Fairy doors can be made for miniature fairy houses or they can be made as a separate, standalone decoration that can be attached to a tree base, wall or some other area to suggest an entrance way to fairyland. Whatever your final use for fairy doors, this article provides a few suggestions for you to work with.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Craft Stick Doors

  1. 1
    Use seven craft sticks for one whole door. Glue five of them together side by side.
  2. 2
    Glue one craft stick across the top of the door. Glue another one on the bottom. Cut off any excess. Glue these to what will be the back of the door, so that they won't be seen from the front. These cross bars strengthen the door and ensure that it stays held together.
  3. 3
    Allow the glue to dry completely before decorating.
  4. 4
    Paint the craft stick door. You can use any color or a combination of colors. You could even paint a rainbow of colors. Allow to dry completely.
  5. 5
    Use a bead for the door knob. You could add a small bell too, for tinkling instead of knocking.
    • Dollhouse miniature knockers can be purchased for adding to the door.
  6. 6
    Decorate. As preferred, use stickers, pens, flowers, glitter, etc., to make the door appear pretty and inviting.
  7. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Wooden Offcut Fairy Doors

For this method, you need to be able to cut wood. Ask a handy person who has a jigsaw or other wood cutting device to help if you can't do that part.

  1. 1
    Find a wooden offcut of around half an inch in thickness. It should be the height and width of the door that you would like.
  2. 2
    Draw an arch-type, round or rectangular shape for the door. Do this on paper first, to be sure that you've got the right shape, then transfer the design onto wood, using pencil.
    • The door can be as small or as large as you want it to be. It can be miniature for a fairy's house or much bigger and wider for the base of a tree trunk.
    • Round designs will be hardest to cut. Be sure that you or your helper can cut round shapes with wood first.
  3. 3
    Cut around the shape. This can be done with a fine saw, a jigsaw or some other cutting device suitable to wood. As already stated, if you cannot do this yourself, have someone else do it, following your pattern markings.
  4. 4
    Sketch the desired designs onto the door in pencil. You might have a window, a door knocker, some door hinges and decorative elements such as plants, butterflies, ladybugs, etc. You could also include a sign.
  5. 5
    Paint over the sketch lines in the colors of your choice. For a fancier look, you could glue on embellishments such as felt shapes, buttons, sequins or the like. A little glitter can help to prettify everything too
  6. 6
    Allow the paint to dry. When it's dry, the fairy door is ready for use. It can be glued to a miniature house, leaned against something, propped up with pebbles at the base or tied around the base of a tree.
    • If tying, such as at the base of a tree trunk, drill two little holes each side of the door for inserting string or yarn through and knotting in place once the string is looped around the tree or other object.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I become a fairy but turn back into a human?
    Aisa Chan
    Aisa Chan
    Community Answer
    A similar effect can be achieved with astral projection or lucid dreaming. If you wish to dress and act like a fairy, wikiHow has plenty of articles on this.
  • Question
    How do I use the door if I am a fairy but I can’t shrink?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    The door is for mythical/fairy tale fairies of a small size, not for human fairies. If you would like to go through a fairy door yourself, you'll need to make one to size, maybe decorating a door to your bedroom or other room in your house to look like a fairy portal. Or, you could make a standalone arch into your very own personal fairy portal.
  • Question
    If I want to dry mud, how long do I leave it in the sun before it gets hard?
    Otterly Badgerific
    Otterly Badgerific
    Top Answerer
    Mud can dry quickly if it's a hot day, so anywhere between 8 to 24 hours should be enough if it's hot weather; otherwise, it might be a few days if the weather isn't too warm. Check every few hours to see how it's drying.

Things You'll Need

Craft stick doors:

  • 7 craft sticks
  • Paint
  • Beads or small bells
  • Stickers
  • Pens
  • Flowers
  • Glitter

Wooden offcut doors:

  • Wood offcuts
  • Pencil
  • Paper for template
  • Jigsaw or similar for cutting shape
  • Paint
  • Embellishments (as preferred)
  • String or other form of support, depending on where it is placed

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 23,922 times.
26 votes - 81%
Co-authors: 3
Updated: March 1, 2019
Views: 23,922
Article SummaryX

To make a fairy door, start by gluing 5 popsicle sticks together side by side. Then, glue 1 popsicle stick across the top of the door so it's perpendicular to the other sticks, and do the same with another popsicle stick on the bottom of the door. Next, cut off the ends of the 2 horizontal popsicle sticks so they're flush with the rest of the door, and let the glue dry completely. Finally, paint your door, and glue a bead on each side for the doorknob. To learn how to make a fairy door out of a block of wood, scroll down!

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