The school of law admission process is a rigorous undertaking that tests the commitment and focus of any undergraduate. It's a challenge for sure, but if you're determined to get into it then you're up for it. To help, here's a "how-to" guide for planning for the process, preparing your materials and getting into the law school of your choice.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Graduate from an Undergraduate University

  1. 1
    Pick the right major. Unlike medical school, there are no prerequisites for law school, so choosing a major can be particularly tough. In fact, The American Bar Association itself does not recommend any undergraduate majors or group of courses to prepare for a legal education and says so on its web site. [1]
    • Choose a major with a higher degree of law school acceptance. Consider majoring in philosophy, economics or journalism--in a recent review of data from the Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) those majors have a high rate of acceptance.
    • Think twice about prelaw. While the name seems to suggest that it would be a good path to follow on your way to law school, not everyone agrees. Check to see how much of the coursework in the prelaw program at the school you're considering seems related to the work you'll do in law school.
    • Undergraduate majors that involve lots of reading and stress critical thinking offer good foundations for law school. Critical thinking, logic, and good writing skills are crucial to success in law.
    • Don't just pick a major because it sounds like a law school will approve of your choices. Many different undergraduate majors feed well into law, and the fact that you're passionate about something can and will show up in the way you portray your experiences.
  2. 2
    Focus on your GPA. Getting the best possible grades is essential for a strong law school application. Whatever major you choose, focus on excelling in all of your classes.
    • The median GPA for law school acceptance is 3.42. Higher tier schools have much more rigorous requirements. For example, the median GPA for acceptance to Yale Law School is 3.9, Harvard is 3.89 and Stanford 3.85.
    • Start strong. Since a good GPA is so important, plan to work on your grades right away. Attend classes regularly, set aside ample time to read and study and if you need help, work with a tutor.
    • GPA isn't the only consideration for law school acceptance, but it's extremely important and should be your main focus during your undergraduate years.
    • Whether or not you do take on graduate school (before or during your law degree), your undergraduate GPA still matters. Law schools look at everything - be prepared.
  3. 3
    Integrate extracurricular activities. While good grades are essential, you want to present yourself as a well-rounded candidate, so plan to get involved in some extracurricular activities.
    • Get involved right away. Admissions committees will want to know how long you have been involved in each activity and what meaningful contributions you've made. If you wait until senior year to join a group, it may be perceived as a move you're making purely to increase your chances of acceptance rather than an involvement that sprang from a genuine passion or interest.[2]
    • Limit the number of groups you join. The depth of your involvement is much more important than the number of activities in which you are involved. [2]
      • Explore all of your options--affinity clubs, intramural sports, service organizations--then commit to two or three that you really connect with.
      • Keep track of your hours of involvement because the applications often ask you to specify how many hours you spent on each activity per week.
    • Consider larger, more established organizations. Many prestigious nonprofits, like UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity, have college chapters on campuses all over the country.[2]
    • Take on a role in student government or on a school publication (newspaper or journal). These are highly valued by law school admission's committees. [3]
    • Secure a leadership position. Whatever organization you choose to become involved in, be sure to step up and take a leadership role. It's essential that you be seen as someone who can take charge, manage multiple responsibilities and people and achieve results.
    • Again, don't just pick something because it sounds good. Get involved and get passionate about something because you can, as these areas of interest can also be considered by law firms as you're looking for a job later.
  4. 4
    Take an internship. Working as an intern can help familiarize you with life in a law firm or other relevant business, give you valuable skills and introduce you to professionals whose advice and guidance can benefit you.
    • You don't have to intern at a law office. Look for internships in related fields such as government, community activism or journalism. A law firm internship may sound great, but if all you did was answer phones and make coffee it won't give you much to talk about on your applications.
    • Search for internships online or at your school. There a lots of sites that list internship openings, and the career guidance office at your university should also have listings that you can use.
    • Plan ahead. Internship positions fill quickly. Apply for summer positions in the winter; submit applications for fall and spring term positions at least one semester in advance.
    • If you cannot afford to go unpaid, try for a part-time or summer job in an area that you're interested in. Law schools do want applicants who have experience, but they do understand that not everyone can afford to get it for free. In the same vein, search for stipends and programs that have extra time allotted, so that you can get the experience while not going into debt preemptively. These are great experiences to learn if something is really right for you, but don't close other doors in the process.
  5. 5
    Mind the timeline. If there's one piece of advice that merits attention when it comes to getting into law school, it's the importance of planning ahead. Not only must you be thinking about grades, activities and internships right from the start of your college career, you must also be thinking about the multiple requirements and deadlines of the law school application process.
    • According to Assistant Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid at UCLA School of Law Rob Schwartz, “It’s best to start thinking about getting recommendations and preparing for the LSAT at least a year in advance and preferably even as much as two years in advance because the recommendations are a very critical part of the admissions process...."
    • Take the LSAT early. For a fall admission, plan to take the LSAT by December of the previous year. If you think you may want to take the exam more than once, make your first testing date in June or October.
  6. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Create Any Necessary Accounts

