" featured in Season 5, Episode 5 ("Best Burger"). Makes 4 burgers topped with mozzarella cheese and an aromatic black garlic⁠–Sriracha mayo.


  • 1 bulb of black garlic, peeled
  • ½ cup (120 mL) of mayonnaise
  • 1 lb (450 g) of ground beef (if frozen, be sure to defrost first)
  • 1 ball of fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced
  • 4 hamburger buns
  • 1 bag of baby spinach
  • Salt and pepper
  • Sriracha


  1. 1
    Make the black garlic⁠–Sriracha mayo.
    • Puree the black garlic using a food processor.
    • Mix in the mayonnaise plus 1 tsp (6 g) of salt. You can add more salt if needed.
    • Add in the Sriracha. The black garlic has a very earthy taste, so the mayo will have a strong umami flavour. Squirting in some Sriracha will balance it out with some heat.
  2. 2
    Form 4 beef patties of equal size. Season both sides with salt and pepper.
  3. 3
    Cook the patties to your liking. It makes no difference whether you pan fry or grill on the barbecue.
  4. 4
    Place a slice of mozzarella over each patty. Cover with a lid to melt the cheese.
  5. 5
    Build the burgers. Follow this order: bottom bun, a handful of baby spinach, patty with melted cheese, a smear of black garlic⁠–Sriracha mayo, and top bun.
  6. Advertisement


  • As with all recipes using ground meat, make sure your burgers are cooked to a safe temperature of at least 160°F (71°C) to reduce the possibility of foodborne illness. If you have a meat thermometer, insert it into the side of the patty to gauge the temperature.

Things You'll Need

  • Food processor
  • Frying pan with matching lid or grill
  • Kitchen utensils: knife, mixing spoon, spatula


  1. Adapted from The Bob’s Burgers Burger Book: Real Recipes for Joke Burgers by Loren Bouchard and Cole Bowden. ISBN: 9780789331144.

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Co-authors: 5
Updated: January 17, 2022
Views: 19,542
Categories: Burgers
Article SummaryX

To cook up the mouth-watering “Bet It All on Black Garlic Burger” from the Bob’s Burgers cartoon, puree a bulb of peeled black garlic in a food processor. Mix the garlic with half a cup of mayo and a squirt of Sriracha to make a rich and spicy sauce. Next, make 4 beef patties and season them on both sides with salt and pepper. Cook the patties however you like, either in a frying pan or on the grill. Once the patties are done, drape a slice of mozzarella cheese over each one, then cover them with a lid to allow the cheese to melt. Put each patty on a bun with a handful of baby spinach and a smear of the garlic Sriracha mayo, and enjoy. To learn the correct order for adding the toppings to the burger, keep reading!

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