Since the Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan, thousands of refugees are fleeing the country. Many previously helped US and allied forces, but all of them are worried about what the takeover means for human rights in the country, particularly the rights of women and girls.[1] When they arrive, they'll be struggling to ensure their basic needs are met in a strange country. If you want to help Afghan refugees, we here at wikiHow have compiled a list of things you can do.


  1. Many organizations and nonprofits are helping Afghan refugees. Focus on groups with a strong reputation where most of your money is going directly to help refugees. Here are some organizations to get you started:[2]
    • International: International Rescue Committee, International Committee of the Red Cross, Women for Women International, Save the Children, International Refugee Assistance Project
    • US: The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Ethiopian Community Development Council, Catholic Charities[3]
    • UK: Refugee Council, Asylum Welcome, Refugee Action, Asylum Aid[4]
    • Canada: Conference of Defence Associations[5]
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Buy items from an organization's wishlist.

  1. Organizations resettling refugees have wishlists on Amazon. These wishlists are updated regularly with the food and supplies organizations need to help resettle Afghan refugees. When you purchase items from the wishlist, Amazon automatically sends them to the organization for distribution. Each organization that has a wishlist typically includes a direct link to their official wishlist on their website and might also share links through their official social media accounts. Here are some links to get you started:[6]

Provide transportation for local refugees in the US.

  1. Contact a local organization to offer transportation. The government is largely responsible for settling refugees in Canada and the UK from the moment they arrive. For refugees in the US, though, official services don't start for several weeks. When refugees arrive, they'll need transportation from the airport to their temporary accommodations and to various appointments as they get settled. If you can't drive them yourself, you can also donate Uber or Lyft gift cards.
    • The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is managing transportation volunteers for Afghan refugees arriving in the Seattle, DC, Houston, and Fort Worth areas. If you live elsewhere, you can still sign up as a general volunteer and the service will contact you if necessary.
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Offer mentorship and tutoring services.

  1. Help newly arrived refugees with their language and cultural transition. The Afghan refugee crisis has been ongoing, and all of the new arrivals are coming from a country that has been war-torn for decades. Most of these refugees need help navigating basic life in a Western country. They also typically understand very little English.[7]
    • Keep in mind that many of the things you might take for granted, such as shopping in a supermarket, will be unfamiliar to Afghan refugees. Even if you don't have any special skills or education, you can still help with these basic life skills.
    • If you speak Pashto or Farsi, you can use your skills to help translate for refugees.[8] But even if you don't know these languages, you can still help them learn basic English.

Provide temporary accommodations for local refugees.

  1. Refugees often need somewhere to stay for a few days or weeks. Government services typically arrange more permanent housing for refugees, but this can take some time after they arrive. In the meantime, many refugees don't have anywhere to stay. If you have a spare room in your home, you can host a refugee family.
    • Refugee families typically need 1-3 bedrooms (depending on the size of the family) and access to kitchen and restroom facilities.
    • In the US, temporary accommodations are being organized by the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
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Organize a home set-up with a group.

  1. Pool resources together to set up a home for a refugee family. Things needed typically include basic furnishings, linens, toiletries, kitchen items, cleaning items, and food. Typically, the government agency in charge of refugee resettlement will have a list of supplies needed for a home, and you can go from there.
    • In the US, resettlement is handled by the Reception & Placement (R&P) program, which is funded by the US State Department. This program works with volunteers and local nonprofit organizations to set up homes for refugees that are entering the US.
    • If you're interested in organizing a home set-up in the US for an Afghan refugee family, contact The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service through their website at

Pledge your frequent flyer miles or credit card points.

  1. The organization Miles for Migrants helps resettle displaced people. This nonprofit organization partners with other organizations to help cover flights for refugees to the country where they will resettle. While the organization does work in Afghanistan, there's no guarantee that your miles or points will go to an Afghan refugee.[9]
    • Generally, you have to have enough miles or points to cover a one-way flight. The only exceptions are if you have miles with Alaska Airlines, United Airlines, or Air Canada. Direct partnership with those airlines allows miles from different donors to be pooled.
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Share your support on social media.

  1. Share articles and information about the Afghan refugee crisis. Many nonprofit and international organizations that are helping Afghan refugees have shareable materials available that you can use to encourage your friends and followers to donate. You might also share news articles related to the refugee crisis to help show your support.[10]
    • Even if you restrict your posts to friends only, you can still bring attention to the crisis. But if you feel comfortable doing so, making your post public can help even more.
    • On Twitter, follow the hashtags #Afghanistan, #HelpAfghanistan, and #AfghanLivesMatter. If you're on Instagram, the accounts omar.haidari, theafghan, and middleeastmatters have updates on the situation in the country.[11]

Send letters or emails to government officials.

  1. Let your representatives know that you support Afghan refugees. Your representatives are your voice in your national government, so let them know that you expect them to support efforts to resettle Afghan refugees. Many nonprofit organizations have forms and templates you can use, or you can write your own from scratch.[12]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Is there any way I can help from another country?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Depending on which country you’re in, you can volunteer in shelters that are helping them or employ the refugees in your businesses.


  • When purchasing from an Amazon wishlist, follow a direct link from the organization to the wishlist so you can make sure it's legitimate and your purchase will go to Afghan refugees. If you have any questions about a wishlist, contact the organization directly.

About This Article

Direct Relief
Co-authored by:
Humanitarian Aid Organization
This article was co-authored by Direct Relief. Direct Relief is an award-winning humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries. They focus on helping people affected by emergencies and natural disasters. Direct Relief has been highly rated by Charity Navigator, GuideStar, and the Center for High Impact Philanthropy at University of Pennsylvania, for their effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency. This article has been viewed 22,181 times.
78 votes - 89%
Co-authors: 11
Updated: January 18, 2023
Views: 22,181