Sometimes babysitting can be boring for both you and the kids. You can't watch them like a hawk, nor can you neglect them. If your mind has gone completely blank on how to make this a fun experience, this article is will rescue you with some fun ideas.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Getting Your Fun Together

  1. 1
    Think about what you used to find fun. Before you baby-sit, take time to reminisce on the things you loved to do as a child, the games you played, the shows you watched and what made you laugh. Pack some things you could do together with the child like favorite books, markers or a kickball.
  2. 2
    Take the child’s age into consideration and think of some activities you can do with the child. Some ideas could be: watch a movie or show you enjoyed as a child, play with play-doh, paint, draw and create, use your imagination for pretend games, play traditional games like Hide and Seek and Red light Green light. Children love to laugh so feel free to be as silly as you like![1]
  3. 3
    Draw on what you already know. Children are often easily impressed; use your skills to entertain the child. Maybe you know how to make a few paper origami shapes, or know random facts about space. You will have fun as you see the child take an interest in your passions and idolize you for your talent.
  4. 4
    Get ideas for things to do with kids from websites like Pinterest. If you don't have an account, then just search online for ideas like, "Babysitting Crafts Pinterest".
  5. 5
    Have crafts to do. Bring along your own craft materials so that it all seems new and exciting to them.[2] Let them keep their creations once made, they'll love that.
    • Refer to craft books. There are many books like, "365 things to make and do" that you can flip through and pick out fun crafts to make and do, with or for the children.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Being a Fun Babysitter

  1. 1
    Be energetic. Be bold, colorful, and bright. This will give the children the sense that you are fun to spend time with.
  2. 2
    Be sweet. Every child loves it when older people are nice to them.
  3. 3
    Design a playroom. If you have a room in your house you don't go into, such as a family room, loft, or basement, clean it up and make it fun! Some things you can make are:
    • Dollhouses. Along with some homemade yarn dolls, or even ones you would like to donate!
    • A fishing game. Cut out pieces of paper shaped like fish, color them, and glue paper clips to them. Take some sticks, tie some string around it so it looks like a fishing pole, and tie a paper clip at the end. Then take a bowl and decorate it and put the "fish" in it.
    • Mini clay settings. Use oven bake clay to make settings like farms, cities, and towns.
    • Sponge Jenga. Instead of wooden blocks, cut up sponges and stack them.
    • Bottle bowling. Take two liter bottles (6 or 10) and paint them. Then take a rubber bouncy ball, small enough to fit in one hand, and bowl away. Or, you can use oven bake clay for mini bowling.
    • Take an old entertainment center and make it a play kitchen! Search online for images, "DIY kids kitchen".
  4. 4
    Have a treasure chest with cheap toys and prizes. Or you can buy a set. Whenever a child is good, let them pick out a prize. Or start a ticket system. Depending how much you babysit, each week pick a ticket and the ticket with the child's name on it gets to pick out a prize. They will get a ticket when they are good.
  5. 5
    Alternate activities. Kids will get bored with doing the same thing for a long time. Instead, plan to switch between different play types while you're babysitting. For instance, you might start by doing a craft, then go outside and do something active for a little while, then come in and quietly read a book together.[3]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Coping with Challenges

  1. 1
    Be calm in the face of bad behavior. Talk calmly to children and listen to what they have to say to minimize bad behavior. Use distraction to stop their negative actions and bring things back to being fun again.
  2. 2
    Encourage them to go to bed on time.
    • Read bedtime stories. If you babysit the child when they go to bed, read them a story and make them a small snack like toast or a banana.
    • Make brushing their teeth fun by singing a song.
  3. 3
    Watch TV on low and wait for the parents to come home.
  4. Advertisement
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Being a Good Babysitter

  1. 1
    Be responsible. You can be fun, but remember, everything comes with a price. Just watch over them while you can and make sure they do what they are supposed to do, and you could get recommended by the parents of whom you are babysitting for.
  2. 2
    If you are responsible and fun, you will be called up again.
  3. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I entertain my kids while babysitting?
    Jessie Davidson
    Jessie Davidson
    Child Care Specialist
    Jessie Davidson is a Child Care Specialist and the CEO and Founder of BabysitPro, which provides online courses for current and aspiring babysitters. Jessie has over 20 years of childcare experience and specializes in best practices for sitters of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and grade-schoolers. BabysitPro’s courses are unique and age-specific so babysitters can learn detailed information relevant to the children they babysit. Jessie holds a BA in French Studies from Wheaton College and an MA in Visual Anthropology from The University of Southern California.
    Jessie Davidson
    Child Care Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Play can be divided into four different categories: quiet, creative, collaborative, and active. As a babysitter, it's important to provide a balance between these different types of play. For example, you might consider doing something active outside, then come in to read a story or do a creative art project.
  • Question
    How do I not get bored when babysitting?
    Jessie Davidson
    Jessie Davidson
    Child Care Specialist
    Jessie Davidson is a Child Care Specialist and the CEO and Founder of BabysitPro, which provides online courses for current and aspiring babysitters. Jessie has over 20 years of childcare experience and specializes in best practices for sitters of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and grade-schoolers. BabysitPro’s courses are unique and age-specific so babysitters can learn detailed information relevant to the children they babysit. Jessie holds a BA in French Studies from Wheaton College and an MA in Visual Anthropology from The University of Southern California.
    Jessie Davidson
    Child Care Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Make sure to plan a variety of different activities. This will make babysitting more fun for you and the kids!
  • Question
    What games do you play with an 8 year old?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Most children like board games and playing things, like hide and seek, can be fun. Just make sure that they don't run around the house, because children can break stuff and might get you in trouble.



Things You'll Need

  • Glue
  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Glitter, sequins, colors, etc.
  • Anything else needed to complete a craft


  1. Jessie Davidson. Child Care Specialist. Expert Interview. 11 June 2021.
  2. Jessie Davidson. Child Care Specialist. Expert Interview. 11 June 2021.
  3. Jessie Davidson. Child Care Specialist. Expert Interview. 11 June 2021.

About This Article

Jessie Davidson
Co-authored by:
Child Care Specialist
This article was co-authored by Jessie Davidson. Jessie Davidson is a Child Care Specialist and the CEO and Founder of BabysitPro, which provides online courses for current and aspiring babysitters. Jessie has over 20 years of childcare experience and specializes in best practices for sitters of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and grade-schoolers. BabysitPro’s courses are unique and age-specific so babysitters can learn detailed information relevant to the children they babysit. Jessie holds a BA in French Studies from Wheaton College and an MA in Visual Anthropology from The University of Southern California. This article has been viewed 40,516 times.
9 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 20
Updated: December 13, 2021
Views: 40,516
Categories: Babysitting