If you know you're going to have to fight someone and you're scared, let wikiHow help. It's always better to try to find a peaceful solution to the problem but if you can't then you need to be able to defend yourself.


Try to find a different solution first.

  1. You should always talk to a parent or teacher before fighting. Try to find another way to solve your problems that doesn't include violence.[1] We know that you don't want to seem lame to others, but if the person only likes you for being tough then they don't really like you at all. They aren't your true friends and they never could be.[2]
    • Fighting can have lots of bad consequences for you. If you really, seriously hurt the other person, even if they started the fight, you could go to jail or get in trouble with the police. This can happen even by accident, so it's better to steer away if you can.
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Do not ever fight on school grounds.


Wear the correct clothing.

  1. Wear proper clothing if you know you're going to be in a fight. Wear something underneath your shirt, so that if the first shirt rips you will have something on. Wear leggings or athletic shorts. It can be tough to move in tight jeans and leggings are harder to get a hold of.
    • If you're wearing a weave/wig, make sure it's fixed tightly. If it's not tight then your opponent will probably pull your weave.
    • If you do lose a piece of clothing, just keep fighting. Embarrassment is one thing, getting beat up is quite another.
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Always have backup.

  1. Chances are if the other person is a good fighter, their friends will jump in, so you need some to do the same. This can keep you from getting seriously hurt. With a few friends in tow, the fight will probably stay smaller, since no one will let it get really out of control. Make sure to tell your friends that you want to keep the fighting to a minimum. They're only there to protect you!
    • Make sure you have people with you just in case anyone decides to jump in during the fight. Being outnumbered can increase the likelihood of you getting seriously hurt.

Refrain from throwing the first punch.

  1. You want to avoid fighting if at all possible. Argue with them or talk them down: whatever you do just don't be the first one to start fighting. If you hold your ground and don't say anything too angering, you might not have to fight at all.[3]
    • Try using dialogue (talking) to shut the fight down. Say something like, "I'm tired of all this arguing. It's not going to change anything. Can't we just stay out of each others way?" or "Is this really going to fix this problem? I want us both to walk away happy."[4]
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Look for weaknesses.

  1. While they're talking, stay calm and assess how you think they are vulnerable. If they are shorter - bear down on them. If they're taller go for their legs and their midsection. If they have long hair grab a handful and pull their head down so they can't see.[5]
    • If you're fighting with a girl, try to grab her by her hair, throw her over your shoulder (if you are strong enough), and beat her up. Getting girls by the hair is very effective because they usually want to keep their hair, so they'll follow your grip.
    • If someone pulls your hair don't back up, but go towards them. If they are smaller, go for a tackle where you'll end up on top. If they are stronger or taller, then go for their crotch.

Use a disabling move.

  1. You want to get your attacker onto the ground to try to bring the fight to an end. The best way to do this is to use your own body against them. Grab their pinky, and pull it back towards their elbow. Their arm will follow. Guide the arm so that it goes behind their back and then push them down to the ground. Place your knee at the center of their back and hold their arm in place until they calm down.
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Don't let them get an advantage over you.

  1. Never let your opponent have the chance to get on top of you or drag you away. Kick, scream, and keep hitting.
    • Protect your neck, in case they try to choke you. If she does try to choke you, turn your head.

    Fighting Tip: If they manage to pin you face up, and they are straddling your waist, bump them with your hip bones really hard. It should knock them a little off balance, and then you can proceed to knock them back using your lower body and legs.


Use defensive tricks to save yourself.

  1. Sometimes you have to think smarter. In many fights, you'll have to use your smarts to save yourself, rather than being impulsive and trying everything to win the fight. Try using one of these tricks to defend yourself from your attacker:
    • Always have your back facing the wall, if possible, so no one can sneak up on you.
    • Block your face in order to avoid your facial features from being harmed whilst fighting.
    • Make sure your hair is arranged so your opponent has nothing to grab. If you have long hair, put it in a bun in the middle of your head out of reach.
    • Never let them get too close. If you have that feeling something is about to go down, or that they are about to hit you, then go ahead and hit. Alternatively let them hit you first, if you fear getting into trouble.
    • If you want them to fall, lock legs with them and drive your knees upward. When they punch, you can duck down and kick them in the legs.

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I win in a fist fight?
    Tsahi Shemesh
    Tsahi Shemesh
    Self Defense Trainer
    Tsahi Shemesh is a self-defense expert, specializing in Krav Maga. He began learnring Krav Maga in 1988, and trained directly under Imi Lichtenfeld, the founder of the sport. Shemesh is the Founder and Program Director of Krav Maga Experts in New York City. He has certified hundreds of instructors, trained a wide variety of professionals (including EMTs and NYPD officers), and his curriculum is taught in over a dozen countries worldwide.
    Tsahi Shemesh
    Self Defense Trainer
    Expert Answer
    If you truly need to resort to violence, aim for a vulnerable area like the head or groin.
  • Question
    Should I wear loose or tight fitting clothes to fight?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You should wear tight-fitting clothes so your opponent can't pull your clothing. If you wear loose clothing, your opponent can pull you around by your clothes.
  • Question
    What do I do if the girl has long nails?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    You have an advantage as she is not going to be able to punch that hard, as the nails get in the way of making a fist. On the other hand, she can scratch you; if she does and it's near your face, grab her hand and twist. Make sure you bend her backward when you twist her hand, then kick her back. Let her go; she will automatically fall.


  • Getting into a fight is not the answer to solving any problems you are having with another person. Not only do you risk getting seriously hurt, you also risk facing expulsion from your school or college, or/and a criminal record, neither of which will help your future.



  1. Tsahi Shemesh. Self Defense Trainer. Expert Interview. 17 September 2019.
  2. day.com/us/blog/counseling-keys/201704/communicating-through-conflict
  3. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/your-personal-renaissance/201901/when-conflict-becomes-combat
  4. Tsahi Shemesh. Self Defense Trainer. Expert Interview. 17 September 2019.
  5. https://www.inkedmag.com/culture/survival-secrets-to-winning-a-street-fight
  6. https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/how-to-win-a-fight/
  7. Tsahi Shemesh. Self Defense Trainer. Expert Interview. 17 September 2019.
  8. https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/bear-grylls-how-to-fight-self-defence

About This Article

Tsahi Shemesh
Co-authored by:
Self Defense Trainer
This article was co-authored by Tsahi Shemesh. Tsahi Shemesh is a self-defense expert, specializing in Krav Maga. He began learnring Krav Maga in 1988, and trained directly under Imi Lichtenfeld, the founder of the sport. Shemesh is the Founder and Program Director of Krav Maga Experts in New York City. He has certified hundreds of instructors, trained a wide variety of professionals (including EMTs and NYPD officers), and his curriculum is taught in over a dozen countries worldwide. This article has been viewed 666,617 times.
128 votes - 86%
Co-authors: 152
Updated: March 16, 2023
Views: 666,617
Categories: Self Defense