Scenario: You just bought some new skates. They fit perfectly. You baked them and then skated in them for four days with great success, but then on the fifth day you have a problem: horrible lace bite on your left foot. Lace bite is sharp pain or pressure along the extensors hallucis longus tendon, which runs from the front of the lower leg to the base of the big toe. Read on to see how to solve this painful problem.


  1. 1
    Identify whether a foot or both feet have the problem. One foot having the problem may indicate an injury or if both feet have pain it may indicate differing fit from foot to foot that may need to be corrected. A refit may be done properly using specialty products and methods that are available and facilitated by carefully re mediating the fit of each shoe at the qualified skate shops.
  2. 2
    Try loosening the top portion of the skate but not to the point where your foot can move around inside.[1] Use this trying-on technique for a few pairs of skates. Try lacing up the boots tightly for the first 3 eyelets, snug but not really tight for the next 3,[2] and as you move to the turn up the ankle lace it up tight to lock in your heel. The idea is to take pressure off the middle area of the foot while locking your heel in position.
  3. 3
    Make a trip to your local skate shop: somewhere that sells only skates/hockey/figure skating equipment, they will be able to alter your boot correctly either by softening up some of the boot or by adding material such as a properly installed insole or padding.[3]
    • If the store who sold you your skates does not have a specialty in skates but also sells tents, pajamas and tires -- chances are the person who sold you your skates didn't know exactly what they were doing. This could result in an improper fit and be the reason your feet hurt. Most hockey shops and dedicated skate shops have a machine that can heat up the skates and make the padding pliable and soft. You then lace the skate up tightly and sit down with the runners (blade) flat on the floor for 15 minutes. You should avoid walking or flexing the boot when you do this process. The boot will mold to your foot shape and retain a memory. This process is called Baking and greatly reduces break in time.
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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 24 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 127,101 times.
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Co-authors: 24
Updated: October 31, 2022
Views: 127,101
Categories: Ice Hockey