Cleaning countertops is fairly easy if you wipe up stains regularly. The type of substance you use depends on your counter type. Things like laminate counters are usually cleaned with vinegar and baking soda, while quartz or tile counters require special cleaners. Always use a gentle cleaning pad and remove stains as soon as possible.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Using Soap and Water

  1. 1
    Make sure you can use soap and water. Most countertops can be cleaned with warm water and soap. Make sure your countertop is made of the right material, however. The following countertops can be cleaned with mild dish soap and water:[1]
    • Granite
    • Laminate
    • Corian
    • Concrete
    • Marble[2]
  2. 2
    Opt for a gentle cleaning rag or sponge. After making sure dish soap and water are appropriate for your counter type, select your cleaning pad. To minimize damage such as scratches, opt for a gentle rag or sponge. Opt for a non-abrasive rag or sponge. Do not use things like scrub pads, as these can scratch a countertop.[3]
  3. 3
    Remove dirt and debris. If there are crumbs scattered on your countertop, remove them with a paper towel before cleaning your countertop with soap and water. Wipe them off the counter and into your hand or a piece of paper towel. Discard the crumbs in the garbage.
  4. 4
    Wipe down your counter. Mix a small amount of liquid dish soap with warm water. Douse your sponge or rag in the soap. Wring it out slightly and gently wipe down the countertop to leave it looking clean and shiny.
  5. 5
    Use a toothbrush to get into hard to reach areas. If there are hard to reach areas, such as edges or areas between the sink and counter, target these with a soft-bristle toothbrush. Scrub the soap and water mixture in here to clean dirt, debris, and other buildup from cracks and crevices in your kitchen.[4]
    • Make sure the toothbrush is soft-bristled. This will prevent the counter from becoming scratched.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Commercial and Chemical Cleaners

  1. 1
    Use glass cleaner or ammonia occasionally on quartz. Quartz is typically cleaned with slightly harsher cleaners. Glass cleaner or ammonia should be used periodically to restore shine or to clean a very dirty countertop. For daily cleaners, opt for dish soap and water applied with a microfiber cloth.[5]
    • Avoid using ammonia if you clean other parts of your kitchen with vinegar. This can cause an adverse chemical reaction.
  2. 2
    Opt for multi-purpose cleaner with tile. Tile should be cleaned with multi-purpose cleaners. These leave behind less residue, and residue found in the cracks of tiles can potentially cause harm. As tiles can stain easily, test your cleaner in an inconspicuous spot before applying it to your full counter to make sure there's no adverse reaction. After making sure the cleaner is safe for your tile, you can spritz it on and wipe down the counter with a paper towel or soft rag.[6]
  3. 3
    Apply mineral oil to soapstone on occasion. Soapstone counters can benefit from an occasional cleaning with mineral oil. As soapstone starts to lose its shine, wipe it down with mineral oil. For regular cleaning, however, use dish soap and water.[7]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Removing Stains

  1. 1
    Wipe spills as soon as you notice them. In general, stain removers should not be used too often. Even mild stain removers can wear down a counter's surface. If you notice a spill, wipe it up with paper towel promptly. If there is any remaining mess, wipe the area down with water or a cleaner that works for your countertop. Avoid letting stains become set into the counter.[8]
  2. 2
    Use baking soda or vinegar for limestone, slate, and soapstone. A mixture of water and white vinegar can be spritzed on stains for limestone, slate, and soapstone. This should remove set in stains. You can also add enough water to baking soda to form a paste. Rub the paste into the stain until it lifts and then rinse the paste off with water.[9]
  3. 3
    Target tile stains with a toothbrush. Bleach diluted with water can be worked into stains on a tile counter top using a toothbrush. Make sure to dilute the bleach to safe levels. The instructions on a container of bleach should tell you the ratios to use to dilute your bleach.[10]
    • If there is mildew in the cracks of tiles, however, opt for a mildew cleaner. You can buy this at most grocery or department stores.
  4. 4
    Check manufacturer's recommendations for silestone. Silestone is particularly susceptible to damage. Store bought cleaners often wear down silestone, as will some cleaners made from household products. As specific types of silestone differ, check the manufacturer's label to see what is safe to use on your specific brand of silestone.[11]
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How do you prevent stains on a marble countertop?
    Chris Willatt
    Chris Willatt
    House Cleaning Professional
    Chris Willatt is the owner and founder of Alpine Maids, a cleaning agency in Denver, Colorado started in 2015. Alpine Maids has received Angie's List Super Service Award for three years in a row since 2016 and has been awarded Colorado's "Top Rated Local House Cleaning" Award in 2018.
    Chris Willatt
    House Cleaning Professional
    Expert Answer
    Clean spills quickly if you have marble countertops. Marble is a soft material. It will absorb grease, which leaves stains that are difficult to clean. Also, anything acidic can etch or stain marble. You have to clean it with soap and water quickly when you spill anything on it.
  • Question
    Can I clean granite countertop with baking soda?
    Community Answer
    If it works for your countertop, why not? Just make sure it is safe before you begin. If not, you can always scrub a countertop with an old "clean" T shirt and disinfecting/cleaning spray, so it can wash the dirt away and kill harmful germs and bacteria.

About This Article

Chris Willatt
Co-authored by:
House Cleaning Professional
This article was co-authored by Chris Willatt. Chris Willatt is the owner and founder of Alpine Maids, a cleaning agency in Denver, Colorado started in 2015. Alpine Maids has received Angie's List Super Service Award for three years in a row since 2016 and has been awarded Colorado's "Top Rated Local House Cleaning" Award in 2018. This article has been viewed 24,335 times.
14 votes - 91%
Co-authors: 7
Updated: October 14, 2022
Views: 24,335
Categories: Kitchen Cleaning
Article SummaryX

You can clean most countertops naturally with soap and water as long as you clear the counter of debris first. Simply add a little soap to a bucket of water, dip a soft rag or sponge in the water, and wipe off the counter. Then, squeeze out the rag and wipe the counter down again to make sure it shines. Use a toothbrush to clean any hard to reach areas. If you have a quartz countertop, you should occasionally use glass cleaner or ammonia to clean a really dirty counter or to restore its shine. If you want to learn how to get rid of stains on your countertop, keep reading the article!

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