Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by unreasonable fears or obsessions that cause a person to engage in compulsive behaviors to minimize or relieve their anxiety. OCD can range from mild to severe and it can also be accompanied by other mental health issues.[1] Coping with OCD can be difficult, especially the sufferer is not seeking professional help. Psychiatrists use different kinds of therapy and medication to treat people with OCD. OCD patients can also do things like keep a journal, join a support group, and use relaxation techniques to help them cope with OCD. If you think that you might have OCD, you should seek professional help from a mental health professional. Keep reading to learn more about how to cope with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Getting Help for OCD

  1. 1
    Seek a professional diagnosis. Even if you suspect that you have OCD, never try to diagnose yourself. Psychiatric diagnoses can be quite complex and are intended to be used by mental health professionals to help their patients.
    • If you have been unable to work through problems related to obsession or compulsion by yourself, consider seeing a psychologist or practicing mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment.
    • Ask your doctor for a referral if you are not sure where to start.
  2. 2
    Consider psychotherapy. Psychotherapy for OCD involves talking to a therapist about your obsessions, anxieties, and compulsions during regular scheduled appointments. While psychotherapy may not cure your OCD, it can be an effective way to cope with your OCD symptoms and make them less noticeable; therapy may be able to cure about 10% of cases, but it can improve the symptoms in as many as 50-80% of patients.[2] [3] Therapists and counselors use different techniques when working with OCD patients.[4]
    • Some therapists use exposure therapy, in which patients are gradually exposed to whatever conditions cause the most anxiety for the client, such as purposely not washing one’s hands after touching a doorknob. The therapist will work with the patient in this way until the patient’s anxiety about that situation starts to decrease.[5]
    • Some therapists use imaginal exposure, which uses short narratives that are meant to simulate situations that cause the most anxiety for the client. The goal of imaginal exposure is to have the clients learn to manage anxiety about a situation and desensitize them to their anxiety triggers.
  3. 3
    Consider prescription medications. There are also several prescription drugs that have been shown to help with the short term obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors associated with OCD. Keep in mind that such drugs treat the symptoms without actually curing the disorder, so it is better to combine drug therapy with talk therapy to treat OCD than to use drug treatment alone.[6] Some of these drugs include:
    • Clomipramine (Anafranil)
    • Fluvoxamine (Luvox CR)
    • Fluoxetine (Prozac)
    • Paroxetine (Paxil, Pexeva)
    • Sertraline (Zoloft)
  4. 4
    Build a strong support system to help you cope with OCD. While many people consider OCD to be a problem caused solely by an individual’s dysfunctional brain, it’s important to keep in mind that the onset of OCD is often preceded by traumatic, or even a series of especially stressful, life events.[7] Going through experiences such as the death of a loved one, losing an important job, or being diagnosed with a life-threatening illness can all produce stress and anxiety. In some people, this stress and anxiety can lead to an increased urge to control certain aspects of one’s life that might seem unimportant to others.
    • Work towards building a strong social support system where your past experiences will be given the respect they deserve.
    • Surround yourself with supportive people. Feeling supported by a group of others has been shown to be important to promoting mental health in general.
    • Find ways to spend as much time as possible with people you care about.[8] If you don’t feel supported enough by all of those you currently come into contact with, consider visiting a local OCD support group.[9] These meetings are typically free of charge, and can serve as a great way to start talking about your disorder with others who are both supportive and somewhat familiar with what you might be going through.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Managing OCD and Staying Positive

