Face wipes provide you with a quick and easy alternative to your regular facial cleansing routine. They allow you to remove makeup and oil from your skin without using water or cleansers. Although facial wipes can be a time saver and are extremely convenient, they should not replace your daily cleansing routine. Facial wipes are filled with a number of chemicals that can actually damage your skin. If you need to use facial wipes, choose ones that are alcohol-free and gentle on the skin, rinse and moisturize your face after use, and use them sparingly.

Things You Should Know

  • Look for cleansing wipes if you have naturally oily skin, or moisturizing wipes if your skin is especially dry.
  • Fragrances smell nice, but the chemicals companies use to make facial wipes aromatic are often really bad for your skin; you’re always better off with unscented wipes.
  • You can spot-clean your skin or brush your face gently in a circular motion, but you want to be careful around your eyes since facial wipes may irritate them.
  • Rinse your face when you’re done to remove any excess chemicals and moisturize your skin if necessary.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Choosing a Facial Wipe

  1. 1
    Check the ingredients in face wipes. Facial wipes can be filled with chemicals and preservatives that can be harmful to your skin. When shopping for facial wipes, read through the ingredients and select wipes that do not contain formaldehyde-releasing chemicals. These chemicals, such as 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol, are used to increase the shelf life of the face wipes.[1]
    • Although these chemicals reduce the chance of bacteria build-up, they can be damaging to the skin.
    • Formaldehyde-releasing chemicals are a form of carcinogen, or cancer-causing agent.
    • You can buy a dictionary that's dedicated to cosmetic ingredients. This is a great way to research different products![2]
  2. 2
    Choose gentle alcohol-free wipes. Many facial wipes contain alcohol, which can leave your skin feeling tingly and dry. Select facial wipes that are gentle on the skin and alcohol-free. This is especially important for people with dry and sensitive skin.[3]
    • For example, try Simple Eye Makeup Remover Pads. These wipes contain no harsh chemicals and are fragrance-free.
    • Alternatively you could use Eyeko, eye makeup remover, which uses olive oil to remove eye makeup without drying the skin.[4]
  3. 3
    Avoid facial wipes that contain added fragrances. Some facial wipes will include fragrances that can also be damaging to your skin and cause your skin to dry out. Choose facial wipes that are fragrance-free and gentle on the skin. This will help reduce the chances of skin irritation and dryness.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Face Wipes

  1. 1
    Gently rub wipes in a circular motion. When using face wipes, rub them gently in a circular motion all over your face. You may need to use multiple wipes in order to remove all of the makeup, oil, and grime from your face. Look at each wipe after it has been applied to your face. If the wipe appears clean then you have likely removed all of the makeup and grime from your face.
  2. 2
    Dab wipes around the eyes. Although many facial wipes are marketed specifically as eye makeup remover, you may want to avoid using them on sensitive areas. It often requires a lot of rubbing to remove dark eye makeup and this can be damaging to the skin around your eyes. If you need to use wipes to remove your eye makeup, try to gently dab the skin instead of wiping.
  3. 3
    Rinse your face with water after using facial wipes. Typically when individuals use facial wipes, they do not rinse their skin with water afterwards. In fact, most of the time facial wipes are used in lieu of washing. As a result, the harsh chemicals and fragrances that are often found in facial wipes remain on the skin and can cause damage. If possible, you should always rinse your face with water and a cleanser after using facial wipes. Rinsing your face will also help to:[5]
    • Remove oil and grime: Facial wipes often just spread oil and dirt around your face without actually removing it from the skin.
    • Wash off makeup: Similarly, facial wipes can smear makeup across your face instead of removing it.
  4. 4
    Apply moisturizer after using face wipes. Many facial wipes contain harsh chemicals, such as alcohol, that cause your skin to dry out. As a result, it is important to always moisturize your face after using facial wipes. Moisturizers will help to rehydrate your skin, which can combat the drying effects of facial wipes. Choose a moisturizer that:
    • Is free of alcohol and fragrance, which can be drying and irritating to the skin.
    • Contains peptides.
  5. Advertisement
Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Determining When to Use Face Wipes

  1. 1
    Do not use face wipes daily. Although facial wipes are convenient, they shouldn't replace your regular cleansing routine. Washing your face with water and a cleanser is the most effective way to clean your skin and remove makeup. Facial wipes can be hard on your skin, and they fail to adequately remove grime, oil, and makeup from the skin. They can also cause your skin to dry out as a result of the chemicals contained within them.[6]
    • Continue your regular skincare routine and only supplement with face wipes on occasion.
    • Try to avoid using face wipes for more than three days in a row.[7]
  2. 2
    Only use them when you are unable to wash with water and cleanser. Facial wipes can be a great substitute for a full face wash when you are unable to properly wash your face with water and cleanser. For example, if you are camping or hiking, face wipes allow you to remove some dirt and grime from your face when running water is not available. You may also find that using a facial wipe after the gym, when you don't have your regular facial cleanser on hand, is a great way to remove sweat.[8]
    • If you are unable to wash your face with water, then it is always best to use a wipe instead of neglecting your skin completely.
  3. 3
    Use wipes to remove your makeup. You should always remove makeup from your skin before going to bed because it can clog your pores and cause acne.[9] If you are too tired to perform your regular nightly cleansing routine, then you can use a face wipe to remove your makeup before falling asleep. This should not become a regular habit, but it is best to remove your makeup using a face wipe, rather than doing nothing at all.[10]
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Expert Q&A

  • Question
    Why is my face suddenly oily?
    Alicia Ramos
    Alicia Ramos
    Skincare Professional
    Alicia Ramos is a licensed aesthetician and the owner of Smoothe Denver in Denver, Colorado. She received her license at the School of Botanical & Medical Aesthetics, with training in lashes, dermaplaning, waxing, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels, and now provides skin care solutions to hundreds of clients.
    Alicia Ramos
    Skincare Professional
    Expert Answer
    Your skin might be unbalanced and dry! When this happens, your body reacts by creating excess oil and sending it to the surface of the skin. Thankfully, an oil-free moisturizer can help curb this process and tell your body to produce less oil.
  • Question
    Is there any particular evaluation test for wipes?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Any chemicals contained in the wipes must have been proven to be safe for use on human skin before being made available for purchase.
  • Question
    How many times can we use a single wipe? And after how much time?
    Top Answerer
    Facial wipes are designed to be used only once and then disposed of in the garbage.


  • Do not use facial wipes if you have eczema or rosacea because they can cause skin irritation and trigger flare-ups.[11]

About This Article

Alicia Ramos
Co-authored by:
Skincare Professional
This article was co-authored by Alicia Ramos. Alicia Ramos is a licensed aesthetician and the owner of Smoothe Denver in Denver, Colorado. She received her license at the School of Botanical & Medical Aesthetics, with training in lashes, dermaplaning, waxing, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels, and now provides skin care solutions to hundreds of clients. This article has been viewed 38,656 times.
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Co-authors: 6
Updated: October 25, 2022
Views: 38,656
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