[Includes measurements] For as long as there have been humans, there has been pasta. Most civilizations have their own version, with ingredients available to them. The most common pasta in North America is the white noodle that is either in the shape of Spaghetti, Linguine, or Ravioli. No matter which one, the process is usually the same.


  1. 1
    On a large flat surface, gently drop 2 cups of flour to form a volcano (that is to say, a mountain of flour with a hole in the middle).
  2. 2
    Sprinkle with salt to taste.
  3. 3
    Drop your enough eggs to make 1/2 cup of eggs,or 1/2 cup of water in the middle and gently cover with some of the flour.
  4. 4
    Start gently mixing and kneading.
  5. 5
    Remember to add eggs or flour as needed. What you are looking for is a somewhat firm dough that will not stick to your fingers.
  6. 6
    Once this is achieved, wrap in plastic paper and leave to rest for at least 30 minutes.
  7. 7
    Roll it out by hand or use a pasta machine.
  8. 8
    Let dry.
  9. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How can I prepare noodles?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You can just boil some water and add in the noodles. Homemade noodles usually only take a few minutes (less than 5).
  • Question
    I am vegetarian, what do I add instead of egg?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Use an egg substitute. It should work the same.
  • Question
    Can I make eggless noodles?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes. Google "homemade eggless noodles" and click on the allrecipes link that comes up. However, instead of wheat flour you will have to use semolina flour, which is used in commercially manufactured eggless pasta.



Things You'll Need

  • Eggs ( or water )
  • Flour
  • Salt
  • (optional) measuring cups

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 186,964 times.
185 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: May 6, 2021
Views: 186,964
Categories: Pasta and Noodles