  1. 1
    Set up a Law School Admission Council (LSAC) account. LSAC is the group that administers the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT), which you must take to gain acceptance into law school.
    • You'll create a user name and password for your LSAC account and then enter basic information about yourself. You'll continue to update information here as you move through the admissions process.
    • Access your LSAC account to view reminders about important application and registration deadlines, learn more about the LSAT, purchase test prep materials, register for the exam and receive your tests scores early.
  2. 2
    Use LSAC's Credential Assembly Service. Once you create your LSAC account, you will also have access to the organization's Credential Assembly Service (CAS). This service helps to simplify and streamline the process of applying to law schools by creating a report that summarizes your undergraduate work and combines all of your documents with your LSAT score and writing sample. They then send the report to the law schools to which you apply.
    • Using CAS is simple; once you have your LSAC account set up, it's simply a matter of submitting the proper documents and paying a fee.
      • Make sure there is a reportable LSAT score in your LSAC file.
      • Provide information about the schools you attended to LSAC.
      • Make sure all required transcripts are sent to LSAC.
      • Be certain all required letters of recommendation and evaluations are sent to LSAC
      • Pay the fee for your account, which will remain active for five years.
  3. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Take the LSAT

  1. 1
    Register for the LSAT. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a half-day, standardized test designed to measure reading comprehension, critical-thinking and reasoning skills and analytical ability. The test is offered four times a year (February, June, October, December) at designated testing centers worldwide. The test takes half a day to complete and consists of five 35-minute sections of multiple-choice question and a 35-minute timed writing sample.
    • Register online using your LSAC account; you can also register by phone or through a mail-in registration form.
    • There is a registration fee for the LSAT; you can pay with check, money order or credit card but not cash. An additional fee is charged for late registration for the exam.
      • If you meet certain criteria, you can apply for a fee waiver of the LSAT registration fee and the Credential Assembly Service (CAS). [4]
    • View the calendar on the LSAC website for notifications of when the registration period begins and ends for the exam.
  2. 2
    Study for the LSAT. The LSAT is a rigorous exam, and you'll perform better if you give yourself plenty of time to prepare.[5] You can study for the LSAT on your own or take advantage of tutoring services and programs that focus on getting students ready for this exam.
    • Take a class. Choose a professionally designed LSAT course to give you an overview of the exam and tools and practice you'll need to earn the best possible score.
      • Be sure the class is taught by a highly qualified instructor and is small (under 20 students) so you can get individual attention.
      • Note: Some of these classes can cost between $500 and $1,300. Budget carefully or consider going to the library to get prep books. Part of the appeal of the class is the notion that you've sunk so much into paying for it that you know you'll spend that much time. Make sure you are taking that much time.
    • Take the class a few months before your LSAT date; that way, you'll have time to study on your own, reinforcing what you've learned in your class.
    • Work with a tutor. Receiving one-on-one instruction for a professional LSAT tutor can help address your specific needs and fill in knowledge gaps you may have.
      • Choose a tutor who's been teaching for at least two years and plan to meet a couple times a week for maximum benefit.
    • Take practice exams. One of the best ways to get ready for the LSAT is to spend time answering the kinds of questions that will be on the real exam. Becoming familiar with the questions and the format of the test will increase your preparedness and make your more comfortable when your testing day rolls around.[6]
      • You can take practice exams on your own. LSAC offers a free online prep test, and there are sample tests on other sites and in LSAT study guide books you can buy.
      • Join a group. Taking a proctored exam with other students simulates the real-world testing environment. Your prep test will be timed, and you'll have a sense of what it's like to maintain your focus in a room crowded with other students.
      • Some LSAT classes offer practice testing as part of the curriculum. If your plan to take a class, choose one that includes a testing component.
      • Don't underestimate the importance of practice. In an article written for U.S. News & World Report, the author recommends taking at least 30 full-length practice tests in preparation for the real LSAT.[7]
      • Even if you take a practice test and score high, don't rush into taking the exam. If you score high before studying, you are more likely to get an even higher score if you study for at least three months. With a high enough score, you can get into the best law schools, and doors will open for you everywhere after graduation.[8]
  3. 3
    Take the exam. Anxiety is common when facing this important exam, but knowing what to expect and being ready will help put some of your fears to rest.
    • Don't forget your ticket. Once you've successfully registered for the LSAT, you'll receive an admission ticket that you must present on the day of the exam. There is no getting into the exam without this ticket.
    • You'll need valid identification and a photo. You must attach a photo (passport size) to your LSAT admission ticket. It must be a recent photo of you (no more than six months old) and be no smaller than 1"x1" and no larger than 2"x2". [9]
    • Bring test-taking materials. Be sure to have #2 or HB wooden pencils as well as a pencil sharpener with you on test days. Mechanical pencils are prohibited but you can bring highlighters if you'd like. [10]
    • You won't be able to bring your digital watch or cell phone to the test site, but if you want to monitor the time, you can bring an analog watch. [10]
    • Check the LSAC website for other items that are permitted on test day.
  4. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Apply to Law School

