If you’re an avid TikTok user looking to earn some money from your content, getting sponsored on TikTok might be your answer. Almost every company and brand is looking to advertise on this widely popular platform, and you could be their key in. This wikiHow article will walk through a couple of ways to connect with brands for sponsorship and give you some tips on how to best market your account for sponsorship.


Understanding the Different Types of Sponsorship

  1. 1
    Sponsored posts are individual posts sponsored by a brand. You must include a hashtag such as “#ad” or “#sponsored,” for transparency purposes with users on any of these posts.
  2. 2
    Affiliate marketing posts allow influencers to earn commissions from links they share. Influencers can partner with brands and earn money by promoting products through multiple posts or links. Creators can also include affiliate links in their accounts and earn a commission when followers use their links.
  3. 3
    Brand ambassador posts allow creators to represent a brand. Creators and brands can form long-term partnerships to regularly promote a brand or product. Brand ambassadors are usually one step up from affiliate marketing links.
  4. Advertisement

Preparing Your Page for Sponsorships

  1. 1
    The first step for any path to sponsorships is to make sure your content and profile are fun, presentable, and interesting. Brands want to hire users who are well-versed in how to use TikTok and have a large, invested follower base. Make sure to complete these steps before searching for those sponsors:
  2. 2
    Hook brands with a great profile picture and clever bio. Have a clear, interesting profile picture to show off your personality. Include a witty bio that explains your mission on TikTok and what kind of content you like to produce.
  3. 3
    Include links to your other social media accounts. It’s a great idea to streamline your links so that one includes avenues to all your different accounts. This way your bio isn’t crowded and difficult to read.
  4. Advertisement

Utilizing the TikTok Creator Marketplace

  1. 1
    The TikTok Creator Marketplace is the first stop for finding sponsorships. TikTok created the Creator Marketplace to allow creators to easily connect with available sponsors and brands right in the app.[1]
  2. 2
    You must meet certain eligibility requirements to join the Marketplace. These requirements include:
    • You must have a creator or personal account. This prevents big business accounts from dominating the sponsorship field.
    • You must be 18 years of age or older.
    • You must have at least 100,000 verified followers.
    • You must have uploaded and received likes on a video in the last 28 days.
  3. 3
    To join the Marketplace, you must create an application. Your application will be reviewed and then either accepted or denied.
    • If you do not pass an initial review, you can always apply again after 30 days.
  4. Advertisement

Booking Collaborations the TikTok Creator Marketplace

  1. 1
    Collaborate through direct invite. Sometimes, brands reach out directly to creators offering sponsorship.[2] This is usually based on follower count, TikTok activity, and previous content.
  2. 2
    Collaborate through open application campaigns. With this option, brands will open up an “application” for sponsorship for any eligible creator. You can apply to these campaigns to earn sponsorship.
  3. Advertisement

Booking Collaborations Outside the Creator Marketplace

  1. 1
    Direct message your favorite brands on TikTok to offer yourself as a creator.[3] Try DMing your favorite brands to ask about their sponsorship opportunities.
    • Choose brands whose products you enjoy and express that. Although a brand may not ever get back to you, some brands might appreciate your eagerness to promote their products.
  2. 2
    Email your favorite brands to ask if they have creator collaboration opportunities. This tactic is a little more formal and might get you a response.
    • Most brands publish their emails on their websites.
    • Send a quick message about how you’d love to promote their product and how much you enjoy what they do.
  3. 3
    Mention products in your videos to create a starting pad for brand deals. Although it’s technically free advertising, sometimes brands respond when creators just randomly mention their products in their videos.
    • This could lead to a partnership or even becoming a brand ambassador.
  4. Advertisement


  1. https://www.tiktok.com/creators/creator-portal/en-us/getting-paid-to-create/creator-marketplace/
  2. Brian Honigman. Marketing Consultant. Expert Interview. 16 April 2021.
  3. Brian Honigman. Marketing Consultant. Expert Interview. 16 April 2021.

About This Article

Brian Honigman
Co-authored by:
Marketing Consultant
This article was co-authored by Brian Honigman and by wikiHow staff writer, Emily Schmitt. Brian Honigman is a Marketing Consultant and the Owner of Honigman Media LLC. With over a decade of marketing experience, he specializes in consulting with organizations about digital marketing, social media, and content marketing. Brian holds BA in Political Science and Journalism from The University of Pittsburgh. In addition to being a Consultant, Brian is an Adjunct Marketing Professor at New York University and Francisco Marroquín University. His work providing consulting services, training workshops, and coaching programs led to him being named “Digital Marketing Expert” by Entrepreneur and a “Top Social Media Pro” by Social Media Examiner. Brian’s notable clients include The United Nations Development Programme, Thomson Reuters, NATO, and People Magazine. This article has been viewed 8,438 times.
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Co-authors: 3
Updated: January 16, 2022
Views: 8,438
Categories: Tik Tok
Article SummaryX

1. To get sponsored on TikTok join the Creator Marketplace to connect with brands.
2. You must have 100,000 followers, have posted in the last 28 days, and have a personal account.
3. Brands may reach out to you for sponsorship requests through the "'Direct Invite"' option.
4. Or you can reach out to brands and apply to sponsorships with the "'Open Application Campaigns"'.

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