Crafting slick, informative signs are essential if you want to have a successful yard sale! Catchy and legible flyers attract potential customers so that you can sell as much of your inventory as possible. If you want to know how to craft a bright, efficient yard sale sign, you’re in luck! Read on to learn everything you’ll need to do to draw the crowds in on the big day.


Gather your materials.

  1. Use some bright, eye-catching poster board if possible. You’ll need a poster board that’s large enough to be visible and readable from a distance. Folks should be able to see it from a moving vehicle, too.
    • Use large, permanent markers so that the writing on your sign is legible.
    • You can use craft paint if you’re making a larger sign and you feel like getting crafty.
  2. Advertisement

Write out your headline

  1. Spell out “yard sale” in big capital letters. Don’t try to get too fancy or cute. The goal here is to let folks know you’re having a yard sale, so write “yard sale.”
    • Depending on where you live, folks might refer to one of these events as a “garage sale” or “rummage sale.” Feel free to use one of these terms instead if “yard sale” would confuse your neighbors.

Provide additional key info.



About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 23 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 90,214 times.
86 votes - 77%
Co-authors: 23
Updated: June 2, 2022
Views: 90,214
Categories: Selling