Mayonnaise is a condiment many people use on their sandwiches, burgers and in their salads. It can also be used as a dipping sauce when other flavors are added in, such as dill or garlic. There are many commercial brands of mayonnaise including Hellman's, Kraft, Duke's and a variety of store brands. You can make your own gourmet mayonnaise by using your favorite olive oil. While it requires patience, many people believe it tastes much better than what you buy in a jar. Make mayonnaise with olive oil by choosing high quality ingredients and whisking the oil slowly into egg yolks that have been combined with water, lemon, salt and pepper.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Gathering Ingredients and Supplies

  1. 1
    Get 3 large eggs. Fresh eggs are the best, so if you have access to organic or free range eggs, use those.
  2. 2
    Find your favorite bottle of olive oil. You will need about 6.7 oz. (200 ml) for the 3 eggs.
    • Use an oil that you have used for dressings or marinades before, and you know you like. Each olive oil has a different flavor and that flavor can come out in the mayonnaise. Many chefs recommend extra virgin olive oil for the best taste.
  3. 3
    Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. You want to use fresh lemon juice for a mayonnaise, nothing artificial or squeezed from a bottle.
  4. 4
    Get some salt and pepper. Sea salt is best if you have it, and freshly ground pepper will also provide your mayonnaise with a pleasing taste.
  5. 5
    Decide whether you will use a blender, hand mixer or whisk it by hand. While whisking it by hand takes more time and a little muscle, it can often provide better results. Electric mixers can put extra heat into the mayonnaise, which can cause the oil and the eggs to separate.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Making the Mayonnaise

  1. 1
    Lay a wet towel on the counter or table top you will be working on. This will keep the bowl from moving while you whisk. If you are going to use an electric mixer or blender, place it on a flat surface.
  2. 2
    Separate the egg white from the egg yolk. Gently crack the egg open and allow the the runny egg white to run out of the shell while you transfer the yellow yolk to your hand or the other side of the shell when you open it. If you place the yolk in your hand, the egg white will run through your fingers.
  3. 3
    Beat 3 egg yolks together into a bowl. Once all of the yolks are combined, add 1 tsp (4.5 ml) of water to the eggs and continue to beat. The water will help the emulsion process as the oil is added.
  4. 4
    Add olive oil to the eggs one drop at a time. It is important to go slowly, or the oil will separate and not combine with the yolks.
    • Incorporate each drop of olive oil completely before you add another drop. If you are using a blender or a mixer, keep it running through the whole process.
  5. 5
    Watch the eggs and oil to make sure the emulsion is successful. You do not want to see the oil moving to the side of the bowl or forming large drops on the surface of the eggs.
  6. 6
    Continue to drizzle the oil slowly into the eggs once you know the emulsion is successful. You do not have to do one drop at a time at this point, but you do need to proceed very slowly.
  7. 7
    Blend in as much of the lemon juice as you want. The full half lemon will give the mayonnaise a sharp taste, so use less juice if you want a smoother mayonnaise.
  8. 8
    Add salt and pepper. Taste the mayonnaise and season it to taste.
  9. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    Why is the mayo light yellow and not white like regular mayo? And does it thicken when refrigerated?
    kelly oberdorf
    kelly oberdorf
    Community Answer
    It is most likely yellow because of the oil, so shaking it up and putting it in the fridge should help.


  • Remember that mayonnaise made with olive oil contains raw eggs, and the United Stated Department of Agriculture (USDA) as well as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) warn that uncooked eggs can carry disease, particularly salmonella.

Things You'll Need

  • Eggs
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Blender
  • Mixer
  • Whisk
  • Bowl
  • Wet towel

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Co-authors: 3
Updated: February 6, 2020
Views: 69,645