Making moonshine can be a dangerous undertaking, but if done with caution and common sense it can be an interesting small-scale science experiment. Making moonshine requires a permit in the United States, except for Missouri, and drinking the final product is not recommended.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Getting the Equipment Ready

  1. 1
    Gather supplies. It's important to use the right supplies when you're making moonshine, because using equipment made from the wrong material can backfire - literally. For the sake of safety and the best chance of making true moonshine, collect the following supplies:[1]
    • A pressure cooker. Use one you don't intend to use for other purposes, or buy a new pressure cooker specifically for making moonshine.
    • Copper tubing. You'll need about two yards of tubing that is 1/4" in width. This can be purchased at a hardware or home and garden store.
    • A drill with at least a 1/4" bit, for drilling a hole in the lid of the pressure cooker.
    • A 15 gallon (56.8 L) metal pot.
    • A large plastic bucket.
    • Cheesecloth.
    • 10 pounds of cornmeal, 10 pounds of sugar and 1/2 ounce of yeast.
  2. 2
    Build a still. Drill a hole in the lid of the pressure cooker and thread it to snugly receive a 1/4" copper tubing. Insert the end of the 1/4" copper tubing into the hole, being careful that it does not project through more than an inch.[2] This is your condensing tube.
    • The tube should be long enough to go from the cooker to a sink and extend beyond the sink down to near the floor.
    • If you don't want to drill a hole in the cooker's lid, you can thread it through the vent and affix it there using duct tape.
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making the Mash

  1. 1
    Boil 10 gallons (37.9 L) of water. Fill the pot 2/3 full with tap water (10 gallons or 37.8 L), then place the pot on the stove and turn the burner to high. Let the water come to a rolling boil.
  2. 2
    Cook the cornmeal. Add the 10 pounds of cornmeal to the water and stir it with a wooden paddle or another instrument. Let it cook for a few minutes until the water combines with the cornmeal and thickens into a paste. Remove the mixture from heat and allow it to cool, then pour it into the clean bucket.[3]
  3. 3
    Add the sugar and yeast. Stir in 10 pounds of sugar and 1/2 ounce of yeast. Use a wooden paddle or another large instrument to thoroughly incorporate the sugar and yeast into the mash.
    • Bread, brewers' yeast, naturally occurring yeast or even sourdough starter may be used in place of dry yeast to start the fermentation process.
  4. 4
    Ferment the mash. Loosely cover the bucket with cheesecloth and place it in a cool, dark place, such as in your cellar or basement, to allow fermentation to take place. Fermentation occurs when the yeast metabolizes the sugar and corn carbohydrates and produces alcohol.
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Distilling the Sour Mash

  1. 1
    Strain the sour mash through a cheesecloth.[5] Place the cloth over the bucket, then tip the bucket over a clean bucket or pot. You may also use a screen wire or a clean white t-shirt to strain the mash.
  2. 2
    Pour the strained mash liquid into the pressure cooker. Clamp down the lid and place it on a stovetop burner. You may discard the solids that you strained out with the cheesecloth.
  3. 3
    Position the copper tubing to create a condenser. Run the copper tubing run from the lid (or vent) of the pressure cooker to a sink filled with cold water. Coil the middle of the copper tubing in the cold water, then run the other end of the tube over the edge of the sink to a clean container on the floor.
  4. 4
    Turn on the burner under the pressure cooker. Let the contents heat to exactly 177 °F (80 °C) and no more. This is the approximate boiling point of grain alcohol. As the pressure cooker heats, the alcohol turns into ethanol steam, travels through the condensing tube to cool. The resulting liquid drips into the container on the floor. That's the moonshine.
  5. 5
    Transfer the alcohol to jars. Finished moonshine is between 180 and 190 proof (90 to 95%) - practically pure grain alcohol. To make this product drinkable, responsible brewers cut it to half strength by mixing with pure spring water.[6]

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I use apples rather than cornmeal?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can use just about anything.
  • Question
    How can I be sure there is not any methanol in the moonshine?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It will depend on how much mash you are distilling. Methanol vaporizes at a lower temp than ethanol. For each 1 gallon of mash, throw out the first shot glass full.
  • Question
    Mix with pure spring water? I thought water and alcohol separate when you try to mix them.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    They do mix. Ask a distiller, or your local bartender. You might be thinking of water and oil, which do separate when mixed.


  • In the unlikely event someone may accidentally drink the spirits you produce, do not use aluminum tubing or pots in this process.
  • Brewing moonshine is legal in the USA, but you must have a permit and pay taxes on it.
  • In most U.S. states distilling alcohol is a felony and even owning a still is a felony.[9] Consuming homemade moonshine is dangerous as well.
  • Do not drink this product, use it for experimental purposes only.
  • A pressure cooker can be dangerous. Be sure to use a quality stainless steel pressure cooker and always test the seal before distilling alcohol. This can be done by boiling some water through the system and checking it for leaks. Do not allow the hose to stop the flow with kinks or it can cause the cooker to overload and blow a seal or hose clamp dispelling ethanol and risking ignition if exposed to flame, spark or red hot element. Never use a modified pot unless done so by a professional and properly modified to handle the pressure. A pressure cooker has a fitted silicon-rubber seal made to expand and completely seal it.
  • Using a yeast other than High Quality Brewer's Yeast will produce some amount of methanol, which will lead to illness, blindness, or death.[10]

Things You'll Need

  • Pressure cooker
  • 5 feet (1.5 m) 1/4" copper tubing
  • Clean bucket with cover
  • Cheesecloth or an old, clean white t-shirt
  • Cornmeal
  • Sugar
  • Yeast

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 57 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 1,174,693 times.
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Co-authors: 57
Updated: November 5, 2022
Views: 1,174,693
Categories: Spirits and Liqueurs
Article SummaryX

To make moonshine, drill a hole in the lid of a pressure cooker and thread copper tubing through the hole. Boil a large pot of water and cornmeal, stirring until it thickens into a paste. Allow the mixture to cool, then add sugar and yeast. Let this mixture ferment for several days, then strain it and pour the liquid into the pressure cooker. Run the copper line through a sink of cold water and to a clean container on the floor, then heat the mash to 177°F. Discard the liquid that comes out of the tube before the mash comes up to temperature. The rest will be moonshine. If you want to learn how to store your moonshine when it's finished, keep reading the article!

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