Are you wondering if dogs can laugh the same way people do? If so, we’ve got some great news for you! While a wagging tail usually means your dog is happy, you can also get your pup to laugh like you’ve told them a hilarious joke. Now, whether they understand humor is another thing entirely (and we'll touch on that, too). In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about dog laughter, including how to teach your pup to laugh on command.

Things You Should Know

  • Dog laughs sound like panting or high-pitched yips. Some breeds, such as huskies, laugh in a way that sounds more like human laughter.
  • Learn to mimic a dog laughing to get them to laugh on command. Many dogs will match you if you can make the appropriate sound!
  • Run around, break out a fun toy, or teach your dog a new trick to make them laugh genuinely instead of on command.
Section 1 of 5:

Do dogs laugh?

  1. Kind of — some dogs sound like they’re laughing, but it’s more of a pant. Does your dog ever make a kind of quick, yipping sound when they’re in a good mood? This is typically what people mean when they talk about a dog laughing. For most dogs, it’s like a burst of high-pitched panting, although some dogs yip a bit. Some dogs even laugh in a way that resembles person’s laugh![1]
    • The breed of the dog seems to play into this. Huskies, for example, do tend to sound a lot like humans when they laugh.
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Section 2 of 5:

Why do dogs laugh?

  1. It’s not clear why dogs laugh, but they do it when they’re happy. Experts aren’t sure if dogs laugh when they think something is funny. What is clear is that dogs make this noise when they’re in a good mood. Many people notice that dogs make this sound when they want to play, as well. There have been studies on this loud panting/laughing sound—it has a calming effect on dogs that hear it.[2]
    • If you can get your dog to make this sound on command, you’re probably improving their mood!
Section 3 of 5:

Getting Your Dog to Laugh on Command

  1. 1
    Round your lips like you’re going to blow out a candle. Purse your lips together the same way you would if you were going to kiss someone. Then, open your mouth so that air can come out. Smile a little bit if you’re doing this in front of your dog.[3]
    • By mimicking the same sound that dogs make when they’re laughing, you can trigger your dog to laugh in response. Do this repeatedly until your pup has made the connection and is offering the behavior regularly. Then you can add the cue just before they do it.
  2. 2
    Breathe in deep and make a breathy “hhuh” sound. If you put your hand on your throat while doing this, you shouldn’t feel any vibration. The sound should be breathy and airy, not hoarse.[4]
    • Imagine making a “hah” sound without the “ah” at the end.
    • You aren’t saying anything here! Don’t move your vocal cords at all. This should all come from your lungs.
  3. 3
    Repeat the sound in front of your dog until they laugh back. Get your dog’s attention and make this “hhuh” sound repeatedly. If you can mimic the sound of a dog “laughing” you may trigger your pup to laugh back![5]
    • You can try giving your dog a treat for making the noise to encourage them to do it more often in the future.[6]
    • You can also click a clicker and praise the dog whenever he does what you want on his own.
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Section 4 of 5:

Activities to Make Your Dog Laugh

  1. 1
    Run around with your dog. Dogs often laugh when they play, and running around with your pup is a great way to put a smile on their face. Engaging in playtime gets your dog the exercise they need, and it’s also a great way to bond with your pup and have fun.[7]
    • You can run around inside, or take your dog out to a fenced-off area and let them run their heart out.
    • Dogs often get the “zoomies,” which are sudden, unexplainable outbursts of energy. When your dog gets the zoomies, try turning it into a game of chase!
  2. 2
    Break out a fun toy. Does your dog have a favorite toy? Break it out and watch your dog’s face light up with glee! You could pull out a rope toy and play tug-of-war, or let them gnaw down on a chew toy. Be active with them while they play, too. Reach for the toy to imitate a game of chase, or throw the toy and let your pup chase it down.[8]
    • If your dog enjoys fetch, play it with them! Fetch is a great way to help a dog get some exercise while playing with them.
  3. 3
    Teach your dog a new command. Training may feel like work time to you, but for your dog it’s a really engaging activity. If you haven’t taught them already, teach your dog basic commands, like sit, stay, and come. You might train your pup to beg or sit pretty, or train them to shake your hand. Give your pup plenty of praise, pets, and rewards for doing a good job and they may laugh their heart out.[9]
    • Training is a lifelong process for a dog. Even if you’ve taught them plenty of commands already, keep giving them new challenges to keep them engaged and active.
  4. 4
    Pet your dog in their favorite spot. Every dog has that part of their body where they just love to be touched. If your dog comes to hang out with you, give them that scratch behind the ear or the itch on their hindquarter that they love. They may immediately laugh in pleasure.[10]
    • Give your dog plenty of attention periodically throughout the day to let them know you love them and keep them in a great mood.
  5. Advertisement
Section 5 of 5:

Do dogs experience humor?

  1. We don’t know if dogs understand humor, but they might! If you consider playfulness to be the same thing as humor, dogs most certainly fit the bill. However, it’s totally unclear if they have a sense of humor in the way that humans joke and laugh. It’s possible, but there’s no way to really know what’s going on in a dog’s head.[11]
    • It’s possible that dogs evolved humor and playfulness as pack animals. Things like play may help pack members communicate, learn, and bond with one another.

About This Article

Lauren Novack
Co-authored by:
Certified Dog Behavior Consultant
This article was co-authored by Lauren Novack and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Lauren Novack is a Certified Dog Behavior Consultant at Behavior Vets NYC where she helps fearful, anxious, and aggressive pets and their owners. She has completed coursework for her MS in Applied Behavior Analysis at Hunter College. Lauren’s research explores the intersection between training practices and animal welfare. She currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board for Daily Paws and has appeared on Fox & Friends, Rachel Ray, and various news outlets with her dog Grayson. This article has been viewed 11,781 times.
15 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 5
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 11,781
Categories: Dogs