Halloumi is a salty and chewy cheese that forms a delicious golden-brown crust when cooked. Because it doesn’t melt easily, halloumi tastes best when fired up over a hot grill. Grilling halloumi is easy. Just stick slices onto a preheated grill, and cook for a few minutes. If you don’t have a grill, you can also make it on the stove. Once you’ve mastered the technique, you might try a variety of delicious grilled halloumi recipes that will have you constantly coming back for more.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Cooking Halloumi on the Grill

  1. 1
    Slice the block into individual pieces. Each slice of halloumi should be roughly 13 inch (0.85 cm) thick. It is OK if it is a little thicker. If it is much thinner, however, the halloumi may fall apart on the grill.[1]
    • In some cases, you can buy halloumi by the slice. In this situation, you do not need to slice it.
  2. 2
    Stick each piece of halloumi on a skewer. Skewers make it easy to flip halloumi on the grill. Stick the skewer length-wise through the middle of the slice. You can place one slice of halloumi on each skewer.[2]
    • If you are using wooden skewers, make sure to soak them in water for about 20 or 30 minutes before you use them.
  3. 3
    Rub olive oil on each side. The olive oil will help keep the cheese from sticking to the grill. Lightly brush the oil on both sides of each slice using a basting brush or a paper towel.[3]
  4. 4
    Heat up the grill. You can use a gas or charcoal grill. Preheat the grill on a medium-high setting until it is 400 °F (204 °C), and close the top. It can take up to five minutes for the grill to get to the right temperature.[4]
  5. 5
    Cook for one minute on each side. Halloumi does not need to cook for very long. Place each slice directly onto the grill, and flip it after a minute or two. Let the other side cook for a minute before removing it from the grill.[5]
    • You should have dark grill marks on each side once the slices have cooked enough. The outside should be crispy and hot, and the inside will be soft. If they are not ready, you can try keeping them on for another minute.
  6. 6
    Serve hot. Grilled halloumi tastes best while it is still hot. It can be served in a variety of ways. Many people eat it as a main or side dish. You can also cut it up and add it to other recipes.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Making Halloumi on the Stove

  1. 1
    Choose a grill or frying pan. A grill pan is ideal, since it can replicate the conditions of a grill. If you do not have a grill pan, you can use a non-stick frying pan instead.[6]
  2. 2
    Slice the halloumi into 13 inch (0.85 cm) pieces. You do not need olive oil or skewers for cooking it on the stove. The halloumi will release its own juices, which will keep it from sticking.[7]
    • Using olive oil on the stove may prevent the crust from forming properly.
  3. 3
    Heat your pan. Set the heat to medium-high, and let the pan sit for a few minutes to preheat. Wait until the pan is hot before you add the halloumi.[8]
    • When you hold your hand above the pan, you should be able to feel the heat coming off of the pan. Do not touch the pan.
  4. 4
    Place each slice in the pan. Arrange the slices so that they are not touching each other. You may want to keep at least 12 inch (1.3 cm) between each slice. You may notice liquid bubbling out of the halloumi as it cooks.[9]
  5. 5
    Cook for a minute on each side. Cook for one minute or until a golden-brown crust has formed. Flip the slice with a spatula. Both sides should have a caramelized crust when you are done.
    • When the halloumi is finished cooking, all of the liquid should have bubbled out of the cheese and evaporated in the pan. There should be no liquid left.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Dressing Up Halloumi

  1. 1
    Marinate halloumi for 15 minutes before you grill. A good marinade can really spice up your halloumi. Pour the marinade over the halloumi before you grill. You can marinate the halloumi for up to 15 minutes. Some marinades you can try include:[10]
    • Thyme: Blend one sprig of thyme, four tablespoons (60 ml) of oil, a clove of garlic, and two tablespoons (30 ml) of lemon juice in a food processor.
    • Basil-mint: Put three tablespoons mint, ½ cup (120 ml) chopped basil, and ½ cup (120 ml) olive oil in a food processor, and pulse until you have a pesto-like sauce.[11]
    • Honey lime: Squeeze juice from one lime into a bowl, and mix it with one tablespoon (15 ml) honey, one tablespoon (15 ml) white vinegar, and two tablespoons (30 ml) olive oil.
  2. 2
    Season the halloumi after it has cooked. After you remove halloumi from the grill, you can garnish it with ground herbs or spices. Black pepper, thyme, mint, and sumac are all tasty options.[12]
    • Since halloumi is salty already, you do not need to add any salt.
    • Try squeezing lemon juice on the halloumi right after you remove it from the grill for a great boost in flavor.
  3. 3
    Make a halloumi skewer. Cut the raw cheese into cubes. Choose your vegetables, and cut these into small pieces. Alternate the cheese with the vegetables on the skewer, and place it on the grill. Cook for between three and five minutes.[13]
    • This recipe cooks longer than normal halloumi does because the vegetables need more time to cook.
    • Good vegetables for skewers include cherry tomatoes, onions, zucchini, and eggplant.
    • Since meat takes so much longer to cook than halloumi, it may not be a good idea to put these on a skewer together.
  4. 4
    Put grilled halloumi in a burger bun. Halloumi burgers are a fantastic vegetarian option at any barbeque. Once you remove the halloumi from the grill, put it on a hamburger bun. Add your favorite condiments or vegetables.[14]
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10 votes - 74%
Co-authors: 4
Updated: August 25, 2021
Views: 20,028
Categories: Barbecue | Cheese
Article SummaryX

To grill halloumi, start by cutting it into thin slices. Then, stick the slices onto skewers, and brush olive oil over each piece. Next, preheat your grill on medium-high, and place the halloumi skewers directly on the grill grate. Finally, grill each slice for 1 minute on each side, or until the slices are crispy on the outside. To learn how to cook halloumi on the stovetop, scroll down!

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