Homer Simpson is a widely recognizable cartoon character, in part because of the popularity of The Simpsons cartoon series, and also because of his comical representation of American working class stereotypes. This article will show you how to draw him, step-by-step.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Homer's Head

  1. 1
  2. 2
    Draw a small circle, about half the size of the other one.
  3. 3
    Draw a horizontally straight line from the end of the nose to the eye.
  4. 4
    Draw another circle, the same size as the eye. It must be exactly in line with it, horizontally. It must 'wrap' around the nose.
  5. 5
    Erase the parts that overlap the nose and the first eye, as the first eye should be more in the foreground.
  6. 6
    Draw a curved line that stretches from the bottom point of the nose, to about in line with the far side of the first eye.
  7. 7
    Draw another curved line from the same point as the previous one, but pointing down, in a south-east direction. Its length must be about the height of one of the eyes.
  8. 8
    Draw another curved line from the finishing point of the last one, pointing slightly down. Its length will be the same as the vertical height of the nose.
  9. 9
    Draw a small curved line, slightly smaller than the last one, that goes from the finishing point of the last one, pointing south-west.
  10. 10
    From the ending point of the line in Step 9, draw yet another curved line that points south-east, that is slightly longer than the vertical height of one of the eyes.
  11. 11
    Draw a curved line from the point of the last one, to the point of the one in Step 12.
  12. 12
    Add any expression of your choice to the mouth.
  13. 13
    Draw a circle that is about the size of the curved part of Homer's skull (see picture above). Chop off half to make it a semi-circle, but at an angle.
  14. 14
    Move the semicircle to a suitable point.
  15. 15
    Make a small lump above the second eye (see picture).
  16. 16
    Draw a straight line from the top of the lump, to the bottom of the semicircle.
  17. 17
    Draw a curved line from the other point of the skull semicircle that stretches all the way down past the mouth.
  18. 18
    Create a circle about half the size of the eye, and cut a small part off. This will be the ear.
  19. 19
    Draw the line that appears on homers ear(see picture).
  20. 20
    Add the two curved hairs at the top, and the other ones just above the ear.
  21. 21
    Add pupils to the eyes at any desired point.
  22. 22
    Fill the face and Homer's beard with appropriate colours. If the head is too big, you can rub out and make it smaller
  23. Advertisement

Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Homer's Face and Body

  1. 1
    Draw 2 circles as eyes. Place two dots for the pupils in both circles.
  2. 2
    Draw the nose shaped as a sausage under the eyes.
  3. 3
    Draw a bow that is pointing to the left for the first part for the mouth.
  4. 4
    Draw another bow that is pointed to the right and is connected to the other bow.
  5. 5
    Draw Homer's head above his eyes.
  6. 6
    Draw his hair making 4 half circles.
  7. 7
    Draw Homer's neck and ear, for the ear you can simply draw a half of a small circle.
  8. 8
    Draw the collar right under his neck.
  9. 9
    Draw under the collar Homer's tummy.
  10. 10
    Draw the 2 sleeves from his shirt.
  11. 11
    Draw under his sleeve his arm with the hand.
  12. 12
    Draw the start of his pants and legs.
  13. 13
    Draw his leg and shoe under his visible arm.
  14. 14
    Draw his other leg and shoe next to the other one.
  15. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    What color doughnut does he eat?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Homer Simpson usually eats a tan doughnut with pink icing and rainbow sprinkles, I believe.
  • Question
    Does Homer have teeth?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
  • Question
    Should I draw Homer with eyebrows?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It's your decision, but I personally think Homer looks better without eyebrows.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Paper

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 65 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 336,149 times.
3 votes - 67%
Co-authors: 65
Updated: November 7, 2022
Views: 336,149
Article SummaryX

To draw Homer Simpson, start by making 2 circles for the eyes and putting a dot in the middle of each eye for the pupils. Underneath the eyes, draw a sausage shape for the nose. Next, draw 2 bows pointing in opposite directions for the mouth. Then, add his hair in 4 half circles above his eyes, and one of his ears by drawing a small half circle. Finally, complete Homer's top half by drawing a collar under his neck, 2 shirt sleeves, and a tummy below the collar. For tips on how to draw Homer's head and legs, keep reading!

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