Cleaning your dishwasher with bleach can help disinfect it and remove any mold or mildew that may have built up over time. When cleaning with liquid bleach, it's important that you take the proper precautions to use it safely and effectively. With bleach, you can either create a spray solution to hand wash your washer or run a cycle with bleach in the washer. Regardless of the method that you choose, using household liquid bleach is an effective way to clean your dishwasher.

Things You Should Know

  • Put on safety gear before filling a spray bottle with warm water and adding a small amount of chlorine bleach to it.
  • Remove all dishes and racks, clean around the door, wash the basin, and remove clogs from the dishwasher’s arms and drain.
  • Make sure your dishwasher isn’t stainless steel before running a wash with bleach. Then, pour in a cup of liquid bleach and run the machine.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Creating a Cleaning Solution

  1. 1
    Wear the proper safety gear. When handling liquid bleach, it's important that you wear thick rubber gloves and a facemask. Bleach can damage your skin, nose, eyes, and mouth so keep it away from your face while you're cleaning.[1]
  2. 2
    Take the proper safety precautions. You'll want to make sure that you never mix liquid bleach with other household cleaning products like ammonia, vinegar, or rubbing alcohol. Only use cold or warm water when cleaning with bleach.[2]
    • If you mix bleach with the wrong cleaning product, it can create dangerous noxious fumes.
  3. 3
    Fill a spray bottle with warm water. Fill up a spray bottle with a quart of warm water. Do not mix bleach with boiling water because it can release a dangerous gas. Get water from the tap and test it with your finger to make sure that it's lukewarm.[3]
  4. 4
    Add chlorine bleach to the bottle. Carefully measure out ¾ of a teaspoon (1.64 ml) of chlorine bleach and pour it into the top of the spray bottle. Once you add the bleach, shake the bottle to mix the solution together. The cleaning solution is now ready to be used for the interior and exterior of your dishwasher.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Cleaning the Dishwasher by Hand

  1. 1
    Remove all dishes and racks from the dishwasher. Remove your dishes after you run a cycle and put them to the side. If you want to thoroughly clean your dishwasher, you'll also have to remove the plate racks. Typically these will slide out if you pull them towards you.[4]
  2. 2
    Clear out the holes in the spinning arms of the dishwasher. The arms on the bottom of your washer have holes on them where the water comes out. When these get clogged, your dishwasher doesn't work as efficiently. Use a thin wire hanger or pin to make sure that these holes are clear of debris. Poke the holes with the thin object to remove any obstructions.[5]
    • The spinning arms at the bottom of the dishwasher and spray water onto the dishes when you run the cycle.
  3. 3
    Clean around the side and lip of the door. The side and lip of your dishwasher are prone to getting dirty. Open the dishwasher door and spray the bleach and water solution onto the plastic lip and side of the door. Wipe the solution dry with a dry cotton towel once you're done.[6]
    • Use a cotton swab or toothbrush to get to smaller areas that you can't reach.
  4. 4
    Remove any obstructions from the drain. The drain flushes out pieces of food during a wash cycle. Usually, the drain is in the bottom basin of your washer. Remove any built up debris that's been caught up in the drain with your hand.[7]
    • Food built up in your dishwasher's filter will make it run less efficiently.
  5. 5
    Wash down the basin of the dishwasher. Spray down the inside of your dishwasher with your bleach solution. Go in circular motions to wipe down the interior of the washer. Use a clean rag to wipe it dry.[8]
  6. 6
    Spray and wash down the door and buttons. Remember to spray down the handles on the front of your dishwasher to get them saturated in the bleach and water solution. Use a damp sponge or rag to wipe down the door and buttons thoroughly. Once you finish, use a cloth or rag to dry down the exterior of your dishwasher.[9]
  7. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Running a Wash with Bleach

  1. 1
    Ensure that your dishwasher isn't made with stainless steel. Bleach can corrode and discolor stainless steel. You should not use liquid bleach if you are cleaning a stainless steel dishwasher.[10]
  2. 2
    Place a cup of liquid bleach on the top rack. Use a measuring cup to measure out exactly a cup of liquid bleach. Transfer the bleach into a bowl or a glass and place it in the top of your dishwasher. Once you're done, close the dishwasher door.[11]
  3. 3
    Run your dishwasher on the highest heat. Run a full cycle on the highest heat setting. The bleach will be tossed throughout the interior of your washing machine during the cycle. This will remove any mold or mildew on the inside of your dishwasher.[12]
  4. Advertisement

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Can you use bleach to clean a dishwasher?
    Chris Willatt
    Chris Willatt
    House Cleaning Professional
    Chris Willatt is the owner and founder of Alpine Maids, a cleaning agency in Denver, Colorado started in 2015. Alpine Maids has received Angie's List Super Service Award for three years in a row since 2016 and has been awarded Colorado's "Top Rated Local House Cleaning" Award in 2018.
    Chris Willatt
    House Cleaning Professional
    Expert Answer
    Yes, but be really careful. When you're working with bleach, it can oxidize your lungs, which is really harmful. Don't use it in a small confined space, and make sure to have the window or door open. If you can, give the chemicals a few minutes to evaporate before you go back and start cleaning. Also, you need to protect your eyes so you don't accidentally splash bleach in them, and wear gloves so you don't dry out your hands.
  • Question
    What is the best way to clean the inside of a dishwasher?
    Chris Willatt
    Chris Willatt
    House Cleaning Professional
    Chris Willatt is the owner and founder of Alpine Maids, a cleaning agency in Denver, Colorado started in 2015. Alpine Maids has received Angie's List Super Service Award for three years in a row since 2016 and has been awarded Colorado's "Top Rated Local House Cleaning" Award in 2018.
    Chris Willatt
    House Cleaning Professional
    Expert Answer
    Vinegar works well to demineralize the dishwasher. It depends on the capacity of your dishwasher, but you can usually fill the basin up with about a quarter inch of vinegar and then run a cycle on it. The vinegar is acidic, and it will dissolve the mineral residue as well as clean out the filter.

About This Article

Chris Willatt
Co-authored by:
House Cleaning Professional
This article was co-authored by Chris Willatt. Chris Willatt is the owner and founder of Alpine Maids, a cleaning agency in Denver, Colorado started in 2015. Alpine Maids has received Angie's List Super Service Award for three years in a row since 2016 and has been awarded Colorado's "Top Rated Local House Cleaning" Award in 2018. This article has been viewed 87,348 times.
38 votes - 90%
Co-authors: 10
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 87,348
Categories: Cleaning Dishwashers
Article SummaryX

To clean a dishwasher with bleach, dilute a small amount of bleach in a spray bottle of warm water. Open the dishwasher and remove any dishes or racks that are inside, then use a thin wire or pin to clear out the holes in the spinning arms of the dishwasher and clean out any debris from the drain. Spray the inside of the dishwasher with the bleach solution, including the lip of the door, the sides, and the basin. Wipe it all down with a cloth, then dry it with a clean rag. Finish by cleaning the outside of the door. For tips on running a dishwashing cycle with bleach, keep reading!

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