Nothing guarantees your car won't be stolen, but you can improve your odds without spending a fortune. There are a variety of car security options available to protect your beloved automobile.


  1. 1
    Try a mechanical immobilizer. These are the least expensive car anti-theft devices, designed to restrict access to or movement of the vehicle. The biggest advantage of mechanical immobilizers is their highly visual appearance, which should ward off amateur car thieves, but not the pros. Police authorities recommend including one of these in conjunction with other anti-theft devices.[1]
  2. 2
    Consider an electronic immobilizer. Many modern vehicles come standard with car keys and fobs that protect their cars via electronic immobilizers. These built-in transponders or microchips send signals to the anti-theft system, which then send a signal that it's ok to start the car. When anyone attempts to use the car without these signals, the car will not start. Car thieves often avoid cars with electronic immobilizers.[3]
  3. 3
    Install a "Kill Switch." This anti-theft device can be activated to shut down part of the engine's electrical system. Some cars have them built in, and they are pretty easy to install. Price Range: Low End: $10, High End: $200.[4]
    • A popular model is the Master Lock Starter Sentry, which kills the fuel or ignition system via a wireless transmitter.
    • Other ignition kill switches are activated the moment a car is locked and cannot be deactivated until a series of tasks are completed (i.e., unlocking the car, pressing the gas pedal once, buckling your seat belt, etc.).
    • Always check your car's warranty first, because some don't allow installation, and remember to hide the Kill Switch, so a thief won't see and disable it.
  4. 4
    Invest in a car alarm. These are the most visually effective anti-theft devices. Sometimes drawing a potential thief's attention to the fact that your car has an alarm system is enough to deter them. So, be sure to put a sticker in the window, on both sides, proudly proclaiming you have a car security system activated. Car alarms feature electronic sensors designed to activate when a vehicle is breached: unauthorized entry, breaking of glass, sudden movement, and perimeter violations. When a threat is detected by the sensors, a siren activates (at over 120 dBs), alerting the car's driver and everyone else within earshot. Price Range: Low End: $150, High End: $1,000.[5]
    • Be wary of older, cheaper car alarms, flexible-circuit alarms, and single-stage sirens, which are too easily triggered, and may come at the expense of your neighbors' friendship.
    • Always hook your car alarm up to a backup battery and/or invest in a hood lock. Many car thieves know how to unplug a car alarm's battery, which will silence it.
    • Even if you don't have a car alarm, you can buy & apply stickers proclaiming your vehicle is protected by an alarm. The thought of a security system should make any thief choose another victim!
  5. 5
    Try VIN Etching. Every vehicle has a unique, 17-digit serial number assigned to it called the Vehicle Identification Number or VIN. The VIN will be on the car's title, on the dashboard (driver-side), and on your insurance and registration cards. You can “brand” your car's parts by etching it's VIN number on all windows and all important parts. Doing this serves as both a tracking device and a theft deterrent. Most car thieves steer clear of etched vehicles because of the expense in replacing and disposing of VIN-coded glass. Price Range: DIY kits sell for $20, or you can hire a professional to do this for you.[6]
  6. 6
    Install a vehicle tracking system. This is the “Cadillac” of auto theft protection, so be prepared to pay top dollar. Electronic tracking devices offer a real-time location of the stolen vehicle using Global Positioning Systems (GPS). These are sold with service contracts, and have a reputation for relocating many vehicles a mere hour after they have been stolen. Price Range: Low End: $295, High End: $1395 (for car alarm & tracking system)
    • The two biggest companies are LoJack and OnStar. LoJack features a hidden transmitter in the car, which is activated once a theft is reported.[7] This company works directly with law enforcement, and boasts a 90 percent return rate on stolen vehicles. OnStar offers a similar system, which comes standard on all new model cars from GM, Acura, Audi, Isuzu and Volkswagen.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    Does a Honda CRV have a security system?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes it does. If there is movement when the car is locked, the car will start beeping loudly.
  • Question
    How can I determine if the car has a tracking system?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Steal it, and then if the cops come, you will know it had a tracking system.
  • Question
    How do I prevent people from breaking into my car?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Although there is no certain way to prevent break-ins. You can do some things. Your car is less likely to be stolen if you drive manual. If your car is black, it is more likely to be stolen. Also cars that are newer and have a better security system are less likely to be stolen.


  • LoJack says auto theft is on the rise again in some cities, with some $5.2 billion in lost assets.
  • Do you feel lucky? Do you think you own a car that is “not worth stealing?" FACT: A car is stolen every 26 seconds in the US (FBI's 2007 Crime Reports).[8] Nothing guarantees your car won't be robbed, but you can improve your odds without spending a fortune. Luckily for you, there are a variety of car security options available to protect our beloved automobiles. As more Americans equipped their cars with anti-theft devices, the auto theft rate dropped 12.6% from 2007-2008 in the US.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 20 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 359,693 times.
41 votes - 88%
Co-authors: 20
Updated: August 10, 2021
Views: 359,693
Article SummaryX

One of the most popular anti-theft devices to protect cars is the steering wheel lock, which prevents anyone from driving the vehicle until it is removed. But a $10 kill switch can do just as good of a job by shutting down part of the engine’s electrical system until you complete a certain task, which varies depending on the model. If you want a visual deterrent, try a DIY VIN etching kit, with which you can put your VIN number on all of your windows and important parts. Since replacing those parts is expensive, criminals will be less interested. If you want to learn how to install a car alarm on your vehicle, keep reading the article!

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