This article will teach you how to eliminate Kokona without debugging commands or easter eggs. Joining a club is recommended, and for some methods, it is required.

Method 1
Method 1 of 6:


  1. 1
    Select Old-Fashioned Fundoshi panties in the morning. This is not a required step, but it is recommended because it gives you extra study points.
  2. 2
    Go to school and befriend Kokona, by doing her task for her. You must take five panty shots, use them to buy a clean uniform, and then modify it in the sewing room.
  3. 3
    Go to class. Put all of your study points into biology, and repeat this step until you reach rank 1 in biology.
  4. 4
    Go to the infirmary and grab the syringe and the tranquilizer.
  5. 5
    Ask Kokona to follow you.
  6. 6
    Bring her to the storage room, follow the checklist, and then use the syringe. Dump her sleeping body into the box.
  7. 7
    Go home.
  8. 8
    The next day, torture her until her sanity reaches zero. It does not matter how you do it, as long as it eventually runs out.
  9. 9
    Bring her to school the morning after her sanity reaches zero.
  10. 10
    Give her a weapon, select to anyone to kill and she will kill herself. You have successfully eliminated Kokona. This can also be done with any female student if you either do their task or read all five Cherry Touch novels. She will always kill Kokona and then kill herself.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 6:


  1. 1
    Select Girly Pink panties. This step is not required, but these are the recommended panties for this method.
  2. 2
    Go to school and befriend Kokona, by doing her task for her. You must take five panty shots, use them to buy a clean uniform, and then modify it in the sewing room.
  3. 3
    Talk to Riku (the male with purple hair) and do a task for him. You must take a picture of the kitten at the side of the school.
  4. 4
    Take a picture of Kokona and send it to Info-chan. Since Kokona is a social butterfly, she will happily pose for you.
  5. 5
    Talk to Riku and ask him if he has a crush on Kokona. You can do this by clicking the 'Love' icon.
  6. 6
    Change Riku's appearance. Tell him to have slicked back hair, glasses, and piercings. These changes will not take effect until the next day.
  7. 7
    Collect the Cherry Touch manga and read as much of it as you can each night. This raises your seduction level, thus making it easier to matchmake them.
  8. 8
    Find out what Kokona likes and dislikes. After some/all of this is done, you can go to her profile and see her interests by pressing R. Memorize what she likes and dislikes.
    • Watch Kokona cook in the cooking club after school.
    • Make Kokona follow you and walk past the kitten outside.
    • Listen to Kokona and Saki's conversation on the rooftop at lunchtime on Monday.
    • Write a note to Kokona to meet you on the rooftop to talk about domestic abuse, and then offer help when you see her (you do not have to do anything past that). You can write the note by going to her locker.
    • On Monday morning, go outside in front of the school and listen to Kokona's phone call.
    • Make Kokona follow you into the occult club and take her near the ritual knife.
    • Walk past her and the group of girls in the morning or during lunch while she is talking to them in a circle.
    • Make Kokona follow you and go near Pippy and/or Ryuto who are playing games in the computer lab.
    • Take a picture of another student, and then use the gossip option when talking to Kokona.
  9. 9
    The next day, take a panty shot and use it to buy a headset and earpiece.
  10. 10
    Pick a rose in front of the school and give it to Riku, who will give it to Kokona.
  11. 11
    Take Riku to the library to study so that he can boost his wisdom, which Kokona finds attractive.
  12. 12
    Talk to Kokona and use the 'Court' option under the 'Love' menu to get her to go to the east fountain.
  13. 13
    Do the same with Riku. You have to tell Kokona first or else you can't tell Riku.
  14. 14
    When they are both at the east fountain, hide behind the tree and tell Riku what to do. If this goes successfully, the meter at the top will fill up. He can:
    • Comment negatively on something Kokona dislikes.
    • Comment positively on something she likes.
    • Compliment her.
    • Show off his wisdom.
    • Give her the rose from earlier.
  15. 15
    Repeat the previous five steps each day until the meter is full.
  16. 16
    Wait until Friday, and Kokona will confess her feelings for Riku. As she now has a boyfriend, she is no longer into Senpai, so you have successfully eliminated her.
  17. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 6:

