A variety of situations and things can cause cows to stress easily: being moved to a new home and getting used to new surroundings, owners and routines; being handled rough by inexperienced and/or irresponsible handlers; or pain from illness or injury. Whatever the reason, there are different things you can try to get a herd of cows to calm down or use to get them more accustomed and more relaxed around you. Read below to find out more.


  1. 1
    Let them be. Quite often after cattle have been handled rough or have gone through some rough, stressful times, they will calm down on their own if you leave them alone. Simply leave them feed and water and don't do anything to them or with them for a few hours.[1]
  2. 2
    Respect their flight zones. Never step nor push too far into a cow's flight or comfort zone otherwise you will cause unrest. It is preferable that you keep out of a cow's flight zone in order for her to remain calm and quiet.[2]
  3. 3
    Talk to them in soft, quiet tones. All animals respond better and more calmly to you and your needs if you are calm and quiet around them. Cattle have very good hearing and can hear you just fine when you're talking low. You may be the type that prefers to talk to them, or one that chooses to say little to nothing at all. It is your choice which you want to use to best get those animals to calm down.[3]
    • Some cattle folk find that reading a book to a herd of cows will not only get them to relax, but to get them used to the sound of their new owner's voice, if the animals are stressed and panicked about the presence of a complete stranger.
  4. 4
    Have a very calm, and relaxed demeanor about you. Don't think about anything or worry about anything. Just live in the moment, breathe deep, and think about literally nothing. When you're calm, they're calm.[4]
  5. 5
    Let them come to you. Let them choose when it is in their best interests to approach you. Cows are naturally curious, and when they've recovered their fears and curiosity takes over, they may approach you and sniff you over.
    • If it's safe to be in the same pen as them, simply standing in one spot will be sufficient to get them to come to you. They can smell you from a distance and study you, and make their minds up as to whether you're a threat or a friend. Remain calm throughout the whole process.
      • This may also be a good time to talk to them quietly if you feel the need to do so.
  6. 6
    Leave on a positive note. Once they've calmed down or you feel they have relaxed enough for you to not be around anymore, it would be a good time to simply leave with a good frame of mind.
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Community Q&A

  • Question
    How long will it take for a bull to calm down after he has been handled badly; will he calm down at all?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    As much time as the bull will need. This can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to months. Patience is needed, and you yourself need to be calm and quiet yourself around him, but also watch your back because bulls can be unpredictable and dangerous. Don't do anything to stir him up, or allow anyone to do anything to stir him up and vent his frustration on them.
  • Question
    I have a cow that keeps on head butting me but it still eats out of my hands and lets me pat it. What's happening to it?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Either your bovine is being playful to you, or you haven't taught it to respect your space and it is pushing you around because you are letting it.
  • Question
    My yearling bull was fairly gentle when I got him but at 22 months he is trying to get aggressive with me, is it just adolescence?
    Top Answerer
    No, this could be more of a dominance issue that you've let him get away with, without you realizing it. At nearly 2 years old he's close to getting out of his adolescence stage, and growing into a more mature bull. This "aggression" is coming from the fact that you've failed to not just establish, but maintain dominance with him. You need to find a way to re-establish this dominance before things get out of hand and he hurts you. You don't necessarily need a big stick to do this (use it as a last resort), but rather to gently convince him to let you drive him. The key is to not push him too hard nor to corner him to the point he feels threatened.


  • Cattle are dangerous animals, and must be respected regardless of size, stature, sex or age.
  • The biggest threat may be the time when they are highly stressed, and the time that they seem calm to you but may suddenly react if they're not totally relaxed about you.

About This Article

wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 9 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 61,029 times.
74 votes - 82%
Co-authors: 9
Updated: September 16, 2021
Views: 61,029
Categories: Cattle