  1. 1
    Work with your triggers. Force yourself to start paying extra close attention in the situations you typically become obsessed about. Little tricks can help you feel more control in such situations, which can be just enough to challenge your stress producing patterns.[10]
    • For example, if you constantly worry about whether or not you’ve turned off the stove, create a mental picture of yourself turning off the stove every time you do. Creating this mental picture should help you to remember that you actually turned the stove off.
    • If creating a mental picture doesn’t work, try keeping a notepad by the stove and make a note to yourself every time you turn it off.
  2. 2
    Keep a journal to write about your feelings. Journaling is a great tool for working with your emotions and learning more about yourself.[11] Take some time each day to sit down and write about any experiences you might have had that produced anxiety or distress. Putting your obsessive thoughts down on paper and analyzing them can be a great way to feel some degree of control over them. Journaling may also help you make connections between your anxiety and other ideas you’ve had or behaviors you’ve exhibited. Building this type of self-awareness can be a great tool for learning which types of situations contribute to your OCD.[12]
    • Try describing your obsessive thoughts in one column, and then label and rate your emotions in another.[13] In a third column, you might even describe any interpretations of your obsessive thought that followed the emotions.
      • For example, imagine you have an obsessive thought like, “This pen is covered with germs from strangers. I could contract some terrible disease and pass it on to my children, causing them to be sick.”
      • Next, you might have reacted to the thought with something like, “If I don’t wash my hands knowing that I could be passing on some terrible disease to my children, then I would be a terrible and irresponsible parent. Not doing everything in my power to protect my children is as bad as hurting them myself.” Record and discuss both thoughts in your journal.
  3. 3
    Remind yourself of your good qualities on a regular basis. Self-affirmation has been found to be very effective against negative feelings. Don't get down on yourself or let OCD define who you are. While it may be hard for you to look beyond your OCD sometimes, remember that you are more than your condition.[14]
    • Make a list of all the amazing qualities you possess and read it every time you feel down. Even reading one of the qualities and looking at yourself in the mirror can help to boost positive feelings about yourself.[15]
  4. 4
    Congratulate yourself for reaching your goals. It is important to set goals as you work through treatment. Setting goals, not matter how small, will give you something to work towards and reasons to celebrate. Every time you achieve something that you could not achieve before you began treatment for your OCD, compliment yourself and feel proud.[16]
  5. 5
    Take good care of yourself. While you are getting treatment for your OCD, it is important to take good care of your whole body, mind, and soul. Join a gym, nourish your body with healthy foods, get plenty of rest, and nurture your soul by attending religious services or engaging in other soul soothing activities.[17]
  6. 6
    Incorporate relaxation techniques. OCD causes lots of stress and anxiety. Therapy and medication may help to relieve some of your negative feelings, but you should also take time to relax every day. Incorporating activities like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, aromatherapy, and other soothing techniques will help you cope with your stress and anxiety.[18]
    • Experiment with different relaxation techniques until you find something that works for you, then add it into your daily routine.
  7. 7
    Maintain your daily routine. Dealing with OCD may cause you to feel like abandoning your usual routine, but this will not help you. Stick with your daily routine and keep moving forward with your life. Don’t allow OCD to prevent you from going to school, doing your job, or spending time with family.[19]
    • If you have anxiety or fears about certain activities, discuss them with a therapist but do not avoid them.
  8. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Understanding OCD

