Synthetic and natural fabric ribbons tend to fray and separate at the edges. You can extend the life of your ribbon by cutting it at a diagonal and applying heat, nail polish or glue to the edges.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Nail Polish

  1. 1
    Find extremely sharp fabric scissors. The sharper the scissors, the better the edge of the ribbon will be.
  2. 2
    Measure the length of your ribbon. Snip the edge at a 45-degree angle, or cut it in an inverted “v” shape to discourage fraying.
  3. 3
    Purchase clear nail polish. Use a good quality, trusted brand that you know encourages long wear.
  4. 4
    Dip the nail polish brush into the nail polish. Wipe the brush on the top of the bottle to remove excess polish.
  5. 5
    Apply a thin layer to the edges of the ribbon. You can either hold the ribbon in your hand and paint it at the very edge or lay it flat and paint one side, and then flip it and paint the other side.
  6. 6
    Pick it up and hold it to ensure it doesn’t adhere to a surface.
  7. 7
    Repeat an additional time for extra hold. Try not to apply it in a thick coat or past the edge. It can make the ribbon look dark and wet if applied too heavily.
    • For best results test a piece of ribbon before you start to make sure it doesn’t ruin the surface.
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Craft Glue/Spray

  1. 1
    Purchase an anti-fraying spray or liquid at a craft store or online. If you plan to wash your ribbons frequently, this is the best option. Opt for clear craft glue if you can’t find anti-fray liquid.
  2. 2
    Cut your ribbon at a 45-degree angle or in an inverted “v” shape if possible.[1]
  3. 3
    Squeeze a small amount of strong, clear glue or anti-fraying liquid out of the bottle.[2]
  4. 4
    Dab it with a cotton swab. Swirl the tip against a paper towel to remove excess liquid.
  5. 5
    Drag the cotton swab against the very edge of the ribbon on either side.
  6. 6
    Hold it aloft until it is fairly dry or hang it from a clothesline to ensure it doesn’t stick to a surface.
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Heat Sealing

  1. 1
    Ensure that the ribbon you want to seal is synthetic. Most satin and grosgrain ribbons sold at craft stores are synthetic. Burlap and cotton ribbons can’t be heat-sealed.
  2. 2
    Light a candle near a sink or bucket of water. Throw the ribbon in the water if it catches fire. Open a window.
  3. 3
    Cut your ribbon with fabric scissors at a 45-degree angle to discourage fraying.[3]
  4. 4
    Hold the edge of the ribbon between your thumb and forefinger. Your fingers should be as far away as possible, while allowing the ribbon to be stiff on its side.
  5. 5
    Drag the very edge of the ribbon next to the flame. In most cases it does not need to be inside the edge of the flame to burn the edge. Move quickly and steadily across the edge.[4]
  6. 6
    Hold it between your fingers to let it cool. Swipe your finger along the edge after 30 seconds. It should feel hard where it has sealed.
    • Repeat the process again, moving the ribbon closer to the flame if the edge does not feel different.
  7. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    I have an e-commerce business and ship some items gift-wrapped. I am using organza ribbon, and when I cut it the ends fray. How can I seal the ends easily? I ship about 15 gift-wrapped packages a day, so the solution needs to be fast and simple (not with a flame, clear nail polish or fabric glue).
    Charl Koen
    Charl Koen
    Community Answer
    Cut ribbon with a hot blade or a hot wire. The heat will melt the edges as it cuts to prevent fraying in future.

Things You'll Need

  • Ribbon
  • Fabric scissors
  • Nail polish-re
  • Anti-fray liquid/spray
  • Clear craft glue
  • Cotton swab
  • Clothesline
  • Candle
  • Water

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Co-authors: 6
Updated: February 2, 2023
Views: 213,784
Article SummaryX

Fabric ribbons tend to fray and separate at the edges, but you can keep your ribbon from fraying by cutting it at a diagonal and applying nail polish or glue at the edges. Snip the edge of your ribbon at a 45-degree angle or cut it in an inverted “v” shape, which will help with the fraying. Apply a thin layer of clear nail polish to the edges of the ribbon to help the fabric stay together. You can also apply an anti-fraying spray or clear craft glue to the tip of your ribbon to keep the threads together. To learn how to heat seal your ribbon, keep reading!

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