Pigs are very intelligent creatures, and they can be house trained to use either a litter box or go outside to use the bathroom. If you want yours to go inside, you'll need to set up an appropriate litter box. Whether you're teaching it to go in a litter box or outside (or both), you need to keep it confined in a small area or crate while house training, so it knows when it should use the restroom.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Setting Up a Litter Box

  1. 1
    Pick a large enough litter box. Like cats, pigs can be litter box trained. However, the box must be big enough so that the pig can turn around fully. That way, the pig will be able to use the bathroom comfortably.[1]
    • For smaller pigs, you can use plastic storage boxes or a regular cat litter box with low sides. For a larger pig, try a plastic kid pool, though you may need to cut an entrance for the pig. Typically, it needs to have shorter sides than one you would use for a cat.
  2. 2
    Choose a good spot for your litter box. Once you have your pig potty trained to a particular spot, it's not going to want to change. Therefore, make sure the place you stick the litter box is where you want it permanently. You may not be able to change it later.[2]
    • Pick someplace convenient for you. For instance, the laundry room might be a good place.
  3. 3
    Secure the litter box. Pigs are curious animals, and your pig may try to get under its litter box just to see what's there. Of course, if it does, you'll end up with a big mess. Try to weight the box down or stick it to the floor so your pig can't rummage around under it.
    • You can simply use a heavier box. You could also glue something heavy to the sides, such as bricks.
    • Alternatively, try using strips of velcro or the like to secure the box to the floor.
  4. 4
    Pick pine shavings. Clumping litter is not good for pigs because they may decide to eat it, and you can imagine what happens when litter clumps inside a pig. Pine shavings are a great option. Avoid cedar shavings, as pigs cannot tolerate it.
    • You can also use paper pellets or simply layers of newspaper.
  5. 5
    Don't clean it completely. When you're first training your pig, leave a bit in the litter box to encourage your pig to return there. Pigs like to go where they've gone before, so having a reminder helps.[3]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Training a Pig to a Crate

  1. 1
    Keep your pig in a small area or crate. Pigs need to be confined to a small area, particularly when they're first learning how to live in your house. A crate works for this purpose, one large enough for them to stand up and sit comfortably in. However, you can also put them in a small area, such as a laundry room.[4]
    • Confining your pig will teach your pig the appropriate time to use the bathroom, as most pigs won't want to go in the same area they sleep. Make sure the area is small enough so your pig has just enough room to lay down comfortably.
  2. 2
    Keep the pig in the crate until its housebroken. Some pigs won't be completely housebroken for a little bit, so be patient. Plus, you shouldn't expect yours to be completely housebroken before it's 6 months old.[5]
  3. 3
    Use a leash and harness. To help the pig adjust to going potty, it's important to take them out of the confined area on a leash. That way, the pig knows it's going just to do its business, and it can be distracted by doing other things on the way.[6]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Taking the Pig to the Bathroom

  1. 1
    Take the pig to the bathroom regularly. When teaching a pig to go to the bathroom, you must provide regular breaks. Start when the pig first wakes up, as well as after each meal. You should also take it every hour or so between those times and right before bed.
    • You can either take the pig to the box or to the same place in the yard.
    • You can also teach a combination of the two, taking the pig to the box at certain times and outside at others.
  2. 2
    Have a bathroom phrase. Just like a dog, a pig can be trained to learn certain commands. If you use the same phrase for going to the bathroom, your pig will come to associate the activity with the phrase. For instance, you could try "Go potty," "Bathroom time," or "Outside potty." Say it each time you take your pig to the bathroom, particularly when the pig starts actually going.
  3. 3
    Use praise as a reward. Once the pig has gone to the bathroom, immediately offer it praise. Say "Good piggy," or "Good pig!" Use a bright, happy tone so that the pig gets the idea it's done a good job.[7]
  4. 4
    Skip punishing mistakes. Your pig is going to have accidents in the house. However, punishing when you find the accident isn't going to do any good. It won't connect the punishment with the action of going to the bathroom.[8]
    • If you catch your pig using the bathroom, then you can say "No!" firmly. Take them to where they should use the bathroom.
  5. 5
    Avoid treat rewards. Food rewards aren't needed and may even be detrimental. Pigs like learning habits, and adding food may confuse them. Plus, they're smart enough to game the system, tricking you to take them to the bathroom when they want a treat.[9]
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79 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: November 25, 2020
Views: 79,839
Categories: Pigs
Article SummaryX

Although they’re uncommon pets, pigs are intelligent animals that you can house train to use a litter box or go outside to do their business. If you’re using a litter box, choose one big enough for your pig, like a plastic kid’s pool. You’ll want to fill it with pine shavings and always leave a bit of its mess in the box so it knows where to go. If you want to train it to go outside, take it out for regular breaks and praise it whenever it goes to the toilet outside. If it makes a mess inside, don’t punish it. Just tell it “No,” and take it outside right away. Your pig probably won’t respond to the punishments, but it will learn from positive reinforcement. For more tips, including how to train your pig to stay in a crate, read on!

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