Want to be noticed and admired for your breathtaking looks? Is “beautiful” just not enough to describe the way you want to feel about yourself when you look in the mirror? The good news is that being out-of-this-world beautiful really just comes down to effort. Anyone can raise eyebrows with their style and flair, it just takes a bit of energy to get there! Still, you should know that beauty standards are arbitrary. You don’t need to be skinny, use makeup, or dress a certain way to be drop-dead gorgeous. You certainly can if that’s what beauty means to you, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it’s your eye!


Put effort into daily hygiene.

  1. It’s easy to overlook basic daily upkeep, but this is energy well spent. Do not skip out on the basics. It’s easy to start looking for fancy clothes or new haircuts if you want to stand out, but just taking care of the basics goes a long way.[1]
    • Brush your teeth twice per day. Don't brush more than that because the enamel on your teeth will start to wear. Try to floss every night, as well.
    • Shower once a day. That doesn't mean you have to wash your hair every day (and sometimes you shouldn't — keep reading for more on that), but your body should be cleaned daily.
    • Take care of your nails. Nails should be trimmed at least once a week; if you want, you can even try a manicure or pedicure.
    • Remove unwanted body hair regularly. You don’t have to remove any body hair if you don’t want to, but if you do, stay on top of it!
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Take care of your skin.

  1. Clean and clear skin is a big part of how people receive you. Having a skincare routine would not just only maintain your skin but also let people know you take good care of yourself.[2] In addition to washing and moisturizing twice a day, avoid breakouts by keeping your hands away from your face and sleeping on clean pillowcases.[3] Spot-treat pimples using salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.[4]
    • Wash your face twice daily. Even if you're super exhausted at night, try to at least take off your makeup and use a moisturizer.
    • An occasional sheet mask or facial can do wonders for your complexion.
    • Exfoliating your skin periodically will help it stay clean and healthy.

Style your hair and get regular trims.

  1. Choose a hairstyle that you like based on your face shape. How you wear your hair can highlight different parts of your face, so choose a style that brings out the best in you. If you have sharp cheekbones and a wide jaw, wearing your hair pulled back will make these more prominent, whereas flowing layers will make a round face seem longer.[5] The health and appearance of your hair goes a long way towards how people view you, so take care of it![6]
    • You can try braiding the side of your braid for a half-shaved look, do a messy ponytail, fishtail braid, or curl it.
    • Get split ends trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks and touch up any highlights or color around the same time.
    • Avoid over-styling your hair. One or two days a week, give your hair a break from blow dryers, curling irons, and straighteners.
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Apply makeup as you like.

  1. There’s no one way to wear makeup right, so do what makes you feel good. Choose products and looks that make you feel like the best version of yourself.[7] If you don’t have strong preferences, try the eyes-or-lips rule. This is where you focus the drama on either your eyes or your lips, but never both. If you have a great pucker and wear red lipstick to make it look amazing, skip the heavy eyeliner and eyeshadow, and do one coat of mascara. If you want to highlight your eyes, skip the bold lipstick.[8]
    • Investing in a good blusher can go a long way.
    • If you don’t wear makeup, that’s totally fine! Remember, the goal here is to be the most drop-dead gorgeous of you, not some alternative version of yourself who wears makeup when that’s not something you would normally do.
    • Even if you aren’t a big fan of lipstick, a good lip gloss will keep you looking slick. Lip balm is a great option if you want to keep your lips moisturized and looking smooth.

Build a wardrobe that reflects you.

  1. Choose clothes that reflect your personality and look good on you. What suits one drop-dead gorgeous guy or gal might not look great on you, and vice versa. In general, your goal should be to choose clothes that look flattering based on your body type. The good news is that figuring out what probably looks good on you is easier than you think.[9] Try these tips:
    • Make sure your clothes fit the way you want them to look. Unless you’re going for a specific style, your clothes shouldn’t be too baggy or painfully tight.
    • Incorporate a lot of red into your wardrobe if it suits you. There’s a lot of evidence that people who wear red appear to be more physically attractive to others.[10]
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Whiten your teeth.

  1. Give your smile an upgrade with some teeth whitening. If your teeth aren’t quite as bright as you’d like, see your dentist and ask them about teeth whitening. They’ll be able to recommend the best product that will work for you, and they may even be able to perform an in-office whitening procedure. You can always use teeth whitening strips at home if you prefer—the impact of those treatments should last for about a year.[11]
    • Use a whitening toothpaste to remove stains and gently polish your teeth to keep them white.
    • There are also whitening gels and rinses if you aren’t particularly fond of the whitening strips.

Get a tan if you’d like.

  1. A subtle tan is a great way to give yourself a glow-up. Unfortunately, tanning naturally or via tanning beds can be pretty unhealthy.[12] Your best bet is to get a quality self-tanner that is just slightly darker than your current skin shade. Just exfoliate, then gently rub the tanner into sections of your skin using circular motions. Take care to blend the color at your hands, feet, and joints.[13]
    • If you are going to tan (either in the sun or in a tanning bed), you absolutely must wear sunscreen to protect your skin. Even then it’s not going to be 100% safe, but at least you’ll have some protection![14]
    • Using a tanning beds isn’t safer than tanning in the sun. Either practice can damage your skin, increase your risk of skin cancer, and speed up the aging of your skin.[15]
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Make time for sleep.

  1. People refer to a long rest as “beauty sleep” for a reason! It’s hard to look your best if your body needs to rest. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Not only will you feel better throughout the day, but you’ll actually appear more attractive to other people![16]
    • Getting plenty of sleep gives your body time to heal from all of the stress of the day. Your skin will look better, your metabolism will be more consistent, and you’ll have a generally healthier “glow.”
    • If you’re sleep deprived, your eyes will appear redder and swollen. Your skin may look paler, and your mouth may droop in an unattractive way.[17]

Eat right.

  1. A healthy, balanced diet will keep you feeling and looking your best. Consuming a healthy mix of lean protein, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats will keep you feeling your best.[19] A balanced diet will also ensure that your skin stays clear and your weight remains stable, which is great if you’re trying to turn some heads![20]
    • If you’re looking to lose a little bit of weight, this is really the only way to do it. Any fad diets, cleanses, and other “health hacks” are more likely to make you feel (and look) worse. Just eat healthy and stay active—there are no tricks here![21]
    • If you’re a guy, incorporate some garlic and carrots into your diet. It may sound whacky, but these foods can slightly influence the color of your skin and the scent of your sweat, and studies suggest that people find these changes attractive.[22]

Accentuate your best feature.

  1. Dress, style, and accessorize to draw attention to your favorite feature. If you’ve got some beautiful eyes, do your makeup to make your eyes pop! Love your hourglass figure? Rock some high-waisted jeans to make that thin waist and hips stand out even more. Whatever you think your most attractive feature is, build your style around that.[23]
    • Makeup really comes in handy when it comes to highlighting lips, cheekbones, or lips.
    • Your hair can absolutely be your best feature. Stick with simpler tops and keep your makeup subtle to draw more attention to your hair.
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Dress to appear a little taller.

  1. If you’re a bit on the shorter side, making yourself look tall may help. Simply adding an inch to your stature or giving the false appearance that you’re a little taller than you really are can reap big benefits when it comes to how other people see you.[24] Here are some ways to do it:
    • Wear monochromatic outfits. If you wear outfits that are almost entirely black, gray, or white, you’ll naturally appear a little taller than you really are.[25]
    • Wear shoes with taller heels. You don’t even need to break out high heels if you don’t want to; just pick shoes with thicker heels that give you an extra 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm).
    • Use smaller accessories. Whether it’s a purse, backpack, or umbrella, smaller accessories can give people the impression that you’re taller than you actually are.[26]

Choose a signature scent.

  1. People don’t pay attention to it, but aroma plays a huge role in attraction. A lot of folks put deodorant on and just call it a day. However, good smells can put people at ease, reduce stress, and make people pay attention to you. Pick a signature cologne or perfume and wear it every day. You may not know it, but people will find you more attractive![27]
    • The “natural pheromones” thing is true—your natural body odor can be very attractive to others. However, the impact of pheromones is pretty low, and you’re much more likely to turn heads with a stronger scent.[28]
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Exude joy everywhere you go.

  1. Interior beauty is actually huge when it comes to physical attractiveness. Smile, spread the love, and choose positivity whenever you can. If someone is having a down day, build them back up with some motivational advice and compliments. People are more likely to find you physically gorgeous if you’re optimistic, kind, and compassionate, so make the world a happier place.[29]
    • If you struggle to stay positive, practice more gratitude. Every day, spend a few minutes listing things that you’re thankful for. You’d be surprised how big of an impact this can have on your attitude!

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Does your skin tone affect which colors look best on you?
    Jordan Stolch
    Jordan Stolch
    Image Consultant & Style Advisor
    Jordan Stolch is an Image Strategist, Style Advisor, and the Founder of MiKADO - a concierge personal styling firm. With over a decade of experience, Jordan specializes in helping people eliminate the confusion and insecurities associated with how to dress in order to build a powerful image and use clothing to their strategic advantage. Jordan trains entrepreneurs, business leaders, and corporate executives in the foundations of "power dressing", from some of the country's preeminent companies such as Morgan Stanley, Deloitte, Berkshire Hathaway, Universal Music Group, Starbucks, and Disney. She works with clients both in-person and virtually, teaching them how to take the confusion out of style so they can operate at a higher level. Jordan earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Waterloo and studied Merchandise Marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIDM).
    Jordan Stolch
    Image Consultant & Style Advisor
    Expert Answer
    Yes, absolutely, as most people aren't divided into warm and cool tones. Knowing what skin tone you are and then being able to choose from either side of the palate will play a huge difference in the way color looks on you.
  • Question
    Sometimes I feel pretty, but other times I feel ugly. I always find myself comparing myself to others. I'm 17, would being a teen have something to do with this?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, these are very normal feelings to have at your age. Teenagers are constantly comparing themselves to others. Just know that everyone else feels the same way you do, even the most confident person you know. Even adults have days they don't feel so attractive, though. Keep in mind that we are our own worst critics, and try not to focus too much on appearance. There's a million things about you that make you interesting and beautiful that have nothing to do with your looks.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of natural eye bags?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Put some spoons in the freezer overnight. When you wake up, apply the cold spoons under your eyes. You can also use used, cooled tea bags on your eyes.

About This Article

Jordan Stolch
Co-authored by:
Image Consultant & Style Advisor
This article was co-authored by Jordan Stolch and by wikiHow staff writer, Eric McClure. Jordan Stolch is an Image Strategist, Style Advisor, and the Founder of MiKADO - a concierge personal styling firm. With over a decade of experience, Jordan specializes in helping people eliminate the confusion and insecurities associated with how to dress in order to build a powerful image and use clothing to their strategic advantage. Jordan trains entrepreneurs, business leaders, and corporate executives in the foundations of "power dressing", from some of the country's preeminent companies such as Morgan Stanley, Deloitte, Berkshire Hathaway, Universal Music Group, Starbucks, and Disney. She works with clients both in-person and virtually, teaching them how to take the confusion out of style so they can operate at a higher level. Jordan earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Waterloo and studied Merchandise Marketing at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIDM). This article has been viewed 1,559,885 times.
7 votes - 71%
Co-authors: 197
Updated: March 22, 2022
Views: 1,559,885
Categories: Looking Good