In Pokémon Sun and Moon, Bounsweet is a small Grass-type Pokémon that resembles a berry. It evolves into the Grass-type Steenee, which evolves into the Grass-type Tsareena. This article will explain how to evolve it all the way.


  1. 1
    Identify where Bounsweet can be found. It can be found in Lush Jungle, or in an in-game trade for a Lillipup in Route 5's Pokémon Center. If you're looking in Lush Jungle, you'll have a 40% chance of finding one in the northwest area. It'll be between level 18 and 21. If you're doing the in-game trade, Lillipup can be found on Route 4, Route 5, Route 6, Brooklet Hill, and Paniola Ranch. You have a 30% chance of finding one on Routes 4, 5, and 6, a 20% chance on finding one on Brooklet Hill, and a 40% chance of finding one in Paniola Ranch. You'll find one between level 11 and 17, depending on where you're looking for one. The in-game trade Bounsweet will be at the level your Lillipup is at and nicknamed Bouncee.
  2. 2
    Go to Lush Jungle, if you're catching one. Once in the northwest area of Lush Jungle, look through the tall grass until you find a Bounsweet. If you're doing the in-game trade, go to one of the areas in the first step and go through the tall grass until you find a Lillipup.
  3. 3
    Catch the Bounsweet or Lillipup, depending on whether you want to catch a Bounsweet or do the in-game trade. Nest Balls are a good Poké Ball to catch one with, since they'll be at a fairly low level. If you're doing the in-game trade, go to the Pokémon Center on Route 5 after catching the Lillipup and talk to the boy near the cafe section. Say yes when he offers you his Bounsweet for your Lillipup, find your Lillipup, and select "Trade" to do the trade.
  4. 4
    Have your Bounsweet gain experience. Since Bounsweet is a Grass-type Pokémon, the best Pokémon to face are Water, Rock, and Ground-type Pokémon. Once your Bounsweet is level 18, it will evolve into Steenee.
  5. 5
    Train your Steenee to level 29. Once it reaches level 29, you'll be offered to have it learn Stomp. Have it learn Stomp, and it will then evolve into Tsareena. Don't decline to learn Stomp, since it won't evolve if it hasn’t learned this move.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    My Bounsweet is at level 20, when will it evolve?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It should be able to evolve once it reaches level 29 and it knows the attack Stomp. It will try to evolve after that as long as it still knows Stomp.
  • Question
    My Bounsweet evolved into Bouncee? People are saying Bounsweet evolves into Steenee or Tsareena, can you help clear my confusion?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Its name is Bouncee. They are called Steenee, which then becomes Tsareena.
  • Question
    My Bounsweet is past level 18, when will it evolve?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Just level it up and it will evolve. It doesn't matter if it's above the level that it's originally supposed to evolve, just grind water types or use a rare candy and it will still do its thing.


  • If you get the Bounsweet from the in-game trade, it may disobey you if you overlevel it.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 41,609 times.
15 votes - 79%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: June 11, 2020
Views: 41,609
Categories: Pokemon Sun and Moon