While communication is vital to every sport, it is especially so in volleyball. A lack of proper communication can hinder your team’s ability to succeed. Regardless of your experience level, it will never hurt to learn new ways to communicate with your team. The key to communicating well during a volleyball game is knowing what calls to make for specific plays and when to make them.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Setting and Hitting the Ball

  1. 1
    Call the ball when you know you’re within range and can hit it. Be sure to enunciate and project your voice so your teammates can hear you loud and clear. Not calling loudly enough is a common cause of failure for many plays and formations.[1]
    • Call your teammate off if you notice you both are trying to hit the ball. Something as simple as “Mine,” or “I got it” should communicate your intent. On the other hand, if they call you off, listen to them and adjust your position.
  2. 2
    Call the score prior to serving. Again, it is important to be clear and loud so both your team and your opponents can take notice and respond. Doing this will also prove important for record keeping, so your team can keep track of their progress.
  3. 3
    Work out hitting strategies with your teammates before the game when you’re playing as setter. This will help your team stay on top of coverage and keep the ball in play. Many teams fail to set up a proper plan between hitters and setters, which leads to costly mistakes during the game. Be sure to discuss how the team will handle playing a free ball as well; working out play strategies before the game will make it easier to know which formations to call during play.[2]
  4. 4
    Observe your fellow servers and their strategies during the game. If you know another server’s patterns, you can better inform your teammates of what to expect and how to act next. A simple call of “Hard server,” or “Short server” should be effective.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Receiving and Passing the Ball

  1. 1
    Inform your teammates of any potential openings they can take. As you spend time with your team, you will gain a sense of each member’s strengths and weaknesses. Keep these factors in mind as you play a game, along with the position of each team member.
    • There will be moments where another member is closer to the ball, or where it would be more advantageous to let them take the ball. There will also be moments where it is better for you to act over someone else.
  2. 2
    Call the ball as “out of” or “in” line to help your teammates make their plays. Your teammate may not always be able to keep their eye on the lines in the midst of a receive. Lend them a hand so they can keep track of what to do and how to make the best move.[3]
  3. 3
    Call for any seams near your teammate as they pass the ball. Make your teammates aware of any gaps in the playing field by calling where a seam may be within their immediate vicinity. A seam could lie behind them or on the opposite side of their dominant hand, which hinders their ability to judge where to throw.[4]
    • A “seam” is any space that is not occupied by a team member. These open areas provide easy opportunities for someone to miss the ball, especially if they’re passing to a blind area.[5]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Defending during a Game

  1. 1
    Plan out blocking techniques with your team’s diggers before playing. Go over which teammates will assume what position and cover for the team’s diggers. This will make it easier for them to prepare to respond and take over the play.[6]
  2. 2
    Discuss stagger strategies with nearby teammates before a pass or retrieval. Figuring out who will cover for a certain direction or move from the other team will provide much tighter defense, making it easier for you to counter. Be sure to go over potential plans with any nearby diggers so both of you are prepared to retrieve the ball, if necessary.[7]
  3. 3
    Offer position directions to your teammates during passes. There may be moments in the game where players cluster together or a spot isn’t as covered as it should be. This situation is a good moment to inform your teammate that they need to move. You can say, “Cover position 6,” or “Right back open,” depending on how your team refers to the playing field areas. Be sure to do this promptly to keep your team properly defended and prepared.
  4. 4
    Don’t back off completely when someone else claims the ball. Instead maintain your position, just to a lesser degree. You can then help your teammate and recover the ball on the off chance they miss their mark.[8]
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Communicating Constructively

  1. 1
    Make your calls immediately when you spot opportunities. When you see an opening, promptly take it or inform a teammate who’s in the best position to take it. Volleyball is a fast-paced game. There is no time to dawdle over your decisions or doubt yourself. You won’t be doing your team any favors by hesitating after you make a call. Following through it just as important as speaking up in the first place.[9]
    • Call concisely. Your teammates may have a harder time understanding your calls if you phrase them as long sentences. Keep your calls short, simple, and clear so your plays are successful.[10]
  2. 2
    Be willing to listen to constructive criticism. Just as you may have tips for your teammates, your team and coach may have advice for you on how to sharpen your playing. Don’t dig your heels in or assume you’re above their advice.
    • Volleyball is a team sport, and your team wants to support you so you can work together as fluidly as possible. Your coach and team may be able to spot flaws in your playing that you’ve missed; accepting their critiques could even help you improve tremendously!
  3. 3
    Talk to your coach if you’re injured or feel unwell. No one on the team expects you to be superhuman. Let your coach know if you feel yourself getting tired out, or you hurt yourself in a way that hinders you from playing effectively. You’ll likely be benched until you’re well enough to get back in the game. This scenario, while disappointing, is better than risking your health just so you can play.
  4. 4
    Call sideline support to your team. Every team member will have to sit out a game (or part of a game) eventually. Don’t be discouraged and definitely don’t just sit there. You can still help your team out by watching their plays and giving them tips from the bench. You can help them cover for any gaps in their positions, as well as advise on better ways to handle the ball.[11]
    • Cheer your team on while you’re on the sidelines. Positive reinforcement will help your teammates to play better, as well as make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Even if your teammate makes a mistake, it’s always better to lend then encouragement than harp on them. [12]
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Are there any more communication words I need to know?
    Community Answer
    This is about all. Call "mine" and say "help" when you know that you cannot get to the ball.
  • Question
    Do you have to call the score before you serve? I am in 7th grade, and I am just starting volleyball.
    Top Answerer
    At some age levels, that's encouraged as a courtesy. In formally organized volleyball, it is not required. You should just ask your coach, or see what other people do!
  • Question
    What is the most common communication phrase?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It depends. You really want to call the ball based on what's happening. So say, "short," "deep/back," or "down" if the other team is attacking, "tip" if the other person is going to tip it, "free" on a pass over the net. If your team is hitting, and someone is blocking them, you can call "blocker." Call it if you know you are getting the ball. Setters call "help" if they can't get the second ball. If you are available to hit, call your position to your setter. Calling "in" or "out" is helpful, but only call something if you know with almost certainty you can reach it.


  • Don’t chide your teammates when they make mistakes or fail. Instead, encourage them and offer them advice on how to improve throughout the game.
  • If you don’t think you can make a good play, don’t make a call. Leave the ball to another teammate unless you’re the only one who can cover it.
  • Ask the coach if you can rest if you start feeling unwell.

Things You'll Need

  • A volleyball
  • A volleyball net
  • A volleyball team to play with

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18 votes - 73%
Co-authors: 29
Updated: May 28, 2020
Views: 69,507
Categories: Volleyball