A thick, heavy rope is typically made of many strands of material. If you need some large, prop rope for a play or similar, you can use pool noodles to create a cheap, lightweight, and convincing rope.


  1. 1
    Get your materials. Pool noodles are usually not very expensive and can be bought at most department stores around summertime. If it isn't summer, you may want to look for a pool supplies store or sports store near you. Pool noodles can also be bought online, and if you get them in bulk they usually cost much less per noodle. In addition to buying new pool noodles, you should ask any friends who might have old pool noodles. Just be careful to not use pool noodles that are very degraded, or they may compromise the integrity of your rope. You will need, in addition to an abundance of pool noodles:
    • Strong foam glue, and a lot of it
    • A large clamp (big enough to hold 2 pool noodles)
    • Something sturdy to mount the clamp to as you spin your rope
    • At least 2 large rubber bands
    • Tape
    • Scissors
    • Sandpaper
  2. 2
    Make two strands of pool noodle, about 1.5 times longer than you want your finished rope to be. To do this, glue the pool noodles end-to-end to make longer and longer mega noodles. Repeat for all your pool noodles until you have 2 long strands at your desired length. Let the glue dry completely and remove all tape.
    • Feel the end of your pool noodle. It is porous? Or is it perfectly smooth? If it is smooth, you'll want to sand or cut off the very end until you can feel a rougher surface on the end of your noodle. This gives the glue something to hold on to. Do this to all of the smooth ends of your noodles.
  3. 3
    Rubber band your two mega noodles together at one end. Then clamp them down onto something that won't move. It is easiest to do this next part if your mega noodle rests on the floor. You may also want to glue them together at the first 6 inches. Remember to sand any surface before applying glue.
    • Sit to the side of your mega noodles, facing them. Your non-dominant hand should be closer to the clamp.
  4. 4
    Grasp the noodle furthest from you with your dominant hand and twist it away from your body. The twisting motion should slightly distort the pool noodle, but be careful to not over-twist. The twist should push the top of the pool noodle away from your body.
  5. 5
    Bring the twisted noodle towards your body, and over the second noodle. Keep it twisted as you move it, and then anchor it over the second noodle with your non-dominant hand. If you press both the twisted and non-twisted noodles into the floor, they should stay put.
  6. 6
    Grasp the second noodle with your dominant hand and perform the same twisting motion on it. Keep the noodle twisted, and bring it up and over the first noodle. Anchor both noodles with your non-dominant hand. They should now both be twisted around each other.
  7. 7
    Repeat these motions all along your length of pool-noodle rope. When you get to the end, rubber band the two strands together as you did at the beginning. You can also glue them for extra security.
  8. 8
    Wrap the finished ends in tape. If you have a heat gun, you can also melt them together.
    • Do not use the heat gun in an enclosed environment, as the melting plastic may emit toxic fumes.
  9. 9
    Unclamp the pool noodle. You may want to run a line of glue along the seam between the two noodles if you anticipate your rope will get a lot of wear and tear.
  10. Advertisement

Things You'll Need

  • Strong foam glue, and a lot of it. Look for glue specifically made for gluing foam.
  • A large clamp (big enough to clamp 2 pool noodles)
  • Something sturdy to mount the clamp to as you spin your rope
  • At least 2 large rubber bands
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Sandpaper


  • The finished rope will not be super durable, and is meant for play and set dressing. Do not use it to try to haul heavy loads. Never use it to support the weight of a living being.

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Co-authors: 6
Updated: December 25, 2022
Views: 708
Categories: Rope