The waterfall card flourish, also known as the cascade, is a simple but effective way to handle cards with flair. Although it isn’t really a magic trick, it is an essential skill for basic card manipulation. The waterfall happens when you let cards fall one by one into your hand. With the right grip, you can arch the cards so they fall in a steady stream. Master the flourish to impress an audience anytime you need to show off your dexterity or shuffle cards.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Holding the Card Deck

  1. 1
    Press your thumb against the shorter edge of the deck. The technique is often done with a standard 52-card deck, which is a great way to practice. Set the cards face down on a table or in the palm of your hand. Lower your hand over the deck, positioning your thumb in the center of the shorter edge. Then, grip the deck with your thumb at the first knuckle to keep it still when you begin the flourish. The tip of your thumb will overhang the deck a little bit.[1]
    • Try to keep your thumb centered along the edge of the cards throughout the flourish. It will help you control the waterfall.
    • Picking a deck up from a flat surface can be a little tricky, so consider propping it up with your hand. Squeeze it between your thumb and ring finger, keeping them positioned on the longer edges of the cards.
  2. 2
    Hold the opposite edge of the deck with your 3 main fingers. Wrap your hand over the top of the deck, reaching out to its other short edge. Use your forefinger, middle finger, and ring finger to latch onto the cards. Position the first knuckle on each finger over the cards like you did with your thumb. The tips of your fingers will also drape over the deck.[2]
    • Test your grip by attempting to lift the deck. When you’re in the right position, you will have complete control over it. If your grip feels loose or shaky, set the deck down and readjust.
  3. 3
    Squeeze the deck between your fingers to separate the cards. Playing cards are bendable, so squeezing them causes them to arch. Apply a light amount of force so the deck forms a curve like a small hill that fits in the pocket formed by your hand. Keep the palm of your hand arched back behind the cards. The cards will spread apart, leaving a little air pocket between each one.[3]
    • The air pockets cause the cards to fall one by one instead of in chunks. It’s a very important part of a smooth waterfall flourish!
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Releasing and Catching the Cards

  1. 1
    Position the deck sideways with the face turned away from you. Rotate your wrist like you’re showing the cards to someone. When you do this, the longer edges of the deck will be on the top and bottom. The deck has to be oriented horizontally this way in order for the cards to flow from your hand in a waterfall.[4]
    • Check your positioning. In the correct position, the cards will be perpendicular to the floor. If you’re performing for someone, make sure they are able to see the bottom card in the deck.
  2. 2
    Position your free hand underneath the deck. Your free hand is the one that catches the cards. Try holding it about 6 in (15 cm) below the cards at first. Turn it so your palm faces upward. Use the center of your palm to catch the cards and the ridge of your thumb to hold them in place.[5]
    • Your hand does not have to be completely flat when doing the flourish. Try bending it a little into a cradle, bringing your thumb forward a little bit to control the falling cards. You could also rotate your wrist to the side if that helps you catch them.
  3. 3
    Open your fingers back up to begin releasing the cards. Slide your thumb and fingers apart like you’re opening a clamp. Spread them at a steady speed so the cards fall one at a time at a steady rate. As your fingers move, the cards will start falling off the deck. Moving too quickly causes them to all tumble down in a splash.[6]
    • This is the only part of the flourish that takes some practice. Finding the perfect speed can be tough, but keep in mind that the trick works best when it is done in a single quick but fluid motion. Aim for a moderate, consistent pace when moving your fingers.
  4. 4
    Catch the falling cards in your empty hand by holding it still. If your hand is in the right position, catching the cards won’t be too difficult. Let the cards bounce onto your palm one by one. They will fall forward, so be prepared to catch them with the base of your thumb. You could move your thumb back to steady the cards if you feel like they are going to spill off your hand.[7]
    • When you’re first learning the flourish, you may drop some cards. Forget about the ones you drop and focus on the ones you can still catch.
  5. 5
    Move your holding hand up and away as the cards continue to fall. End the flourish with a little flair by raising the hand holding the cards. Match your movement speed to the speed of the falling cards. While you’re doing this, keep spreading your fingers so the cards continue spilling out toward your catching hand. This simple movement creates a more convincing waterfall!
    • You may wish to hold your hand still at first while learning the flourish. Focus on getting the cards to fall and then add the extra hand movement once you’re comfortable with it.
    • Remember to aim for the center of your catching hand. Move your holding hand up in a straight line so you don’t lose any of the cards.
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19 votes - 84%
Co-authors: 6
Updated: November 5, 2019
Views: 38,639
Categories: Card Decks