A new water bottle may come with an unpleasant taste or smell. Luckily, a quick washing with soap and water should leave your bottle ready to use. If the smell lingers after using mild soap, trying cleaning it with a small amount of bleach. After cleaning your water bottle for the first time, strive to keep it clean in the future. Wash your water bottle regularly to keep it clean and fresh.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Cleaning Your Water Bottle

  1. 1
    Use the dishwasher if the water bottle is dishwasher safe. If your water is dishwasher safe, save yourself some time and hassle by simply throwing it in with your dishes. Remove the cap and set the water bottle in with your regular dishes.[1]
    • Make sure to take any special instructions into account in regards to using the dishwasher. For example, if you need to set the dish washer to a particular setting, do so to avoid harming your water bottle.
  2. 2
    Wash the bottle by hand. If your water bottle cannot be washed in the dish washer, or if you cannot find a manufacturer's label, wash it by hand. You can use tap water and any soap.[2]
    • All purpose dish soap works best. Squirt a small amount into your water bottle and then fill it with water.
    • Use a sponge or towel to gently wipe the insides of the water bottle. You can also shake the bottle to help disperse the soap evenly inside your water bottle.
  3. 3
    Use a brush if necessary. If your water bottle has a particularly harsh smell when you first get it, this may require extra scrubbing. In this case, you can use a scrub brush with a long handle to scrub down the insides and remove an unwanted new smell.[3]
    • If there were any stickers or embellishments inside your water bottle at purchase, a scrub brush can be used to remove these items.
  4. 4
    Remove an unpleasant smell with bleach and water. If washing the water bottle does not get rid of an unwanted smell, add a small amount of bleach. Mix one teaspoon of bleach with one gallon of water bottle with this solution. Let it sit for five to 15 minutes depending on the severity of the smell.[4]
    • Rinse the bottle thoroughly after letting it soak. It's very important to rinse it several times, as bleach is toxic.
    • Allow the bottle to air dry before using it.
  5. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Maintaining a Clean Water Bottle

  1. 1
    Wash your bottle every day. If you use your water bottle each day, it's important you wash it after every use. This will prevent the water bottle from building up unwanted gunk and mold.[5]
    • If you can wash your water bottle in the dishwasher, throw it in with your regular dishes at the end of each day.
    • If your water bottle cannot be used in the dishwasher, wash it with soap and water each day and then let it air dry.
  2. 2
    Do not forget to wash the cap regularly. Many people forget a water bottle's cap also needs washing. Caps can build up a lot of gunk over time, leaving them slimy. Throw the cap in with a load of dishes or hand wash your bottle cap each day.[6]
  3. 3
    Deep clean your bottle with vinegar regularly. If your bottle is beginning to build up a smell again, or if a lot of gunk is building up in the bottle, a deeper clean may be necessary. You can deep clean a water bottle using white vinegar.[7]
    • After cleaning your water bottle like you usually would, fill it a fifth of the way full with white vinegar.
    • From there, add water until the bottle is full.
    • Let your bottle sit out overnight and then rinse it out in the morning.
  4. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Avoiding Common Mistakes

  1. 1
    Do not use the dishwasher without consulting the label. You should never put your water bottle in the dishwasher unless it says it's safe on the label. If you don't have a label for your water bottle, err on the side of caution and hand wash your water bottle.[8]
  2. 2
    Stay away from harsh cleaners. In general, mild soaps are best when it comes to cleaning a water bottle. Go for mild dish soaps when cleaning your water bottle. Harsh cleansers can be hard on the bottle's material and are also not safe if ingested. In case trace amounts of your cleaning substance end up in the water bottle, it's best to avoid harsh cleansers.[9]
  3. 3
    Throw away a water bottle after a certain point. If you don't keep up with cleaning, your water bottle will need to be thrown out eventually. After a certain point, you will need to discard your water bottle and buy a new one.[10]
    • If there is mold growing inside your bottle, you should throw it away. It is very hard to safely remove mold from a water bottle.
  4. Advertisement

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How often should I wash my water bottle? (I only use water to fill it). It is plastic type 1.
    Community Answer
    I would say maybe once a week or so just rinse it out with hot water, and then if it's dishwasher safe, maybe throw it in every once in a while. You can never be too clean!


  • Rinse out your bottle very carefully, especially if you used a product like bleach. You want to make sure the bottle is completely free of toxins before you use it again.

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Co-authors: 8
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 49,788