With today's busy pace, you can all too easily forget how to recharge your batteries. Yet, it's important for your health, well-being and creativity to take time out to relax and find some "me" time. Taking time out for yourself is not a luxury––it's a necessity. Also, it is an important part of keeping your stress levels at bay. Learn how to get yourself a little me time with the suggestions in this article.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Setting up "me" time

  1. 1
    See "me" time as valuable. "Me" time should not be thought of as selfish or wasting time––it is your opportunity to reduce your stress levels. Regarding yourself as important can revitalize you more than you can imagine.[1]
    • Guilt may plan a big part in your inability to take time for yourself. However, carving out a small pocket of time to enjoy time for yourself is a necessity. It will allow you to think clearer, achieve more, and be calmer. It will also positively affect many aspects of your life—including decreased stress, better decision-making, increased creativity, and better communication.
  2. 2
    Make time for "me" time. No matter how busy your day/week is, there will always be opportunities to fit in some me time. If an opportunity arises where you can fit in a leisurely activity or to take a quick nap, do not pass it up.[2]
    • Sometimes, you'll have to intentionally schedule in your "me" time. Remember, your time and energy are your most valuable assets, and how you manage them can have a big impact on your quality of life![3]
  3. 3
    Set aside time on the weekends to make "me" time. Whether it's a game of your favorite sport, a massage, or even gym time, set aside a time for that activity.[4]
  4. 4
    Be firm with yourself. While it may be easy to give up your time for someone else, you have to remember that you're important also. Consider rescheduling either your time or holding off on other commitments until later.[5]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Spending "me" time

  1. 1
    Stop all that you are doing. You're now going to figure out what you'd like to do in your "me" time. Sit down somewhere peaceful. For example, a beach, cafe, your room, or anywhere else where you feel peace and enjoyment.
    • Ask yourself "What do I want to do?". It may be that you like painting and reading but there is a wide variety of relaxation activities you may enjoy. Some people love running on the treadmill or going for a long walks.
    • Or try reading or writing poems, cooking, shopping, practicing yoga, playing with kids, etc.
  2. 2
    Choose one of the activities that speaks to you. Schedule it for your "me time".[6]
  3. 3
    Have a look at these activities to give you a break from the routine. Slowly introduce the "me" time activities more than once a week. Have a mixture of short and longer activities, depending on the amount of time available to you.
  4. 4
    Notice how "me" time is giving you space and strength over time. Slowly, as you perform the "me" time activities, your happiness quotient will increase.[7]
  5. 5
    Keep your "me" time activities positive. This way the "me" time will help you to feel good about yourself and contribute to building a happier you.
  6. Advertisement


  • Be sure that "me" time doesn't take up your entire schedule. Still spend time with friends and family, do chores and homework, etc. Some may take "me" time as a mask for procrastination.

About This Article

Amber Rosenberg, PCC
Co-authored by:
Pacific Life Coach
This article was co-authored by Amber Rosenberg, PCC. Amber Rosenberg is a Professional Life Coach, Career Coach, and Executive Coach based in the San Francisco Bay Area. As the owner of Pacific Life Coach, she has 20+ years of coaching experience and a background in corporations, tech companies, and nonprofits. Amber trained with the Coaches Training Institute and is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF). This article has been viewed 83,423 times.
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Co-authors: 20
Updated: November 25, 2021
Views: 83,423