Emergencies can happen at any time, and the only thing worse is finding yourself unprepared. Creating emergency kits will ensure you’re ready for anything, anytime and anywhere, including at school, work, a practice or meet, a party, a friend’s house, out on a date, or a dinner with loved ones. Whether you unexpectedly need feminine hygiene products or some extra cash, if you’ve lost a button or ripped a hole in your shirt, or you need an emergency breath mint, your everyday-emergencies kit or ready-for-anything emergency kit could be a lifesaver!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Putting Together a Kit for Everyday Emergencies

  1. 1
    Select a bag for your emergency supplies. Choose a bag that’s large enough to fit all your supplies, and preferably something that has a strap or handles for easy transportation. You’ll probably be bringing this kit with you everywhere, so make sure the bag is comfortable to carry and suitable to your taste. Consider a bag with a few separate compartments and pockets to make it easier to organize your kit.
    • A small backpack, a large makeup case, purse, or tote bag would all work well for your emergency kit.
  2. 2
    Have emergency money ready. No matter where you go, who you’re with, or what you’re doing, you should always have at least $10 to $20 in emergency money on you at all times, as well as some change. On top of having some money in your wallet, keep extra emergency money in your kit, preferably in a secure or secret zippered pocket.
    • Change can be used at a payphone in case your cell phone dies, for an emergency snack from the vending machine, or to buy a pad or tampon from the bathroom dispenser.
    • Even just $10 can be enough to get you out of a jam, whether you need a meal, cab fare, or anything else.
  3. 3
    Compile a list of your medications and allergies. Make a list of all the medications you take on a daily basis and write down your known allergies. This is in case there is a medical emergency and a doctor or nurse needs this information. Keep a copy of the list in your emergency kit. Update this copy whenever needed.
  4. 4
    Assemble the medications you need throughout the day. Keep the medications together in a separate case or pocket. Don’t forget the medications you don’t take every day but need in case of emergencies; this could include:
    • Epinephrine injectors.
    • Emergency inhalers.
    • Antihistamines.
    • Insulin shots.
    • Eye drops.
  5. 5
    Pack emergency feminine hygiene products. Always have enough supplies on you for at least a few hours of protection. Pack whatever product you prefer, such as pads, liners, tampons, or a menstrual cup. Consider keeping an extra pair of underwear on you as well.
    • These supplies are just as important even if your period hasn’t started yet. Instead of being caught off guard, you’ll be ready if it comes when you aren’t home.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Creating a Ready-for-Anything Emergency Kit

  1. 1
    Select a larger bag. To be prepared for a larger emergency or disaster, you’ll need a larger bag than you did for your everyday kit. This is the type of thing you can keep in your locker or ready to go in your closet at home. You can even have two or three of these lying around, such as one at school and one at home.
    • Don’t forget to keep emergency money in your ready-for-anything emergency kit as well as your everyday kit.
  2. 2
    Pick out smaller cases to organize your kit. Even if your emergency kit bag has pockets and compartments, it’s still a good idea to organize the contents of your kit to make everything easier to find. After all, the last thing you need during an emergency is the added stress of not being able to find something you need! Makeup cases will work well for organizing your kit.
    • Consider color coding your individual cases based on their contents. For instance, you could keep medical supplies in a reddish colored container because of the association with the Red Cross.
    • Opt for cases that have zippers so that you can keep your kit neat, tidy, and separated.
    • You will probably need between four and seven smaller cases, depending on how you want to organize your kit. It’s also a good idea to have a hard-shell case for sewing items.
  3. 3
    Pack water and a snack in your kit. Whether you just need an afternoon pick-me-up or forgot to eat breakfast, having a bottle of water and non-perishable snack in your emergency kit could come in handy at any time. A good snack could be a granola bar, dried fruit bar, crackers, bag of nuts, or anything else that will last for a few months.[1]
  4. 4
    Keep spare eyewear and eye care supplies. If you wear glasses, it’s always a good idea to have a spare pair in your emergency kit in case you lose or break your main pair. Similarly, if you wear contact lenses, always keep a spare contact case and extra solution with you.
  5. 5
    Create a mini first-aid case. This can be used to treat cuts, scrapes, minor injuries, and unexpected headaches, cramps, and other mild pain problems.[2] These items should all be kept together in a separate case. Your first-aid kit can include:
    • Tweezers to remove splinters.
    • Adhesive bandages for small cuts and scrapes.
    • Hand sanitizer and antiseptic wipes to clean cuts.
    • Throat lozenges and cough drops.[3]
    • A travel-sized bottle of pain relievers. These can go in the first-aid kit or with the medication supplies.
    • Tissues for wiping, cleaning, blowing your nose, and everything else tissues are great for!
  6. 6
    Prepare a change of clothes. It’s always a good idea to have a spare change of clothes on you in case of spills, rain, unexpected periods, or rips and tears. It doesn’t have to be your fanciest outfit, but one day you might be glad you’ve got an extra T-shirt with you. Don’t forget about:
    • Underwear in a re-sealable plastic bag (the bag is for the dirty pair).
    • A bra or sports bra.
    • Socks.
    • A T-shirt, tank top, or blouse.
    • Spare pants or shorts.
  7. 7
    Assemble a travel toiletries case. Any drug store will have a variety of miniature toiletries you can use to supply your emergency case, including deodorant toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash, soap, and gum or mints.[4] You may just need these to freshen up between classes or meetings, but during a disaster, keeping clean can also prevent disease and infections.
  8. 8
    Put together a mini cosmetics case. You don’t need all your cosmetics in your mini case, but just a few things for emergency use in case of a last-minute date or job interview, or a hair or makeup mishap. Keep a few bobby pins, a comb, and hair ties in your kit,[5] some hand cream or body lotion, lip balm, a small mirror, and some select makeup items. What constitutes emergency makeup will be determined by your cosmetics preferences, but it could be:
    • Foundation and a compact.
    • Mascara or eyeliner.
    • Lipstick, gloss, or lipliner.
    • Blush or eyeshadow.
  9. 9
    Assemble a travel sewing kit. This is for if you lose a button, split a seam, break a strap, or experience some other wardrobe malfunction. A basic sewing kit needs pins and safety pins, a sewing needle, black and white thread, one or two generic buttons, double-sided tape (for quick fixes), and a pair of mini or collapsible scissors.[6] You can also include a mini stain remover to treat spills and stains.
    • Keep these items in a hard-shell case so you don’t stab or prick yourself with pins and scissors.
  10. 10
    Make up a travel writing kit. You never know when you might need an actual pen and paper to leave a note or jot down a brilliant idea, so keep a small pad of paper, pen, and pencil in your emergency kit (ink can dry out, so keep a pencil as well). Throw in a few paper clips too, which in a pinch can serve hundreds of purposes, such as a:
    • Makeshift hair barrette
    • Bra strap holder
    • Zipper pull.
  11. 11
    Locate a second phone charger. Having a mobile phone can be a lifesaver in an emergency, but only if it has enough battery life to connect you to the outside world. A spare phone charger for your emergency kit is a worthwhile investment that means you’ll always be able to reach people if you’re in need.
    • Ask friends or family if they have compatible chargers lying around from old phones they don’t use any more.
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161 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 48
Updated: July 1, 2021
Views: 165,833
Article SummaryX

To create an emergency kit for teenage girls, choose a roomy bag with handles and pockets. Then, add enough emergency money for a ride home or a missed lunch, including coins for phone calls or fares. Next, create a list of medicines, allergies, and emergency contacts to put inside your bag. Follow this list to pack your medications, headache capsules, and feminine hygiene products. Also add a sewing kit and stain wipes for fixing any mishaps. If you want to cover disaster events, use a larger bag and add a flashlight, toiletries, chargers, water bottle, snacks, first aid supplies, and a change of clothes. For tips on how to make a first aid kit for your emergency bag, read on!

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