  1. 1
    Understand the signs of OCD. OCD sufferers may be plagued by intrusive, repetitive thoughts and urges as well as unwanted and uncontrollable behaviors. These behaviors may impede one’s ability to function. Behaviors may include ritualistic hand washing, an endless urge to count what’s in front of you, or even simply a series of recurring negative thoughts that you can’t seem to shake. OCD sufferers also often feel an unrelenting and pervasive sense of uncertainty and lack of control. Some other common behaviors associated with OCD include.
    • Having to check everything multiple times. This includes things like checking that you have locked your car door many times, turning the lights on and off a set number of times to see that they really are off, checking that you have locked your car door, or generally repeating things over and over. People who suffer from OCD usually realize that their obsessions are irrational.
    • An obsession with hand-washing or dirt/contamination. People suffering from this will wash their hands after touching anything they consider contaminated.
    • Intrusive thoughts. Some people with OCD suffer from intrusive thoughts: thoughts that are inappropriate and that cause stress to the sufferer. These usually fall into the three categories of inappropriate violent thoughts, inappropriate sexual thoughts, and blasphemous religious thoughts.[20]
  2. 2
    Understand the obsession/stress/compulsion pattern. OCD sufferers experience anxiety and stress from their triggers, which is why they feel compelled to engage in certain behaviors. These behaviors help to temporarily relieve or reduce the anxiety that they feel, but the cycle starts over again when the relief wears off. OCD sufferers may go through the cycle of obsession, stress, and compulsion many times in a day.[21]
    • Trigger. A trigger can be internal or external such as a thought or experience. It may be an intrusive thought that you are contaminated, or the experience of having been robbed in the past.
    • Interpretation. Your interpretation of the trigger is how likely, severe, or threatening you perceive the trigger to be. For the trigger to become an obsession, the person perceives the trigger to be a very real threat and that it will likely happen.
    • Obsession/Anxiety. If the person perceives the trigger to be a real threat it will cause considerable anxiety, which over time produces and obsession with the thought or with the likelihood of the thought occurring. For example, if you have an intrusive thought of being robbed and this causes you great fear and anxiety, this thought has the ability to become an obsession.
    • Compulsion. The compulsion is the routine or action you must perform in order to cope with the stress caused by the obsession. The compulsion grows from a need to be able to control some aspect of the environment to help you feel like you have control over the threat of the obsession. It could be checking that the lights are off five times, saying out some self-invented prayer, or washing your hands. You might find yourself arguing that the stress you suffer from as a result of having to check the lock multiple times is smaller than the stress you could go through in the event of a robbery.
  3. 3
    Know the difference between obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). When many people think of OCD, they think of an extreme preoccupation with orderliness and rules. While such a tendency may be an indication of OCD, it may not be diagnosed that way unless the thoughts and behaviors associated with the preoccupation were unwanted. On the other hand, this tendency could be indicative of OCPD, which is a personality disorder characterized by high personal standards and an excessive amount of attention paid to order and discipline.[22]
    • Keep in mind that not everyone with OCD has a personality disorder, but there is a high degree of co morbidity between OCD and OCPD.[23]
    • Since many of the behaviors and thoughts related to OCD are unwanted, OCD is often associated with a much higher degree of dysfunction than OCPD.[24]
    • For example, behaviors associated with OCD may interfere with one’s ability to make it to work on time or, in extreme cases, even leave their house. Intrusive and sometimes vague thoughts will often arise, such as “what if I forgot something important at home this morning,” that could cause a debilitating amount of anxiety for the person. If an individual has had these types of behaviors and thoughts from early on in life, the individual will most likely be diagnosed with OCD instead of OCPD.
  4. 4
    Be aware that there are many different degrees and types of OCD. In all cases of OCD, patterns will have developed in a person’s thinking or behavior that have noticeable negative effects on a person's day-to-day activities. Since the range of patterns associated with OCD can be broad, OCD may be best understood as part of a spectrum of disorders rather than a single condition.[25] Your symptoms may or may not prompt you to seek treatment, depending on whether or not these symptoms interfere with your daily life.
    • Ask yourself whether or not a particular pattern of thoughts and/or behaviors affects your life in a negative way. If the answer is yes, then you should get help.
    • If your OCD is mild and it does not affect your daily life, you may still want to get help to keep it from getting out of hand. For example, a minor degree of OCD could apply if you often have the urge to check the locks on you doors despite multiple confirmations that they are indeed locked. Even if you don’t act on these urges, this behavior may be distracting enough to keep you from focusing on other activities in your life.
    • The line between OCD and having an occasion irrational urge isn’t always clear. You will have to determine for yourself whether or not you consider the urge to be serious enough to warrant professional help.
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I deal with a diagnosis of OCD?
    Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP
    Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP
    Pediatric Pulmonologist & Medical Counselor
    Dr. Ran D. Anbar is a pediatric medical counselor and is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics, offering clinical hypnosis and counseling services at Center Point Medicine in La Jolla, California and Syracuse, New York. With over 30 years of medical training and practice, Dr. Anbar has also served as a professor of pediatrics and medicine and the Director of pediatric pulmonology at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Dr. Anbar holds a BS in Biology and Psychology from the University of California, San Diego and an MD from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Dr. Anbar completed his pediatric residency and pediatric pulmonary fellowship training at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and is also a past President, fellow and approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
    Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP
    Pediatric Pulmonologist & Medical Counselor
    Expert Answer
    It's important to remember that you are not your diagnosis and you are not doomed. A lot of people have been diagnosed with OCD and many of them lead happy, fruitful, and productive lives. There are tons of treatment options out there, so don't get too down about it. Yes, you're going to need to do some work in therapy, but imagine how much happier you're going to be when you start seeing progress!



About This Article

Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP
Co-authored by:
Pediatric Pulmonologist & Medical Counselor
This article was co-authored by Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP. Dr. Ran D. Anbar is a pediatric medical counselor and is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics, offering clinical hypnosis and counseling services at Center Point Medicine in La Jolla, California and Syracuse, New York. With over 30 years of medical training and practice, Dr. Anbar has also served as a professor of pediatrics and medicine and the Director of pediatric pulmonology at SUNY Upstate Medical University. Dr. Anbar holds a BS in Biology and Psychology from the University of California, San Diego and an MD from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. Dr. Anbar completed his pediatric residency and pediatric pulmonary fellowship training at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and is also a past President, fellow and approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. This article has been viewed 341,486 times.
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Co-authors: 51
Updated: January 14, 2023
Views: 341,486

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The content of this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always contact your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional before starting, changing, or stopping any kind of health treatment.
