At some point in your life, you might feel like things aren't going the way you want. This probably means that it's time to change your perspective in order to change your life. While this sounds like a big task, it's really about adjusting your mindset to focus on what you hope to achieve. With a few small changes, you can do this!


Form an action-based perspective.

  1. Look for ways to act and make change in your life. Instead of dwelling on things that you can't change or simply hoping that things will work out, make an action plan! Do things that move you toward your life goals. For example, if you ultimately want a different job, get training or take courses so you'll be qualified to switch careers.[1]
    • For instance, if you're interviewing for a job, don't simply hope that you'll get it. Go in with a confident mindset and call to follow up after the interview. Taking charge not only shows the interviewer that you're eager and interested; it also means you're taking control of your life.
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Think of all the things within your control.

  1. Don't spend your time focusing on things you can't change.[4] If you feel anxious or stressed, it might be because you're focusing on things beyond your control. For a fresh perspective, think about all the things that you do have power over and put your energy toward those instead.[5]
    • For example, if you're unemployed, you don't have control over the job market or the help wanted ads, but you can choose which jobs to apply for and you can polish your resume so you are a great candidate.
    • Dealing with a personal issue? You may not be able to change a loved one's poor medical diagnosis, but you can choose to give them extra support and love.

Take control of your emotional state.

  1. Recognize how you react to something and how it's making you feel. Sometimes, just stepping away from your immediate response and thinking about your state of mind can help you think clearly.[6] Instead of constantly reacting or overreacting, remind yourself that you decide how you feel.[7]
    • For example, if someone cancels on you at the last minute, instead of immediately getting irritated or angry, pause for a moment. Consider your initial emotion, but then think about how you'd like to feel. You might get calm by reminding yourself that it's out of your control or that you'll just have to be flexible with your plans.
    • Ever noticed how if you're having a bad day, nothing seems to go right? Work on recognizing your frustration so you don't bring that anger to other interactions during the day. Remember to be compassionate with yourself.[8]
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Catch your limiting beliefs.

  1. Start becoming aware of your negative thoughts. We often get stuck thinking in patterns that hurt us by telling us we can’t do something or we don’t deserve what we want. To change your focus and perspective, look out for these key words:[10]
    • “Always/never:” Thinking in absolutes can lead to inflexible thinking.
    • “Everyone/no one:” Grouping other people together doesn’t reflect reality.
    • “I can’t:” Don’t assume you can’t do something until you’ve tried on your own, tried with support from others, and tried again!
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Start practicing reflection in your life.

  1. Journal or take up mindfulness practices like yoga. Engage in activities that encourage you to self-reflect on a regular basis. A practice like journaling can help you take inventory of your thoughts, fears, and dreams. When you’re better in-touch with yourself, you’ll be able to project that inner focus and vision outwards to shape the life you want.[11]

Visualize your ideal life outcomes.

  1. Use all five senses to prep your body and mind to go after your goals. Studies of athletes show that when we imagine taking action, part of our brain activates as if we were actually doing that action in real life. Think of visualization as practice for chasing your goals.[13] Visualizing goals can even strengthen your commitment and effort to achieve them.[14]
    • If your ideal life goals feel too big to visualize, try and break them down into smaller steps. For instance, imagine what it would feel like to submit a new job application.
    • Imagine the environment you want to be in, how your body will feel, and how you’ll feel emotionally.[15]
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Challenge your brain to adapt so you're more resilient.

  1. Be open to criticism and learning. People who are flexible in their thinking don't take feedback personally. Think of criticism or feedback as a way to become a stronger person. By making changes in your everyday life, your brain can become stronger and less fixed.[16]
    • For example, if someone gives you feedback at work, instead of shutting them down and dismissing their concerns, thank them for the suggestions and implement them. Your work will be stronger and it will show that you're open to learning.

Cut back on technological stimulation.

  1. Spark new ideas and creativity by limiting screen time. If it seems like your mind jumps from distraction to distraction, it might be because your brain is trained to seek out stimulation. Take a technological break for a few days and pay attention to the things you think about. You might feel more curious or aware of your surroundings. You might even feel more creative or interested in what's around you. Try a few of these techniques to get you started:[17]
    • Schedule time where you don't use screens
    • Turn off email and social media notifications
    • Put your phone away so you're not checking it
    • Log out of your social media sites
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Give yourself a mental break.

  1. Let your brain have time to wander so you spark creativity or curiosity. You might feel like you're stuck thinking the same things over and over again or you might be struggling to find a solution to a problem. To get a different perspective, take a mental break and do something completely unrelated.[18] You may find that you suddenly have a great idea or a new way to think about your project.[19]
    • For example, if you're trying to outline a paper and you're coming up with the same uninspiring points, go for a short walk, make yourself a cup of coffee, or stretch in your office. Let your mind wander for a few minutes so you can come back to the paper with a new perspective.

Expert Q&A

  • Question
    How can I change my focus quickly?
    Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD
    Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Dr. Carolyn Rubenstein is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Florida. She specializes in working with adults on anxiety, perfectionism, and burnout. She is also the Chief Wellness Adviser for global esports organization Misfits Gaming Group. Dr. Rubenstein holds a BA in Psychology from Duke University, an MA in Psychology from Harvard University, and a PhD in Counseling Psychology from The University of Miami. She also has a Certification in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing through the EMDRIA (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association).
    Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Be realist and don't expect yourself to change focus instantaneously, especially if you're going from hanging out with your children to an executive meeting. Take five deep breaths and try to mentally shut off, turning your attention to what's right in front of you.
  • Question
    What to do when you need to study but can't focus?
    Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD
    Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Dr. Carolyn Rubenstein is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Florida. She specializes in working with adults on anxiety, perfectionism, and burnout. She is also the Chief Wellness Adviser for global esports organization Misfits Gaming Group. Dr. Rubenstein holds a BA in Psychology from Duke University, an MA in Psychology from Harvard University, and a PhD in Counseling Psychology from The University of Miami. She also has a Certification in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing through the EMDRIA (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association).
    Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    Try building a transition between what you were doing and the study, especially when you want to focus on things that are highly analytical. You have to king of switch gears, calming down your nervous system and resetting before actually focusing on the task at hand.

About This Article

Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD
Co-authored by:
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Carolyn Rubenstein, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Dr. Carolyn Rubenstein is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Florida. She specializes in working with adults on anxiety, perfectionism, and burnout. She is also the Chief Wellness Adviser for global esports organization Misfits Gaming Group. Dr. Rubenstein holds a BA in Psychology from Duke University, an MA in Psychology from Harvard University, and a PhD in Counseling Psychology from The University of Miami. She also has a Certification in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing through the EMDRIA (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing International Association). This article has been viewed 77,086 times.
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Co-authors: 17
Updated: December 29, 2022
Views: 77,086