Committing Homicide

  1. 1
    Choose a pair of panties in the mornings such as Low Leg Panties, Stealthy Black Panties, or Lewd Lacy Panties.
  2. 2
    Go to school and befriend Kokona, by doing her task for her. You must take five panty shots, use them to buy a clean uniform, and then modify it in the sewing room.
  3. 3
    Grab a weapon. If it is concealable, put it away, and if not, put it in the room you plan to use in the next step.
  4. 4
    Ask Kokona to follow you, and bring her to a private room with no students, no teachers, no Senpai, no Student Council, ect.
  5. 5
    Attack Kokona.
  6. 6
    Get rid of the evidence. Activate the incinerator when you are done. Avoid teachers and Senpai at all costs. If the delinquent sees you they will fight you and they will never stop until they knock you out (and you will get a insant game over)
    • Mop up the blood using a mop and bucket, which can be found in bathrooms and other places around the school. To do clean you must fill the bucket with water, grab a Bleach bottle (which you can get on the Gardening Club by pickpocketing Uekiya Engeika, do it right or you will get lower you reputation. Go the shed and grab the Bleach) fill the bucket with water with the bleach, grab a mop, dip the bucket and get start mopping the blood. (Recommended)
    • Put the weapon in the incinerator. (Required)
    • Change out of your clothes in the girls' locker room, and change into the gym uniform, bathing suit, or nothing at all. Shower in the shower room and put the bloody clothes into the incinerator. (Required)
    • Throw the corpse into the incinerator, shred it using the wood chipper in the gardening club or bury it using a shovel in the gardening club. (Recommended)
    • Press the laugh button, many times if your sanity is getting lower, without the teachers, Senpai and others to notice you or you will get instant game over.
  7. 7
    Go to class. If you did all of this without getting caught, the police will not even be called. If you did only the required steps, the police will still come, but you will not be caught. If you do not get arrested, you have successfully eliminated Kokona. If your reputation is lowest when you are going to class, a cutscene will appear (of your students laughing at you) and you will get a instant game over.
  8. Advertisement
Method 4
Method 4 of 6:

Faking Suicide

  1. 1
    Select Old-Fashioned Fundoshi panties in the morning. This is not a required step, but it is recommended because it gives you extra study points.
  2. 2
    Go to class. Put all of your study points into language, and repeat this step until you reach rank 1 in language to later put a suicide note.
  3. 3
    Go to the rooftop on Monday at lunch. Listen to Kokona's conversation with Saki.
  4. 4
    Leave a note in Kokona's locker, asking her to meet you on the rooftop to talk about domestic abuse.
    • If you don’t want to drag the corpse into the incinerator and get anyone catching them, go the dumpster, push to the left and open and wait to Kokona arrive.
  5. 5
    Wait for her to go to the rooftop. When she does, sneak up on her and push her off the edge. Drag the corpse to the incinerator. You have successfully eliminated Kokona. If you push to the dumpster, grab a garbage bag, put on her and close.
  6. Advertisement
Method 5
Method 5 of 6:

Setting Up an Expulsion

  1. 1
    On Monday, take a panty shot and go to Info-chan's schemes. Purchase the Expose Dirty Secret, and follow the instructions.
  2. 2
    On Tuesday, take two panty shots and purchase the Frame For Theft scheme. Follow the instructions.
  3. 3
    On Wednesday, take three panty shots and purchase the Frame For Smoking scheme, and follow the instructions.
  4. 4
    On Thursday, take four panty shots and purchase the Frame For Panty Shots scheme, and follow the instructions.
  5. 5
    On Friday, take five panty shots and purchase the Frame For Cheating scheme, and follow the instructions. If you have done all of this, you have successfully eliminated Kokona.
  6. Advertisement
Method 6
Method 6 of 6:


  1. 1
    On Monday, befriend Kokona, by doing her task for her. You must take five panty shots, use them to buy a clean uniform, and then modify it in the sewing room.
  2. 2
    Go to the rooftop at lunchtime. Listen to Kokona’s private conversation with Saki.
  3. 3
    Leave a note on Kokona’s locker, asking her to ou on the rooftop to talk about domestic abuse.
  4. 4
    Wait for her to go to the rooftop. There, offer help to talk with Kokona.
  5. 5
    On the next day, kidnap Musume. If you want know how to kidnap her, follow the above method on that strategy.
  6. 6
    Go to your basement on the next day (only at daytime) and record her.
  7. 7
    Watch the cutscene between Kokona and you. During the cutscene, press F and you will successfully eliminated Kokona. However, if you want to befriend her, do nothing and keep watching.
  8. 8
    Go to school. You will have successfully eliminated Kokona.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How many ways are there to eliminate a rival without harming anyone?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There are currently two: Expulsion and Matchmaking. Expulsion is when you get your rival expelled, and matchmaking is when you make them fall in love with someone else other than your Senpai.
  • Question
    Which classes do the study points go in with the Fundoshi panties?
    Blue Prism
    Blue Prism
    Community Answer
    The points go toward your Biology class. It is located in the interface with the Deoxyribonucleic Acid icon.
  • Question
    Is it wise to kill Kokona right by the incinerator so there's no need to drag the body through the school and past the delinquents?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes the delinquents guard the incinerator between break times. You won’t need to drag her, but the delinquents might have a chance of witnessing you.

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wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 18 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 28,007 times.
20 votes - 85%
Co-authors: 18
Updated: May 11, 2020
Views: 28,007
Categories: Video Games