A Caffe Latte Freddo is an Italian iced latte that tends to be a bit thicker than what many are used to in their lattes from a chain coffee shop. It is also colloquially known as a Caffe Latte Shakarado because of how baristas shake the drink before serving. Making one is just as easy as, if not more fun than, ordering another standard latte from the same coffee shop around the corner. The Latte Freddo is a perfect drink for a hot summer day, and can be seen sipped in many alfresco caffés.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Getting the Ingredients

  1. 1
    Get the espresso beans or espresso ground. Espresso beans are a type of different coffee beans that have less acidity than other types of coffee beans. In the Italian tradition, they are always a blend of beans that in addition to being low in acidity, are heavily bodied, and sweet.[1]
    • You can buy a bag of your favorite espresso roast at any coffee shop or grocery store. If you don’t know a lot about different roasts, then just look for “Espresso Roast” on the bag.
    • If you get whole beans then you will have to grind them properly for espresso, which is a fine grind.[2]
    • You can substitute the espresso for strong coffee if you need, and add just a bit of sugar to mimic the sweetness of espresso.
  2. 2
    Grab some milk. You will need about 3/4 a cup of milk for every cup of espresso. You don’t have to worry about frothing the milk for a Caffe Latte Freddo. Unlike the lattes you usually get at a coffee shop here, this drink has you just mixing the milk into the espresso and shaking.
    • Whole milk is the standard in Italy, but you can use whichever milk you prefer.[3]
    • Thinner milks will affect how thick your drink ends up being.
  3. 3
    Get 8 to 10 ice cubes. Your ice cubes shouldn’t be too large as the method for making the Caffe Latte Freddo involves shaking instead of blending.
    • Regular ice cube trays should be fine.
  4. 4
    Grab a tablespoon of sugar. If you want your drink to taste a bit less bitter you can add sugar to your drink. While espresso roasts are sweeter than other roasts, some people still prefer an even sweeter taste.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Making the Espresso

  1. 1
    Pour the water in your espresso machine. The more pure the water, the better. If you are using water from the tap and it is full of minerals, it may affect the taste of your espresso slightly.
    • Most average coffee drinkers won’t really notice much of a difference, but the purer the water the more the flavors of the roast will come through.
  2. 2
    Preheat your espresso machine and portafilter. In order to ensure that your shots are pulled at the correct temperature you should heat up the espresso maker. Plenty of modern espresso makers will automatically heat up before pulling shots.
    • If your machine doesn’t preheat automatically, then run your portafilter under hot water to warm it. The portafilter is where you pack in your grounds and if it is cold then this could affect the brewing temperature. If you do heat it with water, make sure it is relatively dry when you put the grounds in it.
  3. 3
    Grind the beans. If you have whole espresso beans and have a coffee grinder at home you can grind your beans now for a fresher taste. To ensure you get a proper grind, figure out which kind of grinder you have.
    • There are a couple types of grinders out there, Burr Grinders and a Blade Grinders.[4] Blade Grinders are better for drip and French Press because they don’t usually offer a super fine grind. A Burr Grinder uses two burrs to efficiently grind your coffee beans and will be able to offer a much finer grind.
    • If you are using a Blade Grinder, set the grinder to the highest setting for the finest grind.
    • To see if your grind is fine enough you can do a simple test by pinching the grounds between your fingers. If a small portion clumps and stays compact between your fingers, your beans are ground fine enough.
  4. 4
    Put the grounds in your espresso maker. There are several types of machines that can brew espresso. While unfortunately your drip coffee maker isn’t suited for espresso, you can find reasonably priced stovetop machines.
    • You can get an Italian Moka pot which makes espresso in a little metal pot that heats on your stove.[5]
    • If you have an espresso machine, then load it up for one shot, or a double. Most espresso machines will automatically pull a double shot, which for best results should require between 18-21 grams of grounds.[6]
    • If you don’t have either an espresso machine or Moka, you can use a French Press.
  5. 5
    Pull your shot(s). Ensure that your portafilter is securely locked. Then place your shot glass under the spout.[7]
    • For the best roast, you should pull your shots for between 22-28 seconds.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Mixing The Drink

  1. 1
    Mix one (1) cup hot espresso with 3/4 cup of cold milk. Make sure that you have measured your milk out correctly so that you get the best taste. Your end result should be a nice light brown color.
    • Make the mixture in a mason jar if you have one, or use a beverage shaker that will strain the drink while leaving any ice behind.
    • Pour the espresso in first, then add the milk.
  2. 2
    Add sugar to taste. If you want your drink to be a bit sweeter, and a little more American you can add a tablespoon of sugar.
    • You don’t have to stir it in as the espresso will dissolve it on its own, and you’ll be shaking the entire mixture which will disperse it evenly.
  3. 3
    Add ice and shake. If you are using a mason jar, then make sure the lid is screwed on tightly and shake as you would when mixing a drink like a shaken Martini. Use an up and down motion to best distribute and mix your ingredients.
  4. 4
    Strain into a glass. Your glass should be large enough and suitable for serving coffee beverages.
    • If you used a drink mixer then pour your Caffe Latte Freddo into a clear espresso glass (or a half-pint glass if you have one), or back into your mason jar.
    • If you shook your Caffe Latte Freddo in your mason jar and didn’t strain it, then just unscrew the lid.
  5. 5
    Serve with two straws and enjoy!.
    • If you have strained your Latte Freddo you can see if there’s any foam left in your shaker and scoop it out, placing it on top of your drink.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Can I add a shot to the freddo?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can add whatever you'd like to the freddo.


  • Espresso
  • Milk
  • Ice cubes
  • Sugar

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Co-authors: 17
Updated: October 21, 2021
Views: 43,480