Delivering pizzas might seem simple enough as far as jobs go, but like any other job, there are a number of pointers to follow. First, there are some basic things that you need to do in order to ensure customer satisfaction with a quick delivery. Following a few other pointers will then increase your chances of earning higher tips. However, it’s equally important to balance customer needs with your own in terms of personal safety, since delivery people can often be targets of crime.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Covering the Basics

  1. 1
    Make sure you have what you need before leaving the store. Once you’re out on the road, you’re stuck with what you got, so be sure that have the essentials before heading out. Most importantly, check that each order matches its receipt so you don’t show up at the door with something missing or the wrong order. Also, make sure you have:[1]
    • Enough cash and coins to make proper change if the customer is paying with cash.
    • At least one pen for the customer to sign credit card receipts, but preferably two in case one dries up.
    • A cellphone to contact the store, customer, or emergency services if necessary.
  2. 2
    Place hot items in a heat bag. Keep in mind that the customer probably doesn’t want to reheat their food in the oven once it gets there. Put all hot items in one or more heat bags so they retain their heat. Be sure to seal them tight so no heat escapes.[2]
    • Don’t rush it and shove everything into a heat bag. Take the time to separate hot and cold items. The customer doesn’t want to have to reheat their pizza, but they don’t want a melted cannoli, either.
  3. 3
    Secure your heat-bag. First, place it on a level surface. Expect melted cheese to slide over the pie if it isn’t set flat. Use seat belts, straps, or something similar to hold it in place during sharp turns, sudden brakes, bumpy driving, and anything else that might cause the bag to move.
  4. 4
    Know where you’re going. Even with a heat bag, expect hot items to start cooling off as soon as they leave the oven. Refer to a map or find directions on your smartphone before you get moving. Find the shortest and/or quickest route to the customer’s door so the food is still as hot as possible upon delivery.[3]
    • Keep a map on hand even if you have a smartphone, just in case your phone goes on the fritz for some reason.
  5. 5
    Drive safely. You may feel tempted to put the pedal to the metal in order to make your delivery quickly, but don’t drive recklessly. Keep in mind that getting pulled over will cause a major delay (plus ticket fines and other hassles). Also, remember that getting a high tip isn’t worth the risk of getting into an accident. Make haste, but play it safe and observe the rules of the road.[4]
  6. 6
    Find the right address. This can be a challenge, especially in the dark. Remember that odd-numbered buildings are usually on one side of the street, and even-numbered houses on the other. If you don’t find the one you’re looking for right away, use the ones that are easily read as reference points. For example, if you’re looking for 407 but can only see 411, then 407 is probably two buildings down.[5]
    • Depending on the neighborhood (how far apart the buildings are, how much parking is available), it may be quicker to park right away and find the right address on foot, as long as you’re sure you’re on the right block.
  7. 7
    Deliver the pizza. Hold the heat bag by its bottom and keep it level. Greet the customer with a smile when they answer the door. Be patient with them, even if they’re slow in paying, impatient with you, or otherwise less than ideal. Be sure to give them the correct change if needed so they don’t feel slighted.[6]
    • Always keep an upbeat attitude, even if you’re having a bad night. Remember that you’re the face of your store, and acting out of sorts or impatient will dissuade the customer from ordering again or giving you a big tip.[7]
    • Some delivery people adopt the practice of rounding the total charge up to the nearest dollar to avoid the need for coins. Some customers may be fine with this, but others may take offense. If that’s the case, treat it like you made an innocent mistake and give them a simple apology, like, “You’re right! My bad. The exact charge is $17.60.”
  8. 8
    Keep a tally of your tips. When the customer is paying cash, make a note of how much covers the total charge and how much is meant for you as a personal tip. Keep in mind that if the charge was, say, $17.37, they may just hand you a single $20 bill to cover both. Keep a log of the night’s deliveries with the total charge paid for each one, plus the tip amount and the tender used.
    • The same holds true if they use a single check to cover both the charge and the tip. Note the difference when you reconcile your receipts and cash out for the night according to your store’s practices.
  9. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting More Tips

  1. 1
    Look and smell presentable. Remember that you’re representing your store as a whole. Even though you may have no direct contact with the food in the containers, expect customers to assume that you do. Maintain a clean appearance so they’re more likely to order (and tip) again and again. Be sure to:[8]
    • Wear clean clothes and keep a spare outfit to change into if necessary.
    • Wash your hands, face, and other visible skin before work and between deliveries when needed.
    • Refrain from smoking en route or doing anything else that may stink you up (and possibly the food too).
  2. 2
    Hustle to the door. Assume that the customer is watching you as soon as you pull up outside. Don’t dawdle. Show them that you’re trying to get their pizza to them while it’s hot by moving quickly. At the same time:[9]
    • Don’t rush so much that you can’t handle the load safely. Remember to keep the heat bags level at all times. Avoid dropping or tilting their food so it doesn’t slosh around and look like a mess when it finally gets there.
  3. 3
    Bring “extras” along with you. Anticipate your customers’ needs. Before you leave the store, gear up with the same free items that are offered in-store, even if the customer didn’t ask for any. Then, when you deliver the food, ask if they’d like them. These could include:[10]
    • Paper plates
    • Napkins
    • Straws
    • Packets of crushed red pepper, parmesan, basil, etc.
  4. 4
    Provide extra services when appropriate. You may feel tempted to simply hand over the pizza and book back to the store to get your next order and tip. Before you do, realize that doing so may earn you a lower tip here and now with this customer. Be willing to make an extra effort when asked for something out of the ordinary by customers with special needs.[11]
    • For instance, you may have an elderly or frail customer who can’t manage carrying a single pie to their kitchen table. Or, you may have a fit and able customer who made a very large order and would like some help.
    • However, keep your own safety in mind. Follow your instincts and politely decline if you feel like you’d be putting yourself at risk by complying. Be aware that delivery people are often targets for crime.[12]
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Keeping Yourself Safe

  1. 1
    Keep a spare cellphone with you. While it’s a good idea to have a cell phone on you in general, expect these to be stolen in the event that you’re mugged. Pick up a prepaid cellphone to act as a dummy. Hide your main phone somewhere where thieves aren’t likely to search for it.[13]
    • Hide it on your person, rather than in your car, since that may end up being stolen, too. You could sew a liner pocket in the back of your jacket, for instance, or hide it under a baseball cap.
  2. 2
    Refrain from entering dangerous buildings. If you’re delivering to an apartment building and/or neighborhood with a high crime rate, stay outside. Make the customer come to the building’s main door rather than letting them buzz you and delivering to their apartment door. Remember that going inside will make you less visible to bystanders and also severely limit your escape options.[14]
    • Additionally, stay in front of the building if you feel at all at risk. Do not follow customers into backyards or anywhere else away from the street where you’ll be cut off from view or escape.
  3. 3
    Follow your gut. Remember that appearances can be deceiving, which means a nice-looking house in a nice-looking neighborhood may be just as dangerous (or even more so) than a crime-ridden one. If anything feels off, don’t fight the feeling, even if you aren’t quite sure why you have it. Play it safe and refrain from doing anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.[15]
    • This could mean anything from refusing to step inside a home or even refusing to get out of the car and make the delivery.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How much is a pizza?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    That depends on the store and what type of pizza you're ordering.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone pranks me by delivering a bunch of pizzas to me without us paying for them?
    Tom De Backer
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    This is not your problem. The pizza place is responsible for collecting payment for services/goods delivered. And since they have been delivered as per the wishes of the client, they have done their side. The prankster, who is legally the client, now has the legal obligation to pay for the pizzas, and the person can be forced by law to pay for them. At the door, no matter what you say or do, don't pay and don't accept the pizzas. Call the police if necessary, if only to witness and take note of the events. If you claim to not have ordered them, then it's up to the pizza place to either prove you did order them or get payment from whoever ordered them.

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Updated: October 21, 2021
Views: 72,233