  1. 1
    Search for law schools. Law school is a huge commitment of time, money and effort. Be sure to pick the one that best suits your career goals.
    • Look at specialties. If you want to practice family law or criminal law, for example, it makes sense to apply to schools who specialize in those fields. Do some online research to check out a school's area of expertise.
    • Consider your chance of acceptance. Top-tier schools receive thousands of applicants and accept very few. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't aim high, but you need to be realistic as well. Pick one or two "reach" schools (ones you may not get into) as well as schools whose average LSAT and GPA rates are in line with your own.[11]
      • Graduating from a top-tier school does open doors for you in the professional world, but it's not the only factor. Don't be overly influenced by a school's ranking.
    • Talk to graduates. Nobody can give you the low-down about a school the way alumni can. Seek out people who attended the schools you're interested in for insight into the school's academic and social environment.
    • Consider cost. Law school is expensive, so cost can clearly be a factor when you're deciding where to apply. If a school you're interested in seems out of reach financially, check into scholarship opportunities they may offer. In general, state schools are less expensive than private schools so put those at the top of your list if cost is a major consideration.
    • Be aware that you'll be paying back your law school loans for years after graduation. Do you best not to overburden yourself with student loans--it could cause you considerable stress or even limit your career options.
    • Look into location. Law school is tough enough without being isolated from family or living in a city that doesn't suit you. Consider how far away you can be from your support group, how easily you make friends and whether you're a city-lover or more of a small-town-dweller when looking at schools.
      • Also consider location for after law school. Some schools have strong regional placement, such that attending means that most of the jobs you will find are within 50 or 150 miles. Other schools have more national or international placement. If you're set on a particular area for after graduation, you may pick a very different school than if you're looking to explore different destinations.
  2. 2
    Select all the law schools you wish to apply to. How many schools you apply to depends on a number of factors including LSAT scores, desired location and budget.[12]
    • Let your LSAT score guide you. One recommendation is to apply to two to four schools where your LSAT is at the 25th percentile; three to five schools where your LSAT is in the mid-range of accepted applicants and two schools where your LSAT is at the 75th percentile. [13]
    • Don't be afraid to ask for a fee waiver. Law schools will often provide you with one to get you started, whether for merit, economic need, or other reasons - it doesn't hurt to ask.
    • If you're unable to move to attend law school, apply to the schools in your area where you would be competitive, plus a "reach" and a "safety" school. If you can or want to move, do the same in the area where you hope to relocate.
  3. 3
    Apply through your LSAC account. Now you'll turn to the CAS associated with your LSAC account to complete your application process. As mentioned above, there are several must-dos:
    • Make sure there is a reportable LSAT score in your LSAC file
    • Provide information about the schools you attended to LSAC
    • Make sure all required transcripts are sent to LSAC
    • Be sure all required letters of recommendation and evaluations are sent to LSAC
  4. 4
    Pay the fees. There are a number of costs associated with applying for law school, so it's good for you to know upfront the money you'll have to invest in this process.
    • CAS charges an overall fee plus an additional fee for each school to which you apply.
    • Law school application fees range from $40 to $100.
    • Don't forget the cost of travel. You may choose to visit law schools as part of your decision-making process. Those trips will come with costs for gas, airfare, lodging and food, all of which should be factored into your budget.
      • Some schools offer stipends for travel.
  5. 5
    Complete your applications. It takes several hours to complete a law school application, so plan to set aside time to focus on this task. You do not want to rush through this process as what you write and how well you write it will be examined closely as part of the application process.
    • The basic information of the application is pretty straight forward. Have all the information you may need to refer to on-hand to streamline the process.
    • Invest time in your essay or personal statement. Your personal statement or essay can allow you to stand out from the crowd and deserves your time, thoughtful consideration and multiple revisions. Among other things, the admissions officers will want to fully understand what attracted you to law and your particular field of interest. [14]
      • Ask people who know you well and can give constructive feedback to read your statement or essay. Ask them to judge whether or not it is successful in communicating your character and a clear sense of purpose.
      • If you're very interested in a particular school, give more information about the specific programs, faculty, or other factors that are drawing you.
  6. 6
    Request your transcripts. Submit a request for your transcripts to the registrar's office at your undergraduate university. Make your request three to four months ahead of your application date.
  7. 7
    Ask for letters of recommendation. Admissions committees want to hear about you from others who know you well. Get letters of recommendation from people who can offer positive impressions of you and predict your success as a lawyer.
    • Each school has a different requirement for the number of recommendations they want. Plan on at least two and as many as four.
    • Ask professors who know you well or community or group leaders with whom you worked. If possible, provide them with a copy of your personal statement so that their comments can support what you've shared about yourself and reflect your career aspirations.
  8. 8
    Mind the timeline. While law schools often list their application due dates as occurring sometime between January and April, most schools use a rolling admissions process that heavily favors those people who submit their applications as early as possible.
    • Aim to submit all of your applications by late November or early December, if not earlier.
    • Give yourself about a year to complete all of the necessary steps. It's not the end of the world if you start a bit later, but being prepared and getting your application in early will give you an advantage over procrastinating peers.
  9. 9
    Wait for a response. It can take anywhere from days to weeks to hear whether or not you've been accepted to law school. Do your best to stay calm and focus on the fact that you did your absolute best.
    • While it's difficult to wait, you can use that time to reflect on why you wanted to attend law school in the first place. Those thoughts can keep your spirits up while you wait or help fortify you if you don't get the response you hoped for.
    • If you don't get accepted to the school you wanted, there are things you can do to make yourself a desirable candidate in the future. Consider retaking the LSAT's (you can take them three times in a two-year period), working for a year or two before reapplying, attending graduate school, or even transferring into the school with good grades from your first year at another institution.
  10. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How important is a good LSAT score?
    Nathan Fox, JD
    Nathan Fox, JD
    LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
    Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
    Nathan Fox, JD
    LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
    Expert Answer
    A high score on the LSAT can open doors to the best law schools in the country and help you gain tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of scholarships. You can still become a lawyer and work your way up with a lower score, but a high score on the LSAT can help you start at the top of the profession. I recommend studying five to six days a week for at least three months in advance.
  • Question
    Does high school GPA matter for law school?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    High school GPA can affect your chances of getting into a good college, and you obviously need to go to college before law school. But law schools will not look at your high school GPA, only your college grades, especially the last year or two.
  • Question
    Can being a drama major ruin my chances of getting into law school?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    No, as there are no specific majors that law school requires. Therefore, you can apply to law school no matter what your major was for your undergraduate degree.

About This Article

Nathan Fox, JD
Co-authored by:
LSAT Teacher, Founder of LSATdemon
This article was co-authored by Nathan Fox, JD. Nathan Fox is an LSAT teacher, the co-host of the Thinking LSAT Podcast, and the co-founder of LSATdemon. Nathan is the author of six LSAT books including The Fox LSAT Logical Reasoning Encyclopedia. He scored a 179 on the February 2007 LSAT and holds a JD from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law. This article has been viewed 495,461 times.
6 votes - 83%
Co-authors: 25
Updated: January 14, 2023
Views: 495,461
Article SummaryX

To get into law school, choose an undergraduate major that emphasizes critical thinking and reading, such as philosophy or journalism. In addition to coursework, join extracurricular activities, such as student government or a school newspaper. Finally, taking a summer internship at a law firm or other relevant business can give you valuable skills and introduce you to mentors who can help guide you. To learn how to study for the LSAT, keep reading!

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