Ants often swarm into hummingbird feeders as they're attracted to the sugary nectar. Luckily, there are many things to do to keep ants away. Add things like moats and sticky substances to repel ants. Adjust the feeder to make sure there are no leaks, which could attract ants. Change the feeder location regularly to throw ants off the trail.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Repelling Ants

  1. 1
    Invest in an ant moat. An ant moat is a small cup. You place it between the feeder and the tree branch the feeder hangs from. Ants are unable to go through the water and get into the feeder. You can buy a moat and attach it to your feeder, following the instructions. If you don't already have a hummingbird feed, buy one with an ant moat already installed.[1]
  2. 2
    Add oily substances outside the feeder. Take a sticky substance, such as vaseline, and spread it on the outside of the feeder. Ants will be unable to crawl through this substance to get to the nectar.[2]
  3. 3
    Hang the feeder on fishing line. Fishing line tends to be very slippery. Ants have a difficult time moving across fishing wire. Hanging the hummingbird feeder from fishing line will make it harder for ants to get to the feeder.[3]
  4. 4
    Add bay leaves or mint leaves. Ants do not like the smell of these leaves. They normally tend to stay away from these leaves.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Adjusting the Feeder

  1. 1
    Check for leaks. Check the feeder carefully on all sides. See if you notice any cracks that are causing leaks. Leaks are one of the easiest ways to attract ants. If you notice any leaks, get a replacement feeder.[4]
  2. 2
    Clean the feeder. Each time you add new feed to the hummingbird feeder, wipe down the exterior to remove any built up sugar residue. Ants are attracted to sugar residue, so cleaning the feeder can keep them away.[5]
    • Wipe the feeder down using very hot water, but make sure the water is not hot enough to burn your hands.
    • Keep wiping the feeder until all the sugar residue is gone.
  3. 3
    Adjust the food you're using. Homemade hummingbird nectar is generally one parts sugar to four parts water. However, to deter ants, try using slightly less than one part sugar. Hummingbirds will still feed on the nectar but less sugar will draw in less ants.[6]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Changing the Feeder Location

  1. 1
    Move the feeder frequently. Ants build habitats around food sources. Periodically moving the feeder will keep a colony of ants from settling near the feeder. Every couple of weeks, move the feeder to a different location in your yard.[7]
  2. 2
    Hang the feeder in the shade. Ants may be less likely to invade a feeder found in a shaded area. However, a completely shaded area will fail to attract hummingbirds. Look for an area that's partially shaded so hummingbirds can still access the feeder.[8]
  3. 3
    Place the feeder over water. If you have a fountain or other body of water in your yard, hang the feeder over that. This will prevent ants from crawling towards the feeder as ants will stay out of water.[9]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How do I keep bees away from hummingbird feeders?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Avoid yellow. Red attracts hummingbirds while yellow attracts wasps and bees. Avoid feeders with yellow insect guards or flower accents and your feeder will be less attractive to insects. If you have one with yellow accents, repaint with red, non-toxic paint.
  • Question
    Why do they make feeders with small openings? They're hard to fill and I can't get a brush small enough to clean them.
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Probably to keep squirrels, etc. out. Most humming bird feeders come apart so you can clean and fill them. As far as ants, get a bird feeder moat at a local store that sells the feeders, like Walmart.
  • Question
    What sticky substance can keep ants away from bird feeders?
    Community Answer
    Honey (the edible kind) or something slippery or sticky like vegetable oil or petroleum jelly can sometimes be used to keep ants away from hummingbird feeders.

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83 votes - 95%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: March 2, 2022
Views: 139,603
Categories: Bird Breeds | Bird Feeders
Article SummaryX

To keep ants off hummingbird feeders, start by wiping the feeders down with hot water to remove any sugar residue that may be attracting the ants. Then, coat the outside of the feeders with a sticky substance like Vaseline to make it hard for the ants to crawl inside. Alternatively, try hanging the feeders on fishing line, which is slippery and difficult for ants to move across. Additionally, consider moving the feeder to a different location every 2 weeks to keep ant colonies from settling nearby. For more advice, including how to make the hummingbird food you’re using less attractive to ants, keep reading.

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