Rams are known for charging and headbutting each other. They will also try to attack humans in some circumstances. If you are going to be around a ram, it’s good to know a few ways to defend yourself should it charge you. You can walk toward a ram that begins to back up, stand your ground and dodge an attack, or wrestle it to the ground. Some ways to avoid an attack include keeping your eyes on the ram, avoiding petting a ram, and keeping your head up. Rams can be dangerous so if you don’t know how to handle yourself, it is best to stay away from them.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Stopping a Charging Ram

  1. 1
    Walk toward a ram that you see backing away from you. When a ram backs away, it usually means that it is planning to charge you. In nature, another ram would also back away to accept the challenge. If you walk toward the ram you may be able to disorient it long enough to make an escape.[1]
    • Your main objective is to get to a gate and get out of the situation, so if walking toward the ram means walking away from a gate, you may need to take a different approach.
    • Don’t run toward the ram as it may see this as a charge. Simply walk at an even pace toward the animal.
    • If the ram backs up and you keeping walking toward it for long enough, it will most likely charge at some point, so be ready to perform another defensive technique.
  2. 2
    Wave a large stick at the ram when it charges. You’ll probably need to carry the stick into the pen with you ahead of time. A stick that is three or four feet long and a couple inches thick is ideal. As the ram charges hold the stick out in front of you and swing it in a downward motion.
    • This may stop the ram in its tracks, but you should also be prepared to dodge in case it does not stop completely.
  3. 3
    Stand your ground until the ram lunges and dodge to the side. It may be scary to stand still while the ram charges you, but running away is not an option since they can run up to 40 mph. When the ram gets close to you, it will get onto its hind legs, meaning it can’t move side to side. This is the moment when you dodge to the side.[2]
    • Since the ram is expecting to butt its head against something after it lunges, it will be confused when it only hits air. Use this time to make your next move.
  4. 4
    Wrestle the ram to the ground. If you are able, grab the ram’s horn as it gets near to you and let its momentum swing the ram in a circle. If you can grab its back leg you may be able to bring it to the ground. This is a risky maneuver and should only be done in dire circumstances.
    • Grab either the right horn with your right hand or the left horn with your left hand and swing the ram around the same side of your body as the hand you grabbed with.
    • As the ram swings in a circle, you may be able to grab a hold of the other horn and twist the ram’s head in a way that will bring it to the ground.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Avoiding a Charge

  1. 1
    Keep your eyes on the ram at all times. If a ram decides to charge, it can get to you pretty quickly, so it is highly advised to never turn your back on a nearby ram. Knowing where the ram is at all times is the most effective safety measure.[3]
    • This takes vigilance, but it is the kind of proactive measure that is most likely to pay off. If you can see the ram always, then you have a better chance at defending yourself in case of a charge.
    • To the end of always having eyes on the ram, it is advisable to work with at least one other person, which can help you get done what you need to while still keeping the ram in sight.
  2. 2
    Avoid scratching or pushing a ram’s head. The ram’s head is its main weapon, so touching its head can be taken by the ram as a sign of aggression. This is why it’s especially important never to pet a ram on the head. Even if it seems friendly, this act can change the ram’s demeanor quickly.[4]
    • Rams that were raised as pets may get close and nuzzle in a way that encourages you to pet them, but you have to avoid it no matter what.
    • Pushing a ram’s head, even more than scratching or petting, will be taken as an act of aggression against it and can lead a ram to become aggressive.
  3. 3
    Keep your head upright around a ram. When a ram is about to charge, it lowers its head. So if a ram sees you lower your head toward it, this will be taken as a sign that you are an opponent. If you lower your head, you are challenging the ram and you may cause it to charge you.
    • This is especially important to keep in mind if you happen to drop something and need to bend over to pick it up. You should squat and keep your head upright as much as possible so the ram doesn’t see you lower your head.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Would a ram attack a small dog?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. If the ram sees the dog as a threat, it will most certainly try to attack it.
  • Question
    Have rams killed more farmers than bulls?
    Top Answerer
    No. Rams, though powerful animals, are not as lethal and dangerous as 2000+ lb bulls are, horned or not. They can cause significant bruising and even broken bones, but are not so strong as to kill, not nearly as much as bovines.
  • Question
    Is being attacked by a ram a real concern?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you live, and how prevalent rams are in that area.


  • If you are not familiar with the behavior of rams and how to work with them, it is best to simply stay out of a ram’s pen. You can also try to avoid areas where rams may be.

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193 votes - 86%
Co-authors: 17
Updated: October 31, 2022
Views: 158,457
Article SummaryX

Rams are known for charging and headbutting, so if you’re going to be around one, it’s good to know a few ways to defend yourself if it decides to charge you. When a ram backs away, it’s typically a sign that it’s going to charge you, so try walking toward the ram to disorient it. You can also wave a large stick at it to appear threatening. Another technique is to stand your ground until the ram lunges, then dodge to the side to escape its charge. To avoid a charge, keep your eyes on the ram at all times. You’ll also want to avoid scratching or pushing its head, since this can be seen as a sign of aggression. Watching your own posture is also key. Since rams tend to lower their heads before charging, avoid lowering your head or else it may think you’re an opponent. Instead, keep your head upright around the ram. To learn how to wrestle a ram to the ground, keep